

This was published 3 years ago


How Italy fought its way back from COVID chaos

At 9pm on March 9 last year, the Italian Prime Minister announced an unprecedented measure: immediate lockdown for the entire country. A population of 60 million was thrown into the worst emergency since World War II. Convoys of the Italian army began to transport coffins out of Bergamo in the country’s north and nobody knew what was coming next.

But come summer 2021, all activities, excluding discos and crowded concerts, returned. Tourism was back to normal and national and international travel was allowed.

Coffins on the floor in the San Giuseppe church in Seriate, near Bergamo, as COVID swept through Italy last year.

Coffins on the floor in the San Giuseppe church in Seriate, near Bergamo, as COVID swept through Italy last year.Credit: AP

As of Monday, the number of new infections per week in Italy is 39 cases per 100,000 v 58 in Australia and a striking 478 in Britain. There are still severe cases, hospitalisations and deaths (the average for last week was 41 deaths a day in Italy v 136 a day in Britain), but the health system is under control.

Italy, the first Western country hit by COVID-19, has shown how to fight its way back. Although frequently criticised for its efficiency gaps, Italy conceived and implemented major public health measures against COVID-19 that were later implemented in Europe – such as mandatory masks, closed “red areas”, curfews and, above all, national lockdown. Isolated from all neighbouring countries, which initially closed their borders, Italy continued to develop its strategy in different ways through the crisis. Its experience could be instructive for Australia.

After six weeks of national lockdown, Italy gradually lifted all restrictions and the Prime Minister invited the population to take “a calculated risk” and “learn to live with COVID-19″. Some people were scared, but many sectors of the economy were relieved, tourism in particular. It was a season of transition, allowing for the local population to slowly recover, but then colder weather brought a setback and the country struggled with the virus until March 2021.

Two major factors relevant to Australia right now changed the scenario.

First, the vaccination campaign ramped up successfully. Today, Italy has more than 74 per cent of the whole population fully vaccinated and has started the third dose for selected groups. To escalate take-up further, a proof of complete vaccination (“green pass”) has been made mandatory to work and enter all public spaces, including restaurants and transport.

Tourism resumed in Italy this summer.

Tourism resumed in Italy this summer.Credit: Bloomberg

Second, restrictions have been increasingly focused on the regional level, using different parameters to trigger them. Initially, policies were based on the R, or reproduction rate of the virus, which was considered controversial. Although providing a better indication of the epidemiological trend of infections, R is hard to calculate, released once a week (for the week before), and difficult to interpret. After a long debate, it was replaced by three indicators: weekly incidence rates per 100,000, hospital occupation rates in intensive care and occupation rates in other medical wards dedicated to COVID-19. The advantage of these measures is that they are all publicly available at province, regional and national level on a daily basis, thus much better suited to engage citizens.


These three indicators in combination are monitored weekly to determine the level of restrictions (from white, yellow, orange to red level). For instance, regions with 50 to 150 new cases per 100,000 per week, increased occupation rates of intensive care greater than 10 per cent, and increased occupation in COVID wards greater than 15 per cent become “yellow areas” where restaurants are open for takeaway only after 6pm, and there are curfews between 10pm and 5am. Currently, all of Italy is a “white area”.


These measures focused attention on local monitoring, and gave citizens an incentive to respect public health measures (particularly using masks indoors).

Italy has lifted all major restrictions, but they can be immediately reintroduced at regional level as soon as parameters change. The granularity of control measures is a likely explanation for the much better results achieved by Italy as opposed to Britain, which relies solely on vaccinations.

This kind of flexibility could work well in Australia at the level of local health districts. For instance, a change in parameters of the NSW Illawarra region could raise restrictions there independently of the rest of the state. This would focus a high level of attention on the major hospital in Wollongong, whose case monitoring and occupation rates may alert potential changes in local restrictions.

The battle is not over, but living with COVID-19 is not only possible, it is necessary. And as countries learn from each other and adopt similar methods of navigating the pandemic, it means Australians overseas (including me and my family) will feel part of the community again.

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