

This was published 3 years ago

PM’s faith is not the target, but hypocrisy is fair game

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit: Sydney Morning Herald

Denise Austin would have us believe that the Prime Minister’s oft-affirmed Christian beliefs will help redeem and restore the status of women in society (“Morrison’s faith paves way to justice for women”, 19/4). Perhaps the Reverend professor has forgotten these passages from her New Testament: Timothy 2:11 ... “Let a woman learn in silence with full submission. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man.” Corinthians 11:3 ... “Man is head of woman; neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man.” Ephesians 5:22 ... “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.” There is, regrettably, a persistent streak of misogyny in the Good Book. Christianity is part of the problem, not the solution. - David Salter, Hunters Hill

Austin gives an overtly biased defence of Scott Morrison’s religious and personal family references, which he relates to major contemporary issues of concern. She needs reminding that being an effective, relevant, fair, just, genuinely insightful and humane leader is much bigger than an individual’s personal faith and family experience. No individual should need a moralistic framework imposed by organised religion, with its own agendas, or to be part of what they personally consider a normal family, to have cited leadership qualities and genuine compassion for what others in the community might consider unjust and contemptuous. - Robyn Dalziell, Kellyville

The Morrison apologist missive by Austin was both amusing and sad. Criticism of Morrison is never about his family or faith, but rather his reliance on both of them for divisive or inconsistent or hypocritical decisions. He seeks to use his family and faith as a shield for his, often “bad” decisions. What is galling is that rather than consistently demonstrating Christian values, he only espouses them. - Bernard Stever, Richmond

Empowering women to preach and teach in Pentecostal churches is great, particularly when many other denominations are slow to do so. But it is absolutely vital that Christians translate faith into action for the good of all. Attacking the PM’s faith is a cheap shot but this defence reads like special pleading. The PM is a political operator. We are profoundly disappointed that he isn’t making the connection between the gospel’s message of social justice and his government’s ability to make it real for a great majority of Australian women. - Margaret Johnston, Paddington

Illustration by John Shakespeare

Illustration by John ShakespeareCredit: Sydney Morning Herald

Austin is right that the life of Jesus can teach us all many lessons –not just in regard to relationships between the sexes but in other ways, such as helping the less fortunate. However, preaching that through the construct of a church is fraught. Organised religion often contradicts the essence of Jesus’ teaching to love all, such as the prejudice suffered by women seeking abortion rights or the lack of respect for gay women (and men). - Clay O’Brien, Mosman

Regardless of whether the Pentecostal Christian faith is behind Scott Morrison’s response to women’s rights and sexual harassment is beside the point. The problem is just his response: Weak, timid, evasive, dismissive and, like so many of his responses to other important issues, embarrassingly unperceptive and inappropriate, and almost totally lacking in understanding and leadership. - Alynn Pratt, Grenfell

The teachings of Jesus are one thing. The actions of Morrison are another. - Graeme Finn, St Peters

Textbook case of education falling prey to politicisation


The problem with education in Australia is that it is a political football, influenced by people with little background in sound research (“Report savages Masters review of curriculum”, April 19). Who are these members of the NSW education committee? They say that “textbooks should be mandatory”, even though, from my 30 years of teaching, I find today’s textbooks to be over-simplistic and often out of date by the time they get published. The only reason “teachers often have a ‘random’ approach to finding learning materials” is that high-quality curriculum support supposedly provided to teachers is non-existent. Teachers spent a lot of time developing their own resources (often at their own expense). I still remember the days when each district office had a curriculum support officer who would visit schools and conduct training sessions, face to face, on the new curriculum. Educational resources, developed by the Department of Education, went through a rigorous, collaborative process and were published for everyone to access for free. More money is now spent employing people to collect data on schools than on supporting schools to deliver high-quality education. - Gabrielle Curry, Little Forest

As an English teacher of over 30 years, I daily faced the challenge of locating, creating and differentiating lesson materials, thoughtfully pairing them with stimulating and engaging activities. I may not have got it right every day, but I do know I am feeling rather insulted by a comment that my “random” approach somehow cheated my students. In fact, I suspect the committee believes we don’t actually need trained educators anymore, thus saving the government a fortune. - Lorraine Hickey, Green Point

Highly respected internationally and nationally educator Professor Geoff Masters finds his report, which he says “reflects the aspirations and concerns of the community after months of consultation” savaged by politicians. Economic commentator Alan Kohler often notes says Reserve Bank needs to be listened to as it is run by economists who generally know what they are talking about, not politicians who don’t. We need to be guided by those who know what they are talking about. - Stephen Wilson, Kangaroo Valley

This report smacks of ideological control and completely bypasses the professional judgment of educators. A return to textbook learning will undermine independent thinking and disadvantage students preparing for university education, as well as those who require alternative education approaches. - Vanessa Tennent, Oatley

As an author of textbooks, I should be thrilled with the education committee recommendation for mandatory textbooks in classrooms. However, this smacks of yet another Band-Aid solution to our education system given by people with little or no current classroom experience. - Margaret Grove, Abbotsford

