

This was published 3 years ago

Surviving the low-life gropers of Federal Parliament

By Jenna Price

Power Play: Breaking Through Bias, Barriers and Boys’ Clubs
Julia Banks
Hardie Grant, $34.99

After you buy Power Play by Julia Banks, grab yourself a pen and paper, then proceed to read. This is a thriller – and you will need to make notes of clues. It is also a despairer, one that will make women everywhere desperate about their constrained ability to participate in democracy.

I love a good tell-all memoir, although the new book by the former Liberal MP is far from that. Our defamation laws – and the naturally conservative bent of Banks herself – make that impossible in Power Play. So you have to work it out yourself and that’s where pen and paper come in handy. More of that later.

Julia Banks announced her departure from the Liberal Party and move to the crossbench in November 2018.

Julia Banks announced her departure from the Liberal Party and move to the crossbench in November 2018.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

There is so much to recommend the latest book in the newest genre on the shelves: the What Went Wrong for Women Politicians pioneered by former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in What Happened. Banks’ book is funny, harrowing, occasionally a little cliched, but altogether worth reading. Not just because on most occasions you can figure out who the bad guys are (this is so much fun! I have lists! Your notes comes in handy now) but because this book is a clear contemporaneous account of the hellhole that the modern Australian political scene is for women.

If you are obsessed with Australian politics – as I am – you will know gender has beset the federal Coalition. Within a few months, three separate polling organisations have shown a sharp shift of women away from the government: Essential, Resolve Monitor, NewsPoll. And why? For once, all women could agree. The way that former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins, allegedly raped in Parliament House, was treated by those in government was appalling. If this was how the government treated one of its own, how would it treat others? As Banks puts it, “The painful experience for this woman was compounded by the Morrison government’s incompetence, mismanagement and lack of accountability and humanity.”


We know now the extent of that inhumanity to a young Liberal staffer. But Banks provides a much broader context, backed up by Kate Ellis’ memoir released earlier this year, Sex, Lies and Question Time; by a more scholarly yet also accessible work, Gender Politics: Navigating Political Leadership in Australia edited by Zareh Ghazarian and Katrina Lee-Koo (many chapters on the challenges women face in leadership in this country, including one by me); and the sensational Ms Represented, wrangled and hosted by Annabel Crabb, screening on the ABC.

And never mind the big picture, there are scores of women lining up to give their personal stories to the Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins’ inquiry into workplace safety at Parliament House. I can barely wait for the Brittany Higgins book, to be released next year.

The real pleasure in this book is the speed at which it has emerged (congratulations to publisher Hardie Grant, which also did the Ellis book). While some passages trudge through human resources speak (you may take the woman out of corporate law but you can’t take the corporate law sensibility out of the woman), much of it sweeps us up in the very nowness of it.


Banks writes: “In this past year, we have seen children in the background of Zoom calls, heard dogs barking, and been more closely exposed to how each of our colleagues manages the juggle.” And just as she sets that scene, she reminds us we all saw the Four Corners episode, Inside the Canberra Bubble. That was barely eight months ago and Banks’ book explains so much of how we got to the unpleasant place we glimpsed in Four Corners.

But it’s when Banks goes close to naming names, that the best fun is had. Turn to page 115. Meet the women who had confided to Banks that they too had experienced sexism and who shared their troubles on social messaging platform WhatsApp. But when the going got tough, after Banks had come out against the terrible behaviour of men in the Liberal Party, one of those women backflipped.


Writes Banks: “One of the female Liberal MPs who had been openly seen by multiple MPs as distressed, crying and bullied into voting a certain way during the week of the leadership coup started publicly denying that there was any bullying.” She’d been offered a deal for her position. This is where your list-making helps. I’m pretty sure I now know who the traitor was. And I think I’m close to figuring out the identities of the gropers, the mopers and the deadset deadbeats.

Banks has already spent a great deal of time on television and radio, in print and online, explaining why she decided to leave first the Liberal Party and then Federal Parliament after the spill of the then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull. She could clearly see that his replacement, Scott Morrison, would not be a good fit for her values.

Some of the book is a little too hocus pocus human resources speak but that part of her life also gives us some meaningful vignettes of what shapes a woman to enter politics. Of course, as a politics tragic, I’d much rather read more of the chaos of Federal Parliament in the wake of a spill than self-help but that part of Power Play will certainly broaden its appeal. Plus who doesn’t love a list?

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