

This was published 2 years ago


CGT on shares passed on across the ditch

By George Cochrane

I have family in Sydney with others in New Zealand. I noted your recent comments that shares passing to a foreign resident via an inheritance triggered an Australian capital gains tax (CGT) event. As it is my intention that upon my death a portion of my share portfolio, and possibly some cash, will go to NZ family members, what tax issues should I consider when updating my will? R.H.

Australia does not have death duties, although death can result in tax payable on the taxable component of a superannuation death benefit that passes to a non-dependant. That includes a child aged over 18, or when an asset is passed on to a foreign resident.

Credit: Karl Hilzinger

In the latter case, CGT applies if you are an Australian resident and your shares, assuming they were all purchased after September 1985, pass on to your Kiwi family.

The capital gain is based on the value of the shares and the cost base as at the date of death. This is reported in the tax return covering the tax year until the date of death.

The tax is payable by the estate, which can be a problem if some shares are passing on to local family, and thus untaxed until sold, as they will be paying the tax for their Kiwi brethren.

You could solve this problem by distributing cash across the ditch, rather than shares.

If you have significant assets – and many homeowners these days are millionaires – you should be talking to a solicitor when drawing up or updating your will.

I am a septuagenarian and own two old AMP Life policies which are now controlled by Resolution Life. Lately, I have been worried about the safety of my “investment” because access to their web portal appears to be blocked. The reason given is a “systems upgrade”. It is difficult to speak with their staff and I have filed a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority. Is there anything else I could do? L.F.

Resolution Life is a global company, headquartered in London, that specialises in buying life insurance companies and managing their policies. It does not sell new policies.


It purchased AMP Life in 2020 – its first foray into Australia – and later set up a subsidiary, Resolution Life Australasia.

Ironically, Resolution Life is owned by Pearl Assurance (recently renamed Phoenix Group), which was purchased by AMP in 1990 before being sold some 13 years later.

In February, Resolution Australasia purchased AIA Australia’s superannuation and investment business, which includes the old CommInsure business sold by the Commonwealth Bank in 2021, so I imagine there is a lot of system upgrading to do.

Resolution Australasia is subject to regulation by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, as are other life insurance companies.

The global group manages more than $500 billion in assets for 13 million policyholders, so I would like to think it is secure.


If you can’t get through on the phone at 133 731 and still cannot login, have you tried clicking on the “chat” function on its website?

If you want to reduce stress and don’t necessarily want the policies, take a look at (I have no commercial arrangements with them), who buy unwanted whole-of-life and endowment polices, promising a higher price than that offered by the life company.

If you have a question for George Cochrane, send it to Personal Investment, PO Box 3001, Tamarama, NSW, 2026. All letters answered. Help lines: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, 1800 931 678; Centrelink pensions 13 23 00.

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