Masthead’s marvellous milestone

What a wonderful collection of articles and photographs to mark the Herald’s milestone (“Celebrating 190 years”, April 19). Happy birthday to you. - Peter Miniutti, Ashbury

A splendid anniversary edition; my copy goes straight to the pool room. - Nola Tucker, Kiama

I have been an avid Herald reader all my life. I remember growing up with my dad reading the paper at the breakfast table. Now I subscribe and I start each day with the SMH. I really appreciate the dedicated journalists who make it happen despite the challenging times that we currently face. Thank you. - Frank Gasparre, Eastwood

Today’s Herald motto “Independent, always” continues its credo of “‘sworn to no master, of no sect’ are we”. Mark Twain’s “if you don’t read the newspaper , you are uninformed .If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed” is a pertinent timeless reminder of the importance of a newspaper that maintains integrity; always starving to seek and tell the truth. As the saying goes “if you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters”. - Steve Ngeow, Chatswood

Not only is honesty the best policy, it seems honesty ensures longevity - witness the Herald at 190 – and not out! Bravo, I dips me lid. - Edward Loong, Milsons Point

Speaking truth to power, exposing corruption, reporting on tragedy and triumph, challenging orthodoxy, advancing the human condition. Such achievements are all very well, but the Herald’s mightiest achievement remains publishing our brilliant letters. Mine, especially. - Jack Robertson, Birchgrove

If all politicians could adopt the motto, we would be closer to a true democracy (“Still ‘sworn to no master, of no sect’, are we”). - Mustafa Erem, Terrigal

What a wonderful article by Peter Hartcher (“Legacy of rigour sacred to democracy”, April 19) reminding us of the ethos of the Herald over 190 years. Whilst mention could have been made of the opportunity that is given to readers to freely express their opinions in the Letters pages, I congratulate the Herald and its staff. Chris Sinclair, West Pennant Hills

The Herald was the first newspaper I read when arriving here from England as a 12 year old with the Fairbridge Farm scheme. I have happily stuck with it since. Throughout my life it has projected a moderate conservatism which, I think, is reflective of the population as a whole. If its “striving for balance and impartiality” brings it “abuse from all sides” then it must be doing something right. -Ron Sinclair, Bathurst

Congratulations on your 190th year of reporting. I have followed the Herald almost religiously during the last 30 years and very much enjoyed reading Gittins, O’Malley, McClymont, FitzSimons and importantly, the letter writers! I wish you continue for many more years with your investigative, accurate, informative reporting, which is a pleasure to read. - Alfredo Bustos-Ramirez, Mosman

I was 13-years-old when I delivered the Herald to readers on Manly’s eastern hill. Had great difficulty in throwing the broadsheet as it was in those days to two storey terraces, occasionally hearing the sound of broken glass which meant a severe ear bashing from the newsagency owner. Happy birthday. - Frank Tweedie, Morpeth

Over 70 years a reader. Over 50 as a subscriber. The Herald has announced so many of my personal moments, births, school and university results, engagement, matrimony, childrens’ births and loved ones passing. Thank you. Kevin Trevitt, Brighton le Sands

A subscriber myself, but right in Sydney, I find it thoughtful, and fun, of the SMH to report on its geographically farthest subscriber in Lisbon, in the “Herald turns 190″ series.

As a first-generation migrant, I share what Elizabeth Farrelly puts in her recent book, Killing Sydney, “the immigrant’s eye brings a capacity to love that locals may not possess”, on how she feels about Sydney as a city. This somehow applies to how I feel about the Herald too. To say the least, newspaper reading is one of the best ways to learn the language. Language apart, the Herald is also perhaps the best newspaper to enable you to know the city you live in, the country you call home, the Australian perspectives on world affairs, and even to kill time, among many others.

Looking back, I was a little worried in 2018, when Fairfax would be sold to Nine, and even bought a “Fair Go Fairfax” t-shirt to show my support. Thankfully my worry has been proven wrong. The Herald’s quality has remained consistent after the owner change; I don’t see any discount in journalism happening ever since. Congrats on turning 190! - Jiongjie He, Hillsdale

An honest, unbiased independent media is fundamental to a healthy democracy. Like a great public square of the mind, it gives room for the free exchange of ideas opinions as well as constructive criticism. All in the pursuit of shaping a fairer, more equitable and caring Australian society. Few media entities don’t apply some degree of editorial control over their daily content. 2020 has delivered ample demonstrations of the destructive consequences of distorting the debate. Trump, Fox News and “fake news” dominated the media space to society’s detriment. Let’s hope the Herald by virtue of its constitution, continues to defy such forces. Here’s wishing this masthead and all associated with it, to flourish in doing what they do so well, for many more years to come. - Cleveland Rose, Dee Why

Taking us for fools

Generations of my family have laboured in the cold, dark corridors that lay beneath the Hunter Valley and Lake Macquarie. My family has benefited from the economic prosperity mining has brought to our region (“Coal mining in the Hunter on the wane, says Treasury”, April 19).

