This was published 5 years ago
Demeaning entry discount for women the latest nail in higher education's coffin
Elizabeth Farrelly
Columnist, author, architecture critic and essayistAs a child I dreamed of being an academic. Either that or a monk – a vocation for which, on several grounds, I proved unqualified. I pictured academe as a contemplative life of gracious courtyards, vigorous conversation and pondered meanings; exhilarating mind-work dedicated to building scholarship and passing it to new generations. Sure, it was a tad Oxbridge-romantic but no more elitist than MasterChef or nippers. I was 10. I thought that was what you did if you loved ideas. How wrong I was.
Higher education is a mess - and UTS’s announcement recently that it will drop ATAR entry-scores 10 points for female engineering applicants proves it. Although presented as a win for feminism it is, in fact, misconceived, unintelligent and profoundly sexist.
Set against a broader higher-education background, of falling entry standards, pressure to pass students, sub-literate postgrads, casualised staff, million-dollar managerialists and billion-dollar buildings, it makes you wonder whether either of those two magic words – higher education – still apply. And all because of a single misapprehension.
First, let’s consider the move itself. Like any double standard, offering 10 bonus points for having breasts and ovaries is unfair and demeaning – every bit as demeaning as free nightclub entry for females.
Arti Agrawal, UTS director of Women in Engineering and IT, told SBS News that it’s about correcting the disadvantage of being female. Once in, she said, women would jump the same hurdles as men. Then again, she also said giving women 10 bonus entry-points did not amount to lowering the bar. But of course that’s exactly what it means.
UTS proposes to treat women as intellectual cripples, inherently less capable than men of clearing this particular intellectual hurdle. Feminist? Hardly. Feminism respects women’s womanness. This makes being female a category of special needs.
It devalues existing women engineering students and graduates by tarring them with the same “well, of course, you had a leg up” perceptual brush. It ignores the fact that many smart women sidestep engineering because of the profession’s misogynist reputation and reluctance to find themselves alone in a classful of yobbos, geeks and yahoos.
And it’s social tinkering of the worst kind. Board quotas are one thing. Even they bring an inherent danger of promoting mediocrity but, after millennia of male mis-leadership, it’s hard to believe women’s equal involvement could make it any worse. Does the same apply to engineering? Does the world need female engineers so badly it should offer artificial encouragement?
Even if the answer is yes, if we’re certain the profession needs reshaping towards the female, there are plenty of ways to achieve this without double standards.
Course entry can require an intermediate year, a portfolio, an interview or an exam designed to select for the qualities desired – just as post-graduate medicine tried some years ago to counteract the introversion and pointy-headedness resulting from its ATAR-focused intake by adding essay-writing and interview to its selection exam.
But the core principle is this. If you change the selection process, you should change it for everyone.
The sheer unintelligence of UTS’s double standard goes back to the Dawkins revolution of the late 1980s and the resulting corporatisation-disease that has infected Australian universities.
John Dawkins was Bob Hawke’s (and later Keating’s) education minister. Between 1987 and 1991 he persuaded his colleagues to cut funding and replace free university education with the ongoing HECS debt system.
The result was an avalanche of unintended consequences, a catastrophe whose true dimensions we are just now starting to perceive.
Dawkins’ reforms, drawn from Friedrich Hayek’s monetarism, presumed that the market was the universal model and any type of service provision other than user pays amounted to communism. Such was the “new left” weirdness that this was sold as a blow for egalitarianism. Everyone, they argued, had a right to a degree.
But no equality has resulted. Rather, we simply replaced an educationally appropriate hierarchy (of intellectual attainment) with an inappropriate hierarchy of wealth.
Over three decades we’ve watched the profit motive corrupt university values. Gradually, scholarship has given way to fat-cat managerialism, fine teachers have been casualised, content outstripped by box-ticking and marketing hype and universities across the country have undertaken billion-dollar redevelopment programs designed to attract lucrative international students.
In parallel, academic standards have fallen both within and at point of entry. This was inevitable. Universal university education necessarily implies a lowering of standards – as would happen were everyone a masterchef or an Olympic sprinter.
At the same time, and just as inevitably, universities have proved unable to deliver the higher salaries presumed by the user-pays HECS model. Indeed, as a recent Grattan Institute report found, many university graduates would have benefited more – in material terms – by learning a trade at TAFE.
Underlying all this is a dull, reductivist instrumentalism. The Dawkins idea that universal university education could enrich everyone is wrong, and the subsequent trashing of TAFE a huge error.
The idea that universities should point kids to higher salaries is as stupidly counterproductive as NAPLAN. Education doesn’t work that way. Education, especially higher education, is about furnishing the mind.
It’s no accident that Alexander the Great was taught by Aristotle. Alexander was 18 when Aristotle – taught by Plato, taught by Socrates – was employed for three years as his private tutor. This was Alexander’s university. The great philosopher was tasked to teach him not the art of war or leadership but poetry, aesthetics and ethics; Homer and Plato. He didn’t make Alexander a leader. He was always going to be that. Aristotle made Alexander a great leader; revered for his wisdom, compassion and fairness as much as his conquests.
This is the point. Higher education isn’t about your rights. It is a service and yes, it does immeasurably benefit the individual. But it is above all a service to civilisation. We should pick the minds that can benefit, with or without ovaries attached, and nurture them intensively for the good of us all. That’s not elitism, and it’s not communism. It is simple common sense.