

This was published 3 years ago

‘A joke if it wasn’t so serious’: Australia lags developed countries on climate action

By Nick O'Malley and Miki Perkins

Despite pledges in Paris six years ago to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, governments worldwide have approved twice as many coal, oil and gas projects for the coming two decades than would be needed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.

No Australian federal government “policies or discourses” were found to be designed to help manage a wind-down of local fossil fuel production, according to a report by the United Nations Environment Program published on Wednesday, less than two weeks before the crucial COP26 climate talks begin in Glasgow.

The federal government continues to promote its fossil fuel industry, “emphasising the economic importance of its coal and gas sectors” the report says, noting that Canberra has championed a “gas-led recovery” from the pandemic and highlighting tax and royalty concessions and the fossil fuel rebate enjoyed by the sector in Australia.

The federal government has no plans to impose limitations on carbon intensive industries. The government has acknowledged coal exports will decline in coming decades, but Energy and Emissions Reduction Minister Angus Taylor this week said demand from Indo-Pacific countries meant “gas production and exports are projected to grow in the decades ahead”.

Under the government’s “technology not taxes” approach, it will roll out a low emissions road map for investing with private industries in hydrogen, which could replace fossil fuels in energy generation, and carbon capture and storage to trap pollution from existing processes such as coal-fired power and LNG production.

While the number of coal projects worldwide has declined slightly, gas and oil approvals continue to increase at a rate that would make the less ambitious 2-degree warming target impossible to reach.

Governments’ production plans and projections would lead to about 240 per cent more coal, 57 per cent more oil and 71 per cent more gas in 2030 than would be consistent with limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees, the report shows.

A new Climate Council report, released on Thursday, finds Australia has the worst track record on cutting greenhouse gas emissions and pledging to phase out fossil fuels of all developed countries.


This ranking will be unchanged even if Australia signs up to net zero by 2050, as Prime Minister Scott Morrison has flagged is his preference, unless there are strong commitments to deep emissions cuts this decade.

“This is a defining moment in the world’s response to climate change, and Australia remains the villain, and an outlier in the international community,” said Dr Simon Bradshaw, lead author of From Paris to Glasgow: a world on the move and head of research at the Climate Council.

Mr Taylor said the report, which does not include reductions attributable to changes to land use regulations, was misleading.

“Excluding sources of emissions reductions to suit a politically-motivated narrative, as the Climate Council does, shows a lack of respect for the Paris Agreement or climate science,” he said.

Australia had reduced emissions faster than every other major commodity exporting nation in the world, he said.

The Climate Council produced two new rankings that compare Australia with its peers. The first ranks wealthy developed countries on their emissions reductions, taking account of both their pledges and their actual record in reducing emissions. Australia is ranked last.

The second looks specifically at fossil fuel dependence, taking account of fossil fuel exports as well as domestic fossil fuel use. Australia ranks equal last, with Canada, for its extraction and use of fossil fuels.

Globally, the UN report found more than $US300 billion ($400 billion) in new public funds had been directed towards fossil fuel activities since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic – more than towards clean energy.

All nations must accept their responsibility to close the gap between planned fossil fuel projects and the amount of greenhouse gas that can still safely be emitted, said one of the UN report’s lead authors, Mans Nilsson, executive director at the Stockholm Environment Institute.

“As countries increasingly commit to net zero emissions by mid-century, they also need to recognise the rapid reduction in fossil fuel production that their climate targets will require.”

Lesley Hughes from Macquarie University, a climate expert and spokesperson for the Climate Council, said Australia was increasingly isolated internationally.

“The US and the UK have been personally pressuring Scott Morrison, so our status as a climate pariah is really there for all to see,” said Professor Hughes.

“Two weeks out from the COP and the government is being held hostage by a small handful of National Party MPs that are being held hostage by fossil fuel mining interests. It would be a joke if it wasn’t so serious.”

There are 80 proposed coal projects and five new large gas basins in the pipeline for Australia, as well as dozens of smaller gas projects dotted across the country.

With renewable energy resources and the large mineral reserves needed to drive the energy transition, Australia has the potential for new export industries that far exceed the value of its current fossil fuel exports, the Climate Council report finds.

As a first step, Australia should match the updated commitments of its key allies – including the US and the UK – and pledge before Glasgow to at least halve national emissions this decade, the report argues.

The Climate Council is a philanthropically and crowd-funded climate advocacy group that was established after the Coalition scrapped the Australian Climate Commission in 2013.

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