

This was published 3 years ago

A legacy of credibility and rigour sacred to our democracy

By Peter Hartcher

While campaigning for the presidency, Donald Trump was caught telling some outrageous mistruth. When challenged, he merely shrugged: “All I know is what’s on the internet.”

When anything and everything on the internet is considered equally likely to be true, nothing is true.

Traditional authoritarians control their populations by limiting strictly the available information. Censorship, in other words. China’s Xi Jinping runs a censorship system so tight that even images of Winnie the Pooh have been eradicated from the Chinese internet. Why? Because the cartoon bear is thought to resemble Xi, and was being used as a proxy to poke gentle fun at the President. Intolerable, obviously.

Overload and censorship: Trump and Xi.

Overload and censorship: Trump and Xi.Credit: AP

Trump was a would-be authoritarian, as his unconstitutional grab for power in his final months starkly revealed. But he used a modern method for the internet age: don’t try to deprive the people of information, let them drown in it.

Tens of millions of Americans, adrift in an endless ocean of conflicting claims and conspiracies, welcomed the lifeboat of Trump’s approved “facts” trademarked @realDonaldTrump. Trump’s versions of truth rescued his 88.9 million Twitter followers from what the futurist Alvin Toffler in 1970 dubbed “overchoice” or “choice overload”.

Trump pioneered this as a highly effective way of controlling the narrative – and therefore behaviour. In the event, he failed to seize power unconstitutionally – but he came very close. He redefined reality for his followers. Even today about 80 per cent of self-identified Republican voters believe that Trump was robbed of power by a fraudulent “stolen” election.

Whether it’s by a drip feed of “facts” or a flood, both approaches seek to establish power over nations through what China’s propagandists call “discourse control”.

The Sydney Morning Herald has waged a long struggle against all forms of oppression conducted by means of the manipulation of information. After generations spent fighting secrecy, the newspaper is now guiding Australia through the new world of deception by information overchoice.


Rigorous reporting and careful editing always have been the watchwords of quality journalism; now we see they are also our society’s safeguard against the dark new possibilities of a conspiracy-crazed world of internet-based misinformation.

Trump’s effort failed but he was pioneering; we have to expect that others, here and abroad, will learn from him and improve on his methods. As Trump had Russia’s, future aspiring autocrats here and abroad may well have the support of hostile foreign powers.

Vigilance about developments abroad is vital, but vigilance at home is indispensable. The Sydney Morning Herald’s greatest energies always have been spent challenging power in Australia. Tearing down official efforts at discourse control; getting at the facts so the people can hold honest discourse of their own. Exposing companies, departments, institutions, individuals who conspire against the public interest. Prime ministers and premiers and, yes, even High Court judges.

The Herald has not been perfect and never will be. So why celebrate its 190th year? For three reasons. First, because when the Herald errs, it is not because it is trying to indulge a proprietor or satisfy a corporate interest. Editorial independence is a strongly held value that lives in deeply ingrained habits and practices.

Bosses don’t try to tell reporters what to write, and neither do advertisers or other commercial forces. And if they tried they would be resisted or ignored. This is not universal in Australian media. It is real at the Herald. The Herald’s errors are made through human bungling, by cock-up and not in conspiracy. And mistakes are corrected once discovered. None of this is universal in Australian media.

Second, because, in my view, The Sydney Morning Herald is actually getting better. Its newsbreaking is second to none. And, in the past few years, it is doing the best investigative work it has done in the 40 years that I’ve been old enough to pay professional attention. One of the most offensive and ill-founded nostrums in Australia today is the claim that investigative journalism is dead.

Why did many big names apologise and make amends for chronically underpaying their staff? Because of the reporting of Adele Ferguson. Why are Crown’s casino licences under challenge in three states? Because of Nick McKenzie’s work. Why did the corrupt former minister and powerbroker Eddie Obeid go to jail? Because of Kate McClymont’s reporting. Why did the federal government agree to pay compensation to families in three towns suffering from toxic Defence Department chemical residues? Because of Carrie Fellner’s work. Why did Sydney’s Blacktown Hospital agree to set up a new obstetrics operating theatre? Because of Kate Aubusson’s investigation of a spate of deaths of newborn babies. Why are 39 Special Forces troops under investigation for alleged war crimes in Afghanistan? Because of Nick McKenzie’s collaboration with Chris Masters. These are just a few examples.


Third, the Herald’s 190 years is worth celebrating because its dogged refusal to die has established it as a bedrock institution in Australia’s democracy, with a longer lifespan than the Commonwealth of Australia itself.

A few years ago established media were sometimes described condescendingly as “legacy media” in a time where “social” media was in vogue.

It turns out that a legacy of rigour and credibility is not a liability but a sacred asset for Australia and for its democracy. Long may it continue to thrive.

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