

This was published 3 years ago

Penny drops for BCA, but Coalition still stalls on climate

Vintage Leunig

Vintage LeunigCredit:

Australia’s weak and outdated climate policy is harming our industry potential and economic recovery (“Economic boost of $890b at net zero”, October 9-10). A firm commitment to reduce emissions by 50 per cent by 2030, as the Business Council of Australia proposes, would give investors certainty in the development of renewable energy generation and clean technology. Our trade partners are now decarbonising their own economies and Australia has a wealth of opportunity in export markets for renewable energy and value-added green materials. Complacency and procrastination will lock us into polluting and obsolete production at home and drive investors offshore. Emma Storey, Campsie

The BCA has called for a doubling of Australia’s efforts to slash carbon pollution. It is hard to believe there are still people who want to forever pump burnt gas, methane, coal smoke and vehicle exhaust into our atmosphere. An unbelievable level of not caring or putting heads in the sand. The climate elephant is not only in the room, it is running around knocking over the furniture. Thankfully, the number of climate deniers and action delayers is diminishing. Dennis O’Hara, Wanniassa (ACT)

The BCA ridiculed Labor’s proposal for a 45 per cent reduction at the last federal election. But the penny has finally dropped that achieving this target will deliver significant competitive advantage on world markets. Business has been forced to take the lead because the Morrison government’s efforts in this regard have been woeful. Tim Overland, Castle Hill

Reducing or eliminating the production of coal in Australia by itself is unlikely to change the world demand for coal. Overseas buyers of our coal would simply source their supplies from other countries and carbon emissions would remain unchanged. Perhaps we could start by building into the world price of coal a dollar value which recognises its real cost to the environment. Then we need to accelerate the development of alternative, environmentally friendly fuels which are genuinely cost competitive with coal. The world will only stop burning coal when there is an economic incentive to do it. Col Nicholson, Hawks Nest

The long-running relationship between government and the fossil fuel industry is starkly demonstrated by the many politicians and bureaucrats with close connections to the sector (“Morrison’s tiptoe through the climate minefield shouldn’t lead him to a COPout”, October 9). Is it any wonder then, that so many on the government benches have for decades campaigned to undermine the science of climate change? Australia is one of the world’s biggest per capita greenhouse gas emitters. It is no surprise we are seen as a pariah when it comes to doing something tangible about climate change. Bruce Spence, Balmain

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Dan Tehan calls for cuts to European subsidies for agriculture (“Farm subsidies are next target in the nation’s pollution fight”, October 9-10). Instead, they could be directed to those farm producers approaching carbon neutrality. Australia’s fossil fuel subsidies are directed towards energy producers with high carbon impacts. Our Fuel Tax Credits Scheme exempts many petrol and diesel users from paying excise, and tax deductions for exploration and drilling support extraction of oil and gas the world can no longer afford to burn. Angela Michaelis, Balmain

A cautious reopening or too much, too soon?

From today, NSW has a cautious easing of restrictions for the fully vaccinated with some modest tweaks by the new Premier (“Left behind: progressives must stop being so afraid of freedom, October 9-10). For some, this is outrageous, fearsome and worrisome and akin to “letting the virus rip”. There is a common thought that decisions on easing restrictions, should be based solely on the risk-averse advice by health bureaucrats. We elect governments to make decisions. Yes, lives and livelihoods are at stake. Thousands will continue to be ruined or at risk unless we gradually open up and get the economy going. I plan to do my bit this week by dining out, a movie, gym session and a haircut. I welcome freedom. Tony Nicod, Collaroy


The rush forward by this new Premier is a massive mistake. Once again, health workers will be cannon fodder so businesses can open. My bet is it won’t take long for it to go sour and back to lockdown because of a lack of patience and prudence. Or maybe God has it all under control. Michael Keene, Stanwell Park

Patience is not only a virtue, but a necessity in managing a pandemic, and being “a man in a hurry” is not a good qualification for the job (“Man in a hurry”, October 9-10). Viruses have developed good survival skills over the millennia, and all the COVID-19 virus needs to do is wait around until a hasty misjudgment enables it to roar back bigger than ever. Hopefully, tearaway Dominic Perrottet will not be in so much of a hurry that he makes that fatal misstep. Doug Walker, Baulkham Hills

I am not a person of faith, but I did receive some religious education (“Voters outside ‘weird’ inner city will trust Premier”, October 9-10). It strikes me that the words and actions of Jesus as he fought against the conservative church of money and power, with their public expressions of faith but little regard for those at the bottom of society, would make him stand out as one of the “weird” ones that Parnell Palme McGuinness rails against. Graeme Finn, Summer Hill

The writer seems to celebrate the fact a proposed assisted dying bill may fall over because of the religious views of our political leaders, or maybe she just celebrates slapping inner-city types in the face. But assisted dying is supported across NSW, not just in the inner city, and is especially supported in the regions. It’s amusing that we are to take guidance from churches that have shown surprisingly little moral or ethical superiority for some time. Ingrid Strewe, Bronte

Joyce’s troll call is a knee-jerk

Good on the Deputy PM for calling out the tech giants’ avaricious business model (“Raging Barnaby calls time on trolls”, October 9-10). But why does it take a personal encounter with the vile but ubiquitous online trolls to get the long-awaited regulation of this unfettered and out-of-control sector? David Beins, Cooks Hill

