

This was published 3 years ago


The church stripped bare: high rate of domestic abuse among Anglicans exposed

The Anglican Church has a serious, dangerous problem with women. A report out this week found that those inside the church are significantly more likely to have experienced abuse than those in the broader population.

It’s a stunning finding, worse than predicted, and horrific to think that what should be a place of refuge could be in fact a place of peril for women, and that, despite some recent efforts and the fact that evidence of this has been reported on for years, many clergy remain in denial about it.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit:

The report, commissioned by the national Anglican church, also found those who went to church regularly were more likely to have been in an abusive relationship than those who did not. And, crucially, that perpetrators used scriptural teachings on the sanctity of marriage, forgiveness, the submission of women and headship of men to justify abuse. Clergy confidence in their ability to respond to domestic violence was low.

Only one in 10 victims sought help from the church, something that should prompt serious self-examination by clergy.

The Christian faith is one of mercy, love and acceptance, so these findings are understandably anathema to the faithful. Awareness has grown markedly in recent years, some action has been taken, clergy training programs run, protocols drafted and agreed.


But where is the urgency, the garment-tearing, the rage, shame, fury and thunder from the church, that this is happening in its ranks? Why do anything else at all until this is resolved? Where is the suggestion from archbishops (as there was in Sydney over marriage equality) that clergy rush to the pulpit to denounce the abuse violence of women – this weekend? The muted response from leaders was one of sadness, but survivors need to see sweeping action, and recognition of the true depth and breadth of the problem.

The National Anglican Family Violence Research Report, conducted by researchers from Charles Sturt University, surveyed more than 2000 men and women aged over 18 in December 2019. Asked: “Have you been in a violent relationship with any partner”, 22 per cent of Anglicans said yes, compared with 15 per cent of the broader public. But, notably, when presented with specific examples of abuse, 44 per cent of Anglicans said they had been victims of domestic violence, compared with 38 per cent of the general population. Forty-four per cent!

One thing research consistently shows is that denial shelters perpetrators and prevents victims seeking help. Nine of 10 clergy in the study were aware of the prevalence of domestic violence in the general population, but only six of 10 believed it was “just as common” in the church.


Defensive denial has long been, and remains, a hallmark of the church’s response to reports of abuse in their midst, and to evidence that the doctrine of headship – that men are the heads of women, and women are to submit to their authority – is weaponised regularly by abusers. (This doctrine is a key one in Sydney and other smaller pockets of the church across the country.)


The first piece I wrote on this subject was for this paper in February 2015. In it I asked: “If conservative churches preach the dominance of men, and submission of women, does this add weight to those who think men have a right – even a divine right – to control their partners?”

The rage that ensued from just posing the question was palpable. A theologian, Claire Smith, and a minister, Karl Faase, both quickly wrote articles saying this kind of abuse does not occur in the church – or only extremely rarely – and that ministers do not tell women to stay, and do not teach or behave in a way that might encourage abusive behaviour.

(Like, for example, evangelical John Piper, who once advised women to “endure verbal abuse for a season and … perhaps being smacked one night”.)

As a result, Christian survivors of abuse started coming to me, in droves. I investigated the subject for a year with my ABC colleague Hayley Gleeson, and we found a culture in churches that was dismissing, ignoring and even enabling domestic violence, with ministers turning a blind eye, denying it existed and telling victims it was godly to stay with abusive husbands.


The aggression of the pushback was jaw-dropping – male commentators, priests, archbishops, pundits, all rounding up to say the church did not have a problem with abuse of women, and in fact the ABC was inventing it and conducting a war on Christianity. We were accused of being “illogical” and “hysterical”.

Death threats rolled in.

Then the clergy wives – infuriated by the denials - came again, in droves. As they spoke, plainly, painfully and courageously of being raped, controlled, attacked, and being told as Christian women they should submit, the blokes of the church got lost in a distracting sideshow about whether some flawed, decades-old American research showed that women in churches were safer. It still amazes me.

Social epidemiologist Professor Naomi Priest, a pre-eminent expert in this field, had already debunked that research but, again, (female) experts were ignored along with (female) survivors.

This week, promoters of the study were eager to underline its commissioning as a positive step towards difficult change, which it was, while others insisted it was a sign that the church was actually leading the way, and had some initiatives in place, and that things were pretty good, given some blokes were now taking things on board.


But it is patently obvious that the report was not affirming but damning.

As pointed out on Twitter, this was a bit like the “Eddie McGuire ‘proud & historic day’ approach” to the Collingwood racism scandal. Where is the contrition that these women were repeatedly ignored? Some have been forced to tell their stories again and again, reliving trauma, and yet when they say churches are not safe, that ministers don’t understand abuse, especially when it’s carried out by one of their own, there are just calls for more data, another report, more dot points, more meetings, more stalling, more laboured explanations, more shoving destructive, criminal behaviour in the bottom drawer.

And clergy seem eager to regard domestic violence as an individual problem, a consequence of alcohol, sin or narcissism, not a structure built on male control, that silences women, denies them authority and demands their obedience. In this context, female rebellion is often cast as sin.

But this report should be a huge wake-up call. The problem is national.


This weekend, there should be vigils in every Anglican church in Australia, then independent expert panels should be called in to help, more female leaders appointed, and every minister, bishop and archbishop should be preaching on the scourge of domestic abuse. Most of all, survivors should be at the centre of every investigation, on every panel, not merely the subject of reports but their authors, shaping change.

Until then, the shocking, shameful finding that women inside churches are more likely to be at risk of abuse than outside them will remain true, just as survivors have been telling us for too many years.

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