

This was published 2 years ago

Recognised and respected, Mario Draghi puts Italy in enviable shape before G20

By Chico Harlan and Stefano Pitrelli

Rome: Mario Draghi’s life, as recently as nine months ago, was far more relaxing than it is now. He spent time at his Umbrian country house. He played golf with his son. His legacy, built as a central banker who had helped to rescue the eurozone from crisis, was already secured.

But with Italy in the depths of the pandemic, and searching for a prime minister, Draghi received an unsolicited invitation from Italy’s president.

“And he couldn’t say no,” said Giovanni Orsina, director of the school of government at Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome.

Italian PM Mario Draghi.

Italian PM Mario Draghi. Credit: AP

That explains how Draghi, 74 - pulled in from semi-retirement to become Prime Minister - now finds himself again on the world stage, hosting a Group of 20 summit where the issues in play are at least as complicated as anything from his past. The two-day summit, dealing chiefly with climate and the pandemic, will test how meaningfully the world’s industrial powers can ease gaping vaccine inequities and speed up reductions of their greenhouse gas emissions. Especially on climate, where countries’ commitments are many times below what science suggests is necessary, there is a considerable risk of failure.

But while Draghi has limited sway on the outcome among 19 other nations, he has already proved himself in another way, leaving his fingerprints on a country that will be hosting the other leaders this weekend.

What visitors will find, in Draghi’s Italy, is a country that has become charmed - at least for now - by his political competence and clout. Italian pundits speak about Draghi glowingly, describing him as an above-the-fray Prime Minister with a degree of credibility that his predecessors lacked. So far, they say, he has been willing to make tough - sometimes unilateral - decisions regardless of their popularity. And he has proved popular nonetheless, with an approval rating of 63 per cent, higher than most of the other democratic leaders who will be visiting Rome.

“Super” Mario Draghi has attracted favourable press.

“Super” Mario Draghi has attracted favourable press.Credit: AP

“Mario Draghi is sort of a Ferrari,” said Giampiero Massolo, president of the Italian Institute for International Political Studies, who also served as an Italian diplomat. “He is punching above the weight of Italy.”

Because he was handpicked by Italy’s head of state, Draghi has a luxury that would be hard for other leaders to replicate: He has not had to pick a political side. Even now, Italian media debate whether Draghi seems to lean more to the right or the left. Upon his appointment, the country’s many fragmented parties had to determine whether to support him in Parliament; all but one party came to the same choice and Draghi now has broad, right-to-left backing.


“He’s been able to wrap parties around his finger in quite a remarkable way,” said Nathalie Tocci, director of the Italian International Affairs Institute. She said he lets the parties “kick and scream” on some domestic issues, but when it comes to the coronavirus, the economy and relations with Europe, “it’s as if he’s at a different level”.

Many of his most crucial decisions have been related to the pandemic and the recovery from recession. Weeks into his tenure, Draghi revamped the vaccination campaign and halted the practice of prioritising younger workers for shots over the elderly. He then requested a revision of a plan - drafted by the previous government - on how to use a massive influx of European Union pandemic recovery funding; Draghi felt the earlier version was short on details.


But as he shaped the country in readily visible ways, no decision has been more meaningful than his strategy for pressuring the unvaccinated. In the summer, Draghi made the so-called Green Pass mandatory for indoor dining and other leisure activities. More recently, his government made the Green Pass necessary for public and private workers, meaning that to receive a paycheck, Italians must either be vaccinated or submit to testing every 48 hours. No other European country has gone further in pushing mandates.

Among the EU’s 27 members, Italy now has the third-lowest case levels and the fourth-highest vaccination rate. The contrast is even more pronounced with Britain, the country hosting COP26, where many leaders will be travelling after Italy. Over the last week, Britain has been averaging some 44,000 new COVID cases every day and 145 deaths; Italy is recording fewer than 4000 cases per day and 38 deaths.

At a European Council meeting last week, Draghi described Italy’s vaccination campaign as an “extraordinary effort”.

Draghi came into the job as a consummate member of the European institutional class and he has tweaked Italy’s foreign policy. While Italy’s previous governments, under prime minister Giuseppe Conte, were solicitous of Russia and China, Draghi has stressed Italy’s role in the “Atlantic alliance” and has edged away from a commitment to take part in China’s Belt and Road infrastructure initiative. Draghi has a meeting with President Joe Biden on Friday, the same day Biden will be meeting with Pope Francis and French President Emmanuel Macron.

People demonstrate in Milan against the ‘Green Pass’, one of the most stringent anti-coronavirus measures in Europe.

People demonstrate in Milan against the ‘Green Pass’, one of the most stringent anti-coronavirus measures in Europe.Credit: AP

“It was a lucky coincidence that in the year when Italy was both heading the G-20 and co-chairing the COP, we found ourselves with a Prime Minister” like Draghi, said Ferruccio De Bortoli, the former head editor of the Corriere della Sera newspaper. He compared Draghi to Conte, saying that Conte, before becoming prime minister, “had never been to an international meeting before in his whole life”.

But many political figures worry that Italy could be in a moment of suspended reality. A complicated moment, which could influence Draghi’s future, is just three months away, when the seven-year term of President Sergio Mattarella expires. While the president normally plays a ceremonial role in the country, the post allows for crucial sway during moments of political crisis.

The president also holds perhaps the most prestigious title in the country. If Draghi were not Prime Minister, he would be an obvious candidate. Even as Prime Minister, he still could be chosen, but it would leave Italy again searching for a day-to-day leader.

“Nobody knows what will happen in January,” Orsina said. “It’s very unpredictable.”

Even if Draghi stays on, Italy is obliged to hold elections in 2023. In the last week, Draghi has faced unusually testy fights with trade unions over pension revisions, and some analysts think it’s inevitable that the political truce enjoyed by Draghi will unravel.

“Honeymoons,” Tocci said, “don’t last forever.”

Washington Post

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