This was published 6 years ago
I kicked a winning goal only to have the minister disallow it
By Roger Benjamin
I was the author of the Australian Research Council Discovery grant that was ridiculed by Simon Birmingham on Twitter last Friday. Misquoted by him and in Senate Estimates, the full title of my 2017 project, was “Double Crossings: post-Orientalist arts at the Strait of Gibraltar".
Double crossing refers to the way painters and photographers crisscrossed the 15 kilometres of the most politically contested water in the world – Europe to Africa, Muslim to Christian worlds – in search of arresting images of other cultures. It’s ironic to see academic endeavours double crossed by a minister for education who dismissed them on the basis of a nine-word title.
Most ARC grants have six academics individually assess them: up to four expert disciplinary assessors and two ARC College of Experts members. The full college committee then discusses all fundable applications. Institutional conflicts of interest are very strictly enforced. It is galling to have a minister strike down a recommendation made by half a dozen disciplinary experts and a full assessment committee. The peer review process is rigorous and should be defended absolutely.
Many people contributed to this grant-winning project: research advisors at the University of Sydney, partner investigators in London and Melbourne, colleagues who read drafts, and above all the four "blind peer reviewers" – unnamed academics who gave unpaid expert appraisals of the 52-page application. More than a dozen people worked on this one grant; multiply that by 11 – the number of grants struck out in secret on November 2, 2017 by the then minister.
Academics junior and senior are under pressure from their employers to apply and reapply for Australian Research Council funding. In recent decades research productivity, measured by publications and by success in winning grants, has become the key to academic promotion and to national and international prestige. This is not just personal: under the government’s funding formula, universities receive crucial income for each peer-reviewed publication, and each external grant won. Teams of specialists in the universities' research offices cajole and assist academics, correct hundreds of draft grants, and cost complex budgets. This occurs in the humanities no less than in the hard sciences.
The substantial amounts at stake don't line the academics' pockets. In my case, as Birmingham revealed, the grant was to be $223,000 (out of the $318,000 I requested – the ARC often imposes austerity to make its dollar go further). Over three years, 66 per cent of that was to go towards salaries (the bulk for hiring substitute lecturers); 25 per cent on travel costs (economy class) for a range of researchers between Sydney, London and Tangier; 4.6 per cent for books and photographic materials, and 4.3 per cent for equipment (a laptop and digital cameras).
ARC grant money benefits a range of young academics in training – from research assistants who’ve just finished Honours to aspiring lecturers hired to run a course when the senior academic has teaching relief to conduct field work or research in archives, museums and universities overseas. I began my own lecturing career in such a way, given the opportunity to write two lectures a week for a month at Melbourne University while my boss was conducting research overseas. Via such apprenticeships, hard-won ARC grant money enriches departments and disciplines.
Seasoned academics are used to thinking of the ARC as something of a lottery – no matter how worthy your application, you cannot be sure that it will be endorsed by all the blind reviewers, or the interdisciplinary governing committee (which can override an unreasonable peer review). You need patience and persistence in a system where, for Discovery grants (the main category), success hovers around the 18 per cent mark. The rule of thumb is to apply three times, each time using the criticism and commentaries of the peer reviewers and one’s own progress on the topic (sometimes by teaching new courses) to improve the application over time.
Like a major football code, the ARC is a big institution: the universities are the clubs, the research offices the coaching staff, and the academics the players. It’s gutting, after years of preparation, to realise that you had kicked a winning goal – the ball passing squarely between the posts – but it was disallowed by a secret umpire without the courage or capacity to give a credible explanation.
Roger Benjamin is a professor of art history at the University of Sydney.