

This was published 3 years ago


Perrottet, Trump and their architecture of pie-eyed beauty

Five years ago, our new Premier Dominic Perrottet defended Donald Trump’s election, saying; “There is a silent majority who ... are looked upon with contempt” by the political classes. “If you question man-made climate change you are not a sceptic,” he continued (although in fact that’s pretty much the definition). “If you support stronger borders, you are not a racist. If you want a plebiscite on same-sex marriage, you are not a homophobe ... It’s time for a new political conversation that reflects the concerns of everyday people.”

This push to make elite right-wingery appear to support the common man (not woman, never that) via anti-intellectual venom is straight from the neoliberal playbook. What’s interesting is how both Perrottet and Trump have roped architecture into that oxymoronic purpose.

Dominic Perrottet and Rob Stokes tour the White Bay Power Station in Rozelle last November.

Dominic Perrottet and Rob Stokes tour the White Bay Power Station in Rozelle last November.Credit: Louie Douvis

One of several things Perrottet and Trump share is a hatred of modern architecture. Why? Because, they say, it’s ugly.

Nothing about how either man presents or behaves suggests a special eye for beauty. Yet both have singled out architecture as an aesthetic superpower. What will it mean for NSW to have a premier who can put “post-Structuralist” into a sentence, even if he doesn’t know what it means?

Perrottet’s anti-Modern spray last November was strictly of the “I don’t know much about architecture but I know what I like” variety, a calculated sop to populist anti-intellectualism. He picked soft targets which only the few, the knowledgeable, would defend – the Sirius, Seidler’s Blues Point Tower, White Bay power station and assorted charmless annexures to grand old buildings.


Proudly aligning himself with the “architecturally unenlightened”, Perrottet declared: “The fact a building might photograph nicely at dusk – and thrill a coterie of architectural sophisticates with its bold articulation of the revolutionary maxims of Fifth-Wave-Neo-Post-Structuralist design theory – doesn’t count for much if it’s an eyesore.”

So it’s all about beauty. Trump was big on beauty. Indeed, he weaponised it. Apart from promising that “big beautiful wall” between America and Mexico (still only fractionally built) he applied the epithet “beautiful” to US military equipment, clean coal and “two world wars”. His take on architecture was similarly militaristic.

In February 2020 – a full gestation period before Perrottet’s attack on Modernist and Brutalist architecture – Trump drafted an executive order effectively banning Brutalism from federal buildings. Two days before Christmas he signed it into law in December – and of course new President Joe Biden soon revoked it.


Trump also appointed conservative architecture critic Justin Shubow to the venerable Commission of Fine Arts, a body that reviews the aesthetics of all design and construction in Washington DC. Shubow, an abiding champion of classicism, insists that the traditional architecture mandated by the Trump appointees to the commission is “what ordinary Americans actually want”. Biden removed him from the commission in May.

Back home, Perrottet’s recipe to “Make Sydney a More Beautiful City” (his caps) was less creative. Focusing on subtraction not addition, Perrottet proposed 10 demolitions. These included Seidler’s MLC Centre, not for its own unsightliness but as an act of architectural revenge because it had demolished the Australia Hotel.

The MLC Centre building in Martin Place.

The MLC Centre building in Martin Place.Credit: Jessica Hromas

I agree with Perrottet that razing that grand old dame was “a hate crime against beauty”. But demolition won’t undo it, and this particular room holds two full-grown elephants.

One is that classicism is the most intellectualised, abstruse and scholarly style in history – and in that sense the most elitist. The other is that Perrottet’s regime has wreaked far more destruction than Modernism ever did. It has juggernauted throughout Sydney and the state committing precisely such hate crimes, repeatedly replacing the old and beautiful with the new, the over-tall and the hideous.

Classical architecture, in the 2600-odd years since its inception in Periclean Athens, has enjoyed half a dozen rebirths. It was reinvented first by Ancient Rome then, successively, by the European Renaissance, the much later English Renaissance, 18th-19th century neo-classicism, the stripped classicism of Mussolini’s New Rome, the pompous classicism of Hitler’s Third Reich and silly, frilly 1980s post-Modernism.

In symbolic terms, these different classical iterations have been seen to represent everything from Athens’ Ur-democracy to Italian fascism, from 19th century’s cigar-puffing capitalism to Speer’s Nazism. The common thread is power. Classicism has always represented power.

The classical Chief Secretary’s Building in the city.

The classical Chief Secretary’s Building in the city.Credit: Steven Siewert

Of course, Perrottet didn’t actually advocate classical architecture. He really just wants to knock stuff down. But the only authority he cited in his anti-Modern tirade was Roger Scruton, one of classical architecture’s most scholarly (and most conservative) apologists.

What Perrottet mostly does, in line with his demolitional dreaming, is destruction. The government of which he is a part sold off virtually all Sydney’s treasured (classical) sandstone public buildings; and it has endorsed the development of an enormous, bulging foot-through-the-heritage-roof hotel tower over the city’s beautiful Chief Secretary’s and Public Works building.

It has carved up neighbourhoods for tollways, spread developer-take-all architecture as far as Wagga, where a 17-storey tower is now controversially proposed, and designated all public housing for the rich (Sirius, Millers Point) and rich developers (Waterloo, Redfern). What’s not elitist about that?

Donald Trump speaks at his beautiful wall between the US and Mexico in June.

Donald Trump speaks at his beautiful wall between the US and Mexico in June.Credit: The Monitor

Building is a positive act. It’s not easy to make it seem a net loss. But Perrottet’s profit-driven years as treasurer have achieved that. He may despise functionalism, with its famous slogan “less is more”. But I fear his rule as Premier will make more seem a whole lot less.

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