This was published 2 years ago
Do I qualify for a free $500 from the government for my super?
Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon
Money contributorHi Nicole, in your recent article “Forget the fillers and plump your finances” you suggested to “switch collagen for the co-contribution” to your super fund. Can you please confirm what you meant by “you must be earning less than $56,112 a year”? I’m not in the workforce, but do earn less than that in rent from an investment property.
I paid $2000 into my superannuation fund last financial year, saying in the required form that $1000 of it was a co-contribution. My tax return has been processed (and I have been debited $150 federal government net contribution tax) but I have not seen any evidence of the $500 government co-contribution. The reason I did not put $2000 down on the form was because my super fund led me to believe I couldn’t benefit twice (tax deduction and $500 co-contribution for the same $1000).
My husband made a spouse contribution of $3000 and did get the $540 tax rebate, which was welcome. I wish we had known about this a few years earlier when we were able to financially do this as my super isn’t that high, having been out of the workforce raising kids. Your wording in this part of the story, “switch fillers for (family) filling”, leads me to my initial question: “The receiver needs to be on less than $40,000 – no requirement to be working this time.” Thanks, JB
Ahh JB, you have stumbled across an important, potentially expensive distinction. While you can get both the co-contribution and a rebate for a spouse contribution if the recipient is earning, you can only collect from the spouse contribution if they are not.
It comes down to the definition of ‘earning’. And it’s not good. Salary and wages count. So too does business income earned as a sole trader or in a partnership, or director fees.
But specifically excluded are distributions from a trust or non-business partnership, income related to a different year of employment (such as employment termination and lump sum payments) and assets that generate income such as interest, rent and dividends.
Note that only 10 per cent of your earnings need to come from this ‘eligible income’. The rest can be in whatever form – yes, from your investment property.
You also allude to another important distinction: the difference between contributions for which you’ve claimed a tax deduction and those made after tax. Only the latter qualify for the co-contribution. And you can receive an up-to 50 per cent top-up on a maximum of $1000.
So you’ve done the right thing nominating $1000 and claiming a tax deduction for the other $1000.
As you say, none of the $500 co-contribution is payable above earnings of $56,112 this tax year. The full $500 is payable at $41,112, and it phases down from there.
There are other limitations on the co-contribution that are worth mentioning, principally that you must have a super balance of less than $1.6 million on the June 30 of the year before you contribute. Perhaps you tick this box!
Until you qualify for the co-contribution on income grounds, though, a spouse contribution each and every year your family can afford it is an excellent strategy to support your super while you’re working hard for no money, raising children.
An annual $3000 into your fund – netting a maximum $540 lopped straight off the payer’s tax bill (if your income is below $40,000) – is an injection with indisputably beautiful consequences for the future.
Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon is the author of How to Get Mortgage-Free Like Me, available at Follow Nicole on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.