

This was published 3 years ago

The shocking lies that reveal the truth about women in politics

By Jenna Price

Sex, Lies and Question Time
Kate Ellis
Hardie Grant Books $32.99

By magic and genius commissioning, here is a perfect book for right now (with another one coming), dealing with catastrophic misogyny in the Australian parliament, complete with enraging stories of what happens to women when they participate in politics.

Kate Ellis in Parliament as shadow education minister, 2017.

Kate Ellis in Parliament as shadow education minister, 2017.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Sex, Lies and Question Time is filled with detail, so well-contextualised and so damned zeitgeisty, it would be tempting to imagine author and former Labor politician Kate Ellis snuck out there and planted a few live stories among journalists before publication date. But the former minister in the Rudd government had no need. The impetus for the book is clear at the beginning of chapter two when she gives an example of what women politicians deal with every day, not just her day, not just progressive women. When Ellis arrived in Canberra, she reveals she was asked: “The only thing anyone really wants to know about you, Kate, is how many blokes you had to f--- to get into parliament”?

Ellis didn’t just get mad, she also got even. She was only 27 when elected to parliament, 30 when Kevin Rudd appointed her to be Minister for Youth and Sport, the youngest ever Federal minister. Now she’s gone. Her book goes a long way to explaining why no woman in her right mind would ever want to be in parliament and why we must change that.

We outsiders think we know what would make a difference. We say to these women, oh, just work together and all will be well. As Ellis explains, it’s the structures that structure the relationships. It’s not only the ideological positions, it is also the desire to turn every disagreement into a catfight, to pit woman against woman. As she puts it, “It’s a worthy sentiment [but it also] grossly underestimates the complexities of the inter-relationships of women and the culture of a system which is based around exploiting differences.”


Of course, given the speed of events in a post-the-revelations-of- Brittany-Higgins world, parts of the book are dated. Sussan Ley considers whether quotas for women are a good thing but this week, the NSW Division of the Liberal Party is planning quotas. Ellis writes no male backbencher would be asked about whether they’d had sex in the now infamous prayer room but since last week, male backbenchers and staffers are definitely having conversations with their bosses about sex in the prayer room. The final details of Sarah Hanson-Young’s utter utter crushing of courtcase loser, former senator David Leyonhjelm, in the Greens senator’s defamation action, are missing.

There is, as Ellis says, no dignity in silence and she has done a remarkable job of getting colleagues across parties to spill the sexism and worse. From Pauline Hanson, porned by The Daily Telegraph when it published images it claimed were of the One Nation leader, through former Liberal foreign minister Julie Bishop and former Prime Minister Julia Gillard, to former Finance Minister Senator Penny Wong, women share their lived experience of misery, misogyny and male entitlement. No wonder, according to Readings’ Mark Rubbo, the book sold 200 copies the day it arrived in store.

There is much to be said for this timeliness but publisher of nonfiction at Hardie Grant Books Arwen Summers says the book has been in the works since 2019: “I wish I could say I predicted this but the book has joined the momentum.”


SLQT is, in turns, infuriating, funny and moving. In none of my conversations as a journalist with Ellis in the past could I have predicted she would make jokes about either “insatiable sexual animalism” or vajazzling; and somehow it all still makes sense when set against chapters such as “Why It’s Worth It” that could be annoyingly self-righteous but instead make you cry. No further spoilers here.


The next book coming is Powerplay by former Liberal member Julia Banks. Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull introduced Banks to publisher Sandy Grant who also shies away from taking the credit for the timeliness. “It’s Julia’s insight, not mine and it reveals what we see now. The time creates the opportunity.”

Both Ellis and Banks end with words of hope and opportunity. But of all the words in the Ellis book, one passage strikes hard. Ellis is discussing the weaponisation of sexual gossip in parliament. She writes that Penny Wong, on appearances a confident lesbian, revealed she was not immune to what Peta Credlin described as “mind warfare”, the recycling of rumours and innuendo.

Wong said: “I think once [Liberal Senator Eric] Abetz made a comment about Jay [former South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill]. I went nuts, like, how dare you? And I think they were all a bit freaked out and it didn’t happen again.”

A lesson for all of us. Join the momentum. Go nuts. It appears to be the only solution.

Kate Ellis is a guest at Sydney Writers’ Festival (

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