

This was published 6 years ago

The Sydney Anglican Synod is finally listening to victims of domestic violence

By Julia Baird

Sometimes apologies matter. All too often, of course, they are pat, platitudinous; an attempt to mute critics and put an end to discomfort.

But sometimes they are a beginning.

This week, the several hundred people in the Sydney Anglican Synod voted unanimously to apologise to victims of domestic abuse in their ranks for failing to provide adequate support and to call perpetrators to account.

Canon Sandy Grant, the man who has urged his colleagues to pay attention to our society's quiet epidemic of domestic abuse, which the church has no immunity from, led the way. He had failed he said: he could have listened more to victims, been better informed, preached more carefully about marriage.

The Sydney Anglican Synod voted unanimously to apologise to victims of domestic abuse in their ranks for failing to support and protect them.

The Sydney Anglican Synod voted unanimously to apologise to victims of domestic abuse in their ranks for failing to support and protect them.

The fact this is potentially the beginning of a profound cultural shift must be acknowledged. It has been just 2½ years since the subject was first raised in this paper, and followed by a powerful column by abuse survivor Isabella Young who had been angered by the torrent of denials coming from leaders about the existence of domestic violence in the church, and about the dismissal of first-hand accounts of abuse in favour of calls for non-existent "hard stats".

This is exactly what happened when the ABC published lengthy investigative pieces (authored by my colleague Hayley Gleeson and myself) in July airing accounts of dozens of survivors who said church leaders of all denominations had ignored or condoned their abuse; a familiar pattern of denial, attacks on the journalists ("cough"), and an insistence that this was all part of a sinister feminist plot.

(As I watched pastors and church elders, pace the stages of social media denying this was a problem, their parishioners were writing to me saying: "See? This is why I cannot tell him of my abuse." They did not realise awareness of domestic abuse is not a sign of the weakness of ministry, but strength).

What it is really about is listening to women.


And when Isabella wrote, she was heard. Her husband was a "very pious" Christian who preached and wanted to train for the ministry. He also punched her, dragged her around by her hair, and told her the Bible said she had to submit to him. She knew of many other women who had been similarly abused.

"It angers me," she wrote, "that certain people have demanded evidence without realising how that reinforces the trauma and invalidates the experience of victims."

In the Synod later that year, a Domestic Violence Task Force was appointed – and allocated just $5000 – with Canon Grant at its head.

Grant said that now, "most of us, certainly all members of the task force, have now heard examples of abuse that have occurred among those who attend our churches, committed by people professing to be Christians". There was a particular shame institutionally, he said, because some perpetrators had been clergy and lay ministers.

There was only one speech registering dissent. Lyn Bannerman from Christ Church St Lawrence stood up and said the Sydney church should stop teaching women to submit to their husbands.

"Submit, whatever it meant once," she said, "now means, according to Cambridge English dictionary, to 'allow another person or group to have power or authority over you, or to accept something unwillingly'. Put that beside the definitions of 'emotional abuse' and you have complete incongruence. We cannot assert with any credibility that we oppose all forms of abuse, including emotional, and continue to use that word 'submit'."

Ms Bannerman's view was respectfully listened to, but ignored.

Young described the apology as a "beautiful" beginning, but pointed out that "the physical, spiritual and mental trauma of victims cannot be fixed in one evening, however well intentioned the synod".

"When I begin hearing stories of how real self-examination has occurred and how those ministers who have given poor counsel, written unwise words … have individually apologised to victims and tried to rectify the damage they have caused, then we will know the policy has begun to work."

She described it as "remarkable" that in just 2½ years "we have shifted from a situation where denial of the problem was commonplace to one where it is corporately acknowledged".

After the synod, some survivors scoffed, pointing to the $1 million the Archbishop, Glenn Davies, announced was given to the "no" campaign, an extraordinary and perplexing decision that has angered many in the church and drowned out coverage of this historic apology.

We are the ones who need resources, survivors said: workplace retraining for clergy spouses, emergency housing and short-term financial assistance along with awareness-raising and education campaigns. And almost all want to see the doctrine of submission challenged and upended.

Their harrowing stories continue to pour in.

Church leaders have told me they want to avoid a national royal commission into domestic abuse, as there has been on child sexual abuse. But will they put as much effort and energy into disclosure, accountability and transparency?


To convince survivors they are being taken seriously, an apology is just the start. More and more women are asking to be heard. And more and more women are refusing to submit.

Julia Baird hosts The Drum on ABCTV

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