

This was published 1 year ago


Kay Goldsworthy is flying to Sydney. She won’t be an archbishop when she lands. Argh, men

One of the oddest, little-known contradictions in this country will be occurring in Christchurch St Laurence, on the fringes of the Sydney CBD, this weekend, quietly and with little fanfare.

The most powerful woman in the Australian Anglican Church, the Archbishop of Perth Kay Goldsworthy, will be preaching in the Sydney Diocese – a place where women are not allowed to be priests or lead congregations that contain men. Here, Goldsworthy can’t be an archbishop, a bishop or even just a priest once her plane’s wheels hit the tarmac in Sydney – she can only operate on the lowest rung of the clergy, as a deacon.

Illustration: Simon Letch.

Illustration: Simon Letch. Credit:

If she were to fly here when a bloke was being consecrated as bishop or inaugurated as archbishop, she could not take her rightful part alongside her male colleagues, but would sit in the pews. She can’t wear her funky purple episcopal robes, either.

It’s so weird, and wildly offensive to female clergy around the country. You are less, you are different, you must step back, here, you must submit to men.

A private protocol – of which I have obtained a copy - was drawn up to manage this situation after all bishops, including the females, were accidentally invited to the consecration of a male bishop in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney, in 2014. Awkwardly, then Archbishop Glenn Davies needed to uninvite all the women.


A deliciously uncomfortable correspondence ensued. Writing to a small group of female bishops – who some call the “purple sisters” – Davies asked for advice on what to do in the future: “Should we just send you notification of such an event for your prayers? Or should we send you an invite on the understanding that you would not attend?”

Not technically an invitation, then, is it?

Davies pointed out that these bishops must operate as deacons in Sydney, with an important caveat: they cannot contravene Sydney Diocese’s “understanding of the restrictions of the apostle in 1 Timothy 2:12.” This verse, reflective of the patriarchal culture of its time, reads: “I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.” Most Sydney men now interpret this as not allowing women to preach when men above puberty are present. (How one might police this boggles the mind).


Sydney Diocese is now operating under a kind of gender apartheid, where women operate under a different set of rules, and need to submit to men, and male authority, or be ostracised. Some have gone to be ordained elsewhere, and very many have left. It’s pure geographical absurdity.

Imagine the patience of these female bishops, negotiating a policy that forces them to abdicate seniority to far junior men.

A spokesman for Sydney Diocese advises me this protocol is still in place.

Bishop Peter Stuart from Newcastle told me: “I have found it deeply distressing to be in St Andrew’s Cathedral and recognised as a bishop, only to have my female colleagues required to sit in the congregation … I struggle to see how it does not institutionalise gender inequality.″⁣

The contradictions and the legal entanglements of upholding such a policy in 2023 are many. I will list just a few:

  1. The current Archbishop of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel, was a rector in the diocese of Perth for 16 years (1999-2016), where, for several years, he worked under the leadership of Goldsworthy, who was made a bishop in 2008. (She was elected archbishop in 2017.) Now they are both archbishops; but she must shed her episcopal skin when she enters his domain.
  2. The Sydney diocese has fought long and hard, at great expense, in synods, courts and commissions for more than half a century, to stop women becoming priests. It has come to define it, and been their symbol of doctrinal purity, a source of internal pride if occasional public embarrassment. When he was archbishop, Glenn Davies continued to hold the line against women priests. Like Peter Jensen before him, and Raffel after, he has been a leader in GAFCON – the Global Anglican Future Conference, which aims to counter the liberalising tendencies of church leaders who have accepted women as priests, same-sex marriage and been relaxed about divorce. (Although not all GAFCON members agree on women.) But now, as the inaugural bishop of the Diocese of the Southern Cross, a break-away national group formed by GAFCON Australia to “uphold the teaching of Jesus on marriage and human sexuality”, Davies works alongside … women priests! As leaders! The expediency is stunning – the opposition to women can be put aside (for now) so that opposition to same-sex marriage can be stronger. When I looked at the photos of this new group, I almost fell off my chair: the true conservatives, the true brotherhood, standing alongside women in collars, wordlessly dumping years of slog and teeth-grinding work to keep women in subordinate positions.
  3. The Sydney diocese has actively promoted and supported “church planting” in other Anglican dioceses for nearly two decades – setting up churches in other parts of the country that are theoretically independent but closely aligned with their conservative ethos, thumbing their noses at the geographical differences they enforce for women, ignoring the protocols of the local bishop.
  4. The hairs continue to be split. Just a few weeks ago a Sydney-based female deacon was ordained as a chaplain in the Defence Force, to work as a “minister”. A Sydney bishop, Michael Stead, placed his hands on her head. Because this was in Canberra, and for the Defence Force, this was apparently OK. Even if this was a Sydney Anglican woman being made a priest under the hands of a Sydney bishop.
  5. In recent years, following the stories of survivors, more and more Anglicans have recognised the doctrine of headship can foster domestic abuse. A survey Sydney commissioned found Anglican churchgoers were more likely to have experienced abuse than others. Sydney Synod apologised. But senior male clergy still refuse to model equality in their own ranks.

    Archbishop Goldsworthy was one of the first women in the country to be made a priest, in 1992, was the first woman to be made a bishop and then Archbishop. She is in Sydney for the 40th anniversary of the Movement for the Ordination of Women.

    In those four decades, a lot of women, especially those of a modern, feminist bent, have left the church over this nonsense. Yes, I know there are women who comply with this doctrine of headship, who claim to thrive under its hierarchy, but most just think the whole thing is nuts.


    Some church leaders try to shove it under the rug when visitors come by. But it matters; the Anglican church runs schools, aged care homes, counts three million odd Australians as members. There are many fine people there doing important work. As Keith Mason, KC, a retired judge who has struggled for the equality of men and women in the Diocese for many years told me: “The idea that you can be ‘separate but equal’ was a terrible and deceiving lie in South Africa. It doesn’t work for an Australian Church claiming to be modelled on the teachings of Jesus either.”

    Did you know the Sydney synod – the parliament of the church – was sitting this week? No, nor did most people. Once it was front page news, now it’s barely reported on, barely discussed outside the church. Many people have, quite simply, forgotten that this is going on, that women are treated this way. This pure, distilled sexism once provoked outrage, now it is seen as absurd, archaic and inexplicable. Surely undervaluing and silencing women for decades, in both flamboyant and secretive ways, simply underwrites your own obsolescence.

    Julia Baird is a journalist and author. She hosts The Drum on ABC TV. Her latest book is Phosphorescence: on awe, wonder and things that sustain you when the world goes dark.

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