Heartening it is to read of the Coalition’s concerns over malicious and false rumours being spread by social media. It is in stark contrast to the Coalition’s silence over the Labor death tax rumour that swamped voters prior to the 2019 election, a rumour allegedly spread by prominent Coalition MPs via social media. Labor is no innocent either, as the 2016 Mediscare campaign indicated. Perhaps now is the time to call for a commitment from all parties, including One Nation and the UAP, to cease rumour-mongering, vilification and campaigning via social media. Ending funding for MPs social media activities would be an easy start. Christopher Gow, Austinmer

I remind Scott Morrison that he was dragged kicking and screaming to get rid of Craig Kelly, and George Christensen remains a member of the Parliament. Both have utilised Facebook unconscionably to spread COVID conspiracy theories. Rani Sachdev, Cronulla

Are tech giants, such as Facebook and Google, the cause or the symptom of societal damage? They have facilitated the rise of individualism, while at the same time creating new, niche communities around notions of freedom and self-determination, which have challenged social order, the rule of law and the role of governments. Interwoven with individualism has been consumerism, which is nowhere better promulgated than on the internet. The problem for Western democracies is how to protect their citizens both from themselves and from forces that, in other contexts, would be welcomed as essential to liberal, capitalist, secular societies. Philip Cooney Wentworth Falls

I have no respect for the behaviour of the owners of Facebook and their view of profit over any level of social decency, nor for the appalling trolls who post the rubbish that they do. I would suggest, however, that many more daughters will suffer due to Joyce’s views on climate change than will suffer from Facebook. Brenton McGeachie, Queanbeyan West

Joyce has just won the hearts and votes of so many parents. Jenny Greenwood, Hunters Hill

Innocents of ICAC

Despite the controversy about the timing of ICAC inquiry into the then premier, Gladys Bereljklian, it is an important bulwark against corruption (“Minns supports ICAC inquiry into Labor”, October 9-10). Nevertheless, for people who do not follow the details of the open inquiries, there is a tendency to assume that anyone who appears before it is corrupt. To minimise damage to innocent people caught up in the machinations of corrupt officials and who have to appear before ICAC, it should clear these people publicly and as soon as possible. As much as I love reading about the “gotcha” moments in the open inquiries, I believe ICAC proceedings should be closed. Thiam Ang, Beecroft

Pru Goward’s statement that ICAC findings “destroy a person’s career but never actually lead to any legal outcomes” is patently false. The convictions of former Labor MPs Eddie Obeid and Ian Macdonald are evidence of legal outcomes resulting from an ICAC inquiry while former Liberal MPs Nick Greiner (currently Australian Consul-General in New York) and Barry O’Farrell (currently Australian High Commissioner to India) demonstrate that career destruction is not the inevitable outcome of an ICAC inquiry. Wendy Michaels, Northbridge

Home where the rent goes

What will Australia look like with an entire generation of ordinary Australians, and those to follow as well, locked out of home ownership as they are now (“Home truths”, October 9-10)? With the government offering only trivial and even counterproductive nonsense like the latest idiocy of making loans harder to get for first home buyers, and refusing to do the obvious, have any of our politicians imagined what society will be like when Australians can no longer own a stake in their own country? Have they imagined the discontent, the alienation which will swell into bitterness and rage when people are left at the mercy of the rental market and can’t even afford that? Have they imagined cities where essential workers have to live forever like students in shared accommodation? Can they not see that the longer they leave it to turn this ship around the more damage there will be? There will be a reckoning, and it will not be happy for this country. Jennifer Briggs, Kilaben Bay

Pay, treat nurses properly

Australia is a rich country. We should be training more nurses, paying them more and ensuring that they are not overworked to the point of being “burnt out” (“Nurses, doctors defy border ban amid healthcare crisis”, October 9-10). Bronwyn Bryceson, Mangerton

Double standards on travel

On the day that Tony Abbott made a provocative speech on China in Taiwan as a “private citizen” after no doubt receiving yet another travel exemption, I received a refusal from Home Affairs to travel to Britain to assist my elderly brother in the care of my 101-year-old mother who is suffering from advanced Alzheimer’s (Letters, October 9-10). I am fully vaccinated, planned to be away for at least a month and not return before home quarantine is allowed, so not be taking the place of a stranded Australian. Another rule for pollies and ex-pollies and no compassion for the rest of us. Michael Lockwood, Annandale

Buildings beware

So, out of the world of Modernist and Brutalist into the world of Perro-Trumpian architecture. (“Perrottet, Trump and their towering pie-eyed beauty”, October 9). Geoffrey Williamson, Woollahra

Silent Chant

Move over Dr Kerry Chant, the bean counters have arrived (Letters, October 9-10). Laurie Powell, Woy Woy

Gladys Berejiklian, come back! All is forgiven. We’ve all kissed frogs. It was just unfortunate that you met up with a poisonous one. Genevieve Milton, Newtown

Cry freedom

What a poor misnomer is “Freedom Day”. We are not out of the woods yet. Nor is it about individual democratic rights. A name such as “Society Day” would be far better – it is a day that we all work together for the common good. Trevor Taylor, Port Macquarie

Surely, it is “Responsibility Day”. Chris Ramos, Sydney

For many people, the best thing about the end of the lockdown is being able to hug your parents again. Peter Miniutti, Ashbury

The first bells of Sydney’s jacarandas are just beginning to open, an appropriate time to celebrate the easing of COVID-19 restrictions. How good is that? Nedra Orme, Neutral Bay

Good jab, NSW. Michael Deeth, Como West

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Australia on track for 90 per cent vaccination rate
From Nothing to see here: ″⁣Great work Australia, keep it up! A shout out to all the folks who have worked selflessly and tirelessly to make this happen. This Australian, who hasn’t been home for four years, is very much looking forward to coming home and visiting family and friends.″⁣

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