

This was published 5 years ago


Despite the noise, we're remarkably united on abortion - and we're pro-choice

By Rebecca Huntley

Making statements about public opinion has always been a tricky business but one way to get close to how the public feels about any given issue is to look at varied, reputable sources. This is especially important on issues that are controversial, and where support or opposition can be amplified through the media and protest channels.

Rival rallies outside NSW Parliament as the abortion bill is debated.

Rival rallies outside NSW Parliament as the abortion bill is debated.Credit: Louise Kennerley

Sometimes we assume the people writing letters to the editor or commenting on Twitter or protesting outside Parliament reflect the general mood on the matter.

Abortion is one such issue. If you reviewed the current discussion, you’d assume the community was hopelessly divided. Yet we know otherwise. The Australian Electoral Survey, coming out of the Australian National University, shows since 1979 the percentage of Australians who think abortion should be banned has remained relatively stable and extremely small (5 per cent in 1979 and 4 per cent in 2016).

The critical trend over time has been a sharp rise in Australians believing it should be readily available (46 per cent in 1979 to 69 per cent in 2016) and a sharp decrease in people believing it should be available only under special circumstances (49 per cent to 27 per cent).

Of course, things can change in the heat of a campaign and with the specifics of a law brought to light. And yet new research commissioned by the NSW Pro-Choice Alliance and Fair Agenda, which I helped prepare, shows there is a strong majority in favour of decriminalising abortion in this state.


The survey of 1018 NSW residents (for reference, that’s about three times the usual number of NSW residents in most surveys) found 77 per cent support decriminalisation. More importantly, conservative voters – who people might assume are far less supportive of decriminalisation given the current struggles in the NSW Liberal Party – don’t deviate significantly from the average on this question.

As politicians warm up for a holy war on this issue, the survey revealed 48 per cent of voters said they would be less likely to vote for an MP who voted for abortion to remain a crime in NSW. These are important percentages to reflect on for any pragmatic figure in Macquarie Street.

In my qualitative research over the years, Australians have remarked on the important differences between our politics and American politics – the contrast in our approaches to gun control, for example.


There is no doubt many of us are quietly thankful an issue like abortion hasn’t become a toxic one for our society, influencing appointments to courts, political preselections and positions of power in
bureaucracy. Australians want abortion to be a health issue, not a political football. It is bizarre,
then, to witness politicians in mid-meltdown and threatening mutiny against their party because they cannot cope with their conscience differing from their peers and the community.


We have known for decades of the public’s appetite to decriminalise abortion but we can now highlight the public’s desire to ensure doctors and other medical experts are the key informers of healthcare policy. The implication of this is that 88 per cent of respondents agree when a woman is dealing with a devastating diagnosis related to a pregnancy, her treatment options should be guided first and foremost by medical experts and healthcare guidelines, not politicians who lack credibility and expertise at this intricate level.

And finally, something often missing in the reporting on abortion is the differing views among people who consider themselves to be religious (just over 55 per cent of residents in this state, according to the last census, are Christian and just over 10 per cent nominate other religions).

In my experience, even those people who wouldn’t have an abortion, or want their daughter to have one, generally support the notion that it should be available to other people. And so, people of all religious faiths would be included in the 85 per cent of respondents agreeing that a patient should be provided with information about where they can receive unbiased advice and care about abortion, regardless of their doctor's moral beliefs on the matter.

And they would be included in the 81 per cent who agree with the statement: "I don't think one person's religious beliefs should impact on another person's access to abortion."

Former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce joins an anti-abortion rally in Sydney amid the debate in the NSW Parliament.

Former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce joins an anti-abortion rally in Sydney amid the debate in the NSW Parliament.Credit: Nine News

Within this context, there is a glaring disconnect with politicians who have convinced themselves their minority religious convictions should be forced upon the state, limit women’s choices and compromise the integrity of reproductive healthcare legislation.

There is a clear message to our elected representatives that decriminalisation is well supported and largely uncontroversial. Perhaps this clear majority wants some firm boundaries between church and state. Maybe they take a more pragmatic approach: given the rest of Australia has decriminalised abortion, NSW remaining the holdout makes no sense.

Or perhaps they appreciate that the pro-choice argument and the pro-life argument are not equivalent. One is about choice. The other is about limiting it.

Dr Rebecca Huntley is a researcher and social trends expert.

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