This was published 4 years ago
Australian universities cower as disaster looms
A catastrophe is about to hit our ideas sector, but the fightback has been pathetic.
Jenna Price
ColumnistBy the time you read this, I fear it will be too late to stop the federal government blowing up universities. Not the buildings. Those sandstone wonders, those sturdy red brick boxes, those glorious fantasies of Frank Gehry, they will still stand, memorials to critical thinking.
This tragedy is not a product of any real ideological war. It is not developed enough for that. It is anti-university partisanship, a judgment made by those in the Coalition who think that university employees would never vote for the Coalition so why bother to protect them. What better time to punish them than straight after the damage wrought by COVID-19? By all means, put the boot in when the victim is down, when it can't even defend itself.
Those who work within those buildings, they will soon be gone and for the purpose of Australian life and culture and, indeed, our future, they may as well be dead. The ideas, the energy, the research, the ability to make your children, and maybe even you, sit up and think, so many of the people who provoked, inspired and guided will be gone, lost forever. By December, I calculate that at least 30,000 jobs across the university sector will be lost and the people who worked there will have joined Centrelink queues, fed into the gaping maw of this recession.
Not all of those jobs are full-time jobs – we know at least 5000 permanent positions have definitely disappeared already and that number is likely to double by Christmas, according to the National Tertiary Education Union's president Alison Barnes. Included in my number are also 20,000 casuals or sessional staff. They are the ones who bring special expertise into universities, so students can be taught by those with the latest big ideas; they are newly minted PhDs bringing their most recent research into the classroom, they are PhDs in training for a sector which, behind primary school, is the most important in the nation. In the professions many of them are women (and men) trying to keep their hand in with childcare responsibilities. It is sad for those who have been in the sector for decades but devastating for those who were making higher education their future.
This is a tragedy wrought by an arrogant government, doubling down on its decision to refuse JobKeeper to all but private universities, and introducing the most flawed higher education funding bill Australia has ever seen, the Higher Education Support Amendment( Job-ready Graduates package). It is so bad in its design that the impacts of COVID will look like a bruised knee in comparison, so terrible even the exceptionally calm Grattan Institute chief executive Danielle Wood described it as one of the worst-designed policies she has ever seen. Never mind its design, modelling reveals humanities students will be paying off their student debts for 20 years. How lucky for our current crop of politicians to have avoided that kind of impost.
Every single institution fears retribution and so will not speak up.
The Australian National University's Andrew Norton, professor in the practice of higher education policy at the Centre for Social Research and Methods, says the government has been dangling various carrots so that uni chiefs will mute their criticism and no individual vice-chancellor nor university peak body will "want to ruin their chances". Keeping quiet and compliant is an implied condition of the research funding, he says.
The universities should be trying to block the Job-ready Graduates package, says Norton. It will cause grief for many years to come; and Norton, with decades of experience in the sector, thinks there is a good chance the crossbench could be persuaded.
Yet the bill persists. This can only be a continuation of the mindset revealed when we all discovered former minister for education, Simon Birmingham, rejected grants for research he didn't like the look of, well after the expert panel thought those grants should be funded. The university sector knew then this government wanted to wage a war against higher education. In 2017, when Birmingham's reforms were on the table and then defeated, it had notice worse was coming.
Instead, the sector is sitting by, hoping October 6, Budget Day, will save it. Every single institution fears retribution and so will not speak up. Every single segment of the higher ed market, from the Group of Eight to regional and rural universities is being bought off by promises, promises, few enshrined in the enabling legislation. That research money. That special funding for regional unis. This small change and that small change.
Universities do a terrible job of communicating what they do. As Sally Kift, visiting professorial fellow at the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education and formerly deputy vice-chancellor (academic) at James Cook University, wrote in the Times Higher Education on Sunday, "As a national sector (let alone as a global community), our disparate and visceral institutional self-interest is such that we find it exceedingly difficult to 'do' holistic."
And instead of uniting behind the peak, Universities Australia, there is nothing. It has barely raised its voice since this disaster began. UA's submission to the Senate committee is meek. Instead of standing up and fighting back, it writes: "Universities Australia has some further proposals to make for amendments to enshrine key aspects of the package in legislation and to improve particular elements of the Bill."
No vice-chancellor or deputy vice-chancellor with whom I communicated thinks this bill is any good. Tinkering won't fix this mess.
The university sector has a number of peak bodies each representing different segments. In this instance, when Australia needs it most, each of the segment peak bodies is quieter than a lab rat although the worst might be those who spoke up. Innovative Research Universities's executive director Conor King decided to tweet: "At a personal and old fashioned democratic level I believe an elected government should be able to get on with governing – as it thinks best and with approval or not at following election." What kind of university lobbyist writes in a press release, "Rejecting the bill is not an option." King again.
Silence won't save you folks. Only mobilising, organising, campaigning, at all levels will fix this oncoming disaster. Only enlisting every company which ever benefited from your research, every friend you ever had, every powerful alumnus, maybe even the university enrolled children of politicians. Take the government on. Because it has taken you on and it is winning.
Jenna Price is an academic at the University of Technology Sydney and a regular columnist.