

Jenna Price is a visiting fellow at the Australian National University and a regular columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald.

‘You have lost my trust’: Rosie Batty’s angry text to Anne Summers exposes domestic violence policy rift

‘You have lost my trust’: Rosie Batty’s angry text to Anne Summers exposes domestic violence policy rift

Behind a big increase in funding, domestic violence experts and advocates are divided on how to fix the problem.

  • by Jenna Price


My hate for all things flying might just turn into love, actually

My hate for all things flying might just turn into love, actually

The announcement of an aviation white paper with 56 recommendations has filled me with joy. But I have my own list.

  • by Jenna Price
Forget the gold medals – Australians are not very good at swimming

Forget the gold medals – Australians are not very good at swimming

Tragically, almost 300 Australians drown every year and many of us say we can’t swim at all. It’s not good enough.

  • by Jenna Price
Why I hang around public toilets watching what you do with your hands

Why I hang around public toilets watching what you do with your hands

I do not miss COVID-19 lockdowns, apart from the way people behaved about matters of personal hygiene.

  • by Jenna Price
Students are starving. One man could fix it with a keystroke

Students are starving. One man could fix it with a keystroke

If you have any influence on the next generations, tell them not to do an arts degree – at least until the federal government fixes its fee problem.

  • by Jenna Price
How to ruin a family with one quick court case

How to ruin a family with one quick court case

As Rupert Murdoch attempts to set his legacy using his family trust, thousands of Australians are following suit. So, who gets to keep what – and why does it matter?

  • by Jenna Price
Steven said no to the strip club on a buck’s night. Then his mates shunned him

Steven said no to the strip club on a buck’s night. Then his mates shunned him

Should the buck’s stop here? Yes, and so should the hen night. They belonged to another century.

  • by Jenna Price
See ya, Setka! Why union chief’s departure is good news for women

See ya, Setka! Why union chief’s departure is good news for women

It took a long time for the CFMEU to be rid of John Setka. Now it finally is.

  • by Jenna Price
I wanted to turn this mother and baby away. My grandsons stopped me

I wanted to turn this mother and baby away. My grandsons stopped me

I’ve never met a possum I didn’t hate, but a furry family – and some dedicated volunteers – have infested my hard heart.

  • by Jenna Price
Sam Mostyn’s big fat pay rise isn’t what you think. The PM should have said so
Sam Mostyn

Sam Mostyn’s big fat pay rise isn’t what you think. The PM should have said so

What the government did was not fair. Bring on the republic. I’d be happy with Mostyn as the first president.

  • by Jenna Price
Please do this before you die. I just did and it nearly killed me

Please do this before you die. I just did and it nearly killed me

We shouldn’t be fearful about making a will. We should be terrified about what happens when we don’t make one.

  • by Jenna Price

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