

This was published 3 years ago

ABC right to pop Canberra bubble on behalf of voters

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

Minister for Communications Paul Fletcher shows the height of ignorance ("Government asks ABC to justify affairs show", December 2) with his letter to the ABC seeking as explanation as to how the "public interest" was served in the Four Corners program. The show exposed the "Canberra bubble" and the vulnerability of government employees in the parliamentary workplace. To not recognise that people vote on the character of candidates and elevate them to positions of power where their honesty, integrity, values and ethics are the basis of the office is the breathtaking hypocrisy. We have allowed political parties to put staffers on the taxpayer-funded payroll but not afforded them the same workplace protections as public servants. Fletcher fails to understand that anything to do with Parliament is the public interest. The public has every right to know what goes on in there. - Lee-Ann Groblicka, Turramurra

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Bouquets to the ABC for letting us see behind the scenes of the ugly, damaging culture going on inside our federal Parliament. Brickbats to Fletcher for trying to shoot the messenger. - Elisabeth Goodsall, Wahroonga

The program was entirely in the public interest because we, the voting public, are entitled to know that our elected representatives act ethically and are truthful with the people that elect them and pay them. In this case, the public is entitled to also know that these ministers, who represent themselves as highly respectful of family values and of strong religious convictions, also evidently live a hidden life which they wish to remain hidden. - Alfredo Bustos-Ramirez, Mosman

The Four Corners program in question was a cheap, tacky, opportunistic piece of gutter journalism which had absolutely no beneficial purpose to anyone and as such should not have been aired. As the ABC continues to defend the indefensible it would seem counter-productive for the government to pump oxygen into a rotting carcass by creating a very public argument which they simply cannot win. - Rod Luffman, Nambucca Heads

Would the minister act if the focus of the Four Corners episode was on opposition or crossbench politicians? - Meg Pickup, Ballina

Interesting juxtaposition of stories. The government is huffing and puffing about the ABC having the hide to publicise the misbehaviour of two ministers while another senior world leader castigates our pathetic response to climate change ("Former UN chief warns 'suicidal' Australia", December 2). You can bet that the ABC issue will be perused to the death, whilst the almost daily climate change criticism will be met with the usual blather of 'we're meeting our Paris commitment with ease'. - Tony Mitchell, Hillsdale

Isn't it ironic that the politicians who set the highest moral standards for everyone else seem to unable to maintain those same standards themselves. I personally don't care about politician's sex lives but I do care when those with the loudest voices inflict their hardline moralistic religious views on the entire community whilst flagrantly doing the opposite themselves. So yes, the ABC was, in my opinion, fully justified in broadcasting the Four Corners program. - David Polson, Potts Point

I'm not sure why Ita Buttrose is required to defend the decision to go ahead with