

This was published 3 years ago


Morrison’s tiptoe through the climate minefield shouldn’t lead him to a COPout

There is an increasing, but still cautious optimism on the Liberal side of Scott Morrison’s government that Australia won’t embarrass itself at next month’s United Nations climate conference in Glasgow. A commitment to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 – the bare minimum that our “forever” allies in Washington and London expect of us – appears to be within reach despite the sabre-rattling from a handful of National Party ministers and backbenchers.

There is even a chance that Australia will offer a more ambitious interim target to 2030.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit: The Sydney Morning Herald

The expectations for a historic policy shift, after 12 querulous years of climate obstruction by the Coalition in opposition and in government, is built on a simple political calculation. The Liberal Party has more seats at risk in the cities from continued inaction than the National Party has in the regions from net zero.

Accounts differ on the seats in danger. One senior Liberal familiar with the internal polling nominates up to six – the inner metropolitan electorates of Chisholm in Melbourne, Brisbane, Wentworth and North Sydney in the Prime Minister’s home city, as well as the outer-metropolitan electorate of Boothby in Adelaide, and Robertson on the NSW Central Coast.

The threats are asymmetrical. Labor is well placed in areas such as Chisholm, where the Liberal margin is ultra-thin. But in Wentworth and North Sydney, which require swings of almost 10 per cent to change hands, it is the independents who pose the greatest challenge.

The Liberal Party is also vulnerable in as many as three seats in Perth for reasons other than climate change, and can’t take Tasmania for granted, where it picked up two seats from Labor at the last election. The government holds a majority of one in a Parliament of 151, with 76 seats, to Labor’s 69 and six others.


Morrison has understood the need to bring the government back to the centre on climate change since the post-mortem of the 2019 election. But he could indulge a do-nothing compromise with the climate sceptics in the National Party while Donald Trump remained in the White House. That soft option disappeared on January 20 this year when Joe Biden used his first day as President to sign an executive order for the United States to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord. The clock has been ticking ever since, and lately it has assumed the menace of a time bomb.

The question, always, with Morrison is why does he leave the big decisions to the last possible moment? On climate change, it is clear he wanted to avoid the issue until after the election. Morrison’s original plan was to go to polls before Glasgow. But that window closed with the bungling of the vaccine rollout, and was bolted shut by Sydney’s wave of the coronavirus which has forced 60 per cent of the national population into an extended lockdown.


On the other hand, Barnaby Joyce’s return to the National Party leadership in late June has been less of a barrier to net zero than first feared. Joyce continues to play a constructive role in the negotiations, according to Liberal sources.

Morrison’s caution is nonetheless understandable. He has a back catalogue of his own scepticism to contend with. Remember, he took a lump of coal into Federal Parliament as treasurer in February 2017, a stunt that happened to coincide with Trump’s first days in office? And he claimed the Liberal leadership in August the following year after a party-room revolt over Malcolm Turnbull’s national energy guarantee. At the 2019 election, Morrison claimed Labor’s electric car policy would “end the weekend”.

Then treasurer Scott Morrison holds up a lump of coal in Parliament in February 2017.

Then treasurer Scott Morrison holds up a lump of coal in Parliament in February 2017. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

If, and when, he announces the government’s conversion to net zero, Morrison will need to explain to his voters on the centre right who want action, and to those on the hard right who still see global heating as hoax, that his new position isn’t just a political fix to help him secure another term in office.

Surely, the best way to demonstrate he is serious is to take his policy to Glasgow? But the PM tells us he is reluctant to go to the meeting himself. He says his first responsibility is to sell the policy “to Australians, not to people overseas, at overseas conferences”.

This doesn’t make much diplomatic sense. If we are finally putting the past dozen years of leadership chaos and policy gridlock behind us, why wouldn’t Morrison want to receive the applause on the international stage? What better way to sell his policy than to be pictured with world leaders taking climate change seriously?


There are two theories doing the rounds in Canberra. One, from sources sympathetic to Morrison, is that he doesn’t want to spook the Nationals by putting his attendance ahead of their agreement. The other is that Morrison is more concerned about the G20 meeting in Rome at the end of this month, which precedes the so-called COP26 in Glasgow.

On this theory, Morrison is wary of the multiple cold shoulders awaiting him at the G20. French President Emmanuel Macron still won’t take his call. President Biden won’t want to be embracing Morrison while he is still repairing his own relationship with Macron. As the Axios website reported this week: “Biden and his aides have acknowledged they were mistaken to leave it to the Australians to tell the French they were killing their submarine deal and negotiating with the Americans and Brits instead.” And Chinese President Xi Jinping has not spoken to Morrison in more than a year.

Has there been a more awkward moment for an Australian leader? Here’s the irony though. Before the French subs row, Morrison revelled in the backslaps from fellow leaders for Australia’s COVID-19 response.

Let’s assume Morrison can thread every needle between now and polling day – net zero, a safe reopening for the economy, and a re-election platform that preserves a majority for his government. That would give him a mandate for climate change reform. But what is to stop him adopting a passive position after the election, especially if his margin remains tight?


A narrow re-election won’t resolve the split between the cities and regions on climate change; it would merely delay the reckoning.

Morrison has taken the slow and low roads to net zero. He has treated climate change as an internal argument, presuming the public is happy to accept its resolution without needing the detail. He continues to bend facts to claim Australia is ahead of the pack when the world is, in fact, waiting for us to stop whingeing.

At no point has he taken the Australian people into his confidence. Until he does, he won’t have genuine authority to undertake what will be our biggest reform since the Hawke-Keating government opened the economy in the 1980s.

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