We do, however, need to bring reason back into the discourse on this topic. Matt Kean’s sacking of Malcolm Turnbull because he dared to suggest there should be a holistic planning process in approving new mines quickly descended into the murky depths of the political and ideological. What the shock-jocks and the likes of the self-serving Mark Latham and Joel Fitzgibbon fail to mention in their commentary is significant. New mines will lead to further lay-offs as existing coal mines are operating well below their approved capacity. Furthermore, most people in the electorate are actually supportive of a halt on new mines until a plan can be developed.

My relatives still working in Hunter Valley pits deserve to be given the opportunity and economic support to transition to sustainable, economically viable industries. The pro-coal megaphone continues to take us for fools. If their misinformation is continued to be believed, democracy will once again be the canary in the coal mine. - Stephanie Strachan, Newcastle

Best form of defence ...

The Prime Minister may assert that “all Australians” will support Defence Minister Peter Dutton’s announcement to overrule the decision to strip the Meritorious Unit Citation from special forces. Only he’d be wrong (“Australian special forces veterans to retain Afghanistan service awards”, April 19). Many Australians will be deeply disturbed by the signal the government is sending that any behaviour in war is acceptable. It’s a less than subtle dog whistle that our armed forces should remain silent when war crimes are committed by their fellow Australians. General Angus Campbell said there was credible evidence of war crimes and false reports of operational success. Dutton claims his decision is an effort to increase morale. It looks closer to a complete shirt-fronting of the Chief of the Defence Forces. - Jennifer Raines, Newtown

As we pull out of one war, in the shadow of Anzac Day commemorating another more than a century ago, it is appropriate to reflect not just on the awful cost of war, but on how we as a nation make this most difficult of decisions in future. This should be for all our elected representatives to decide, not just the prime minister. - Susanna Gorman, North Ryde

I’ve been reflecting on the reporting of Australia’s decision to withdraw all of its remaining troops from Afghanistan. Yes, there was the heartbreak of 41 soldiers killed and the many more wounded during actions. But what wasn’t reported were the number of soldiers who committed suicide or are suffering PTSD due to their time in that war. Finally, there are the families of the soldiers who carry the burden of supporting those terribly damaged veterans. An enormous human cost, and for what?- Graham Hansen, Denistone

Right to die: the flipside

Yes, Ed Raftery, the choice to die in freedom is a fine thing, but not if the choice to die is based on the inadequacy or poor quality of aged care available (Letters, April 19). It’s not a genuine freedom when at the end of your life the choice is to be either admitted to an unsatisfactory nursing home or arrange to die first. If assisted dying becomes law, I can see many governments being tempted to further de-fund nursing homes and palliative care to make these end of life supports even less appealing, so that more people will choose to end their lives earlier than necessary and therefore make no further call on government resources. - Valerie Craig, Orange

Peter Pitt is right (Letters, April 17-18) in saying the proposed end of life laws will allow only those with diagnosed terminal illness to take advantage of a choice to end their suffering. I am watching a very elderly relative suffer the debilitating, undignified and lengthy path to the end, as a result of Alzheimer’s disease, which now robs her of absolutely everything. It is not pleasant. Surely it’s time to consider the end stage of this cruel disease as a terminal illness, too? We could have this choice only if we make it while we can voice our wishes in an advanced care directive. - Carey Buls, Saratoga

Watch for sale

Just wondering if any Australia Post executives received an expensive watch for the fire sale of our beloved GPO building in Martin Place without any public consultation or tender (Letters, April 19)?- John Swanton, Coogee

Medium-rare idea

When Jack Cowin says of his Hungry Jack’s hamburgers “I couldn’t tell the difference between the ‘real’ meat and the plant-based meat”, does he mean the “real” meat doesn’t taste much like meat either? (“Hungry Jack’s founder still has an appetite for change”, April 19). - Peter Bourke, Rockdale

Eyes on the prize

The NSW Government’s advertisement inviting councils and community groups to apply for Community Building Partnership grants (April 19) omitted one important point: that applications from marginal and Coalition-held electorates will be particularly welcome. - Norm Neill, Darlinghurst

At attention

I often wondered why the navy is always referred to as the senior service (Letters, April 19). I would have thought armies existed long before a formal navy. Just because soldiers were told to look at the big and little hands to tell the time does not mean the army is any less senior than the navy. No bells and whistles on them (pun intended). Disclosure: my entire military experience consists of being an armchair general. I do have full command of the remote. - John Lo, Bexley North

A bumpy ride

Does anyone else gain the impression that Qantas chief Alan Joyce has become the de facto prime minister? - Ray Alexander, Moss Vale

It all comes out in the froth

Byron Bay residents are reacting in such a precious way you’d be forgiven for thinking that the proposed Netflix show might be revealing the truth (“Netflix gets a taste of reality from Byron Bay community”, April 19). - Peter Fyfe, Enmore

The digital view

Online comment from the story that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Ten million face hip pocket hit without budget tax cut

From Lionel Turner: “So ... let me get this straight: The mean and tricky Coalition has cleverly skewed the tax system so as to reduce the tax ‘burden’ on high income earners, while increasing the tax ‘contribution’ of low and middle income earners. Gosh! Who would have thought.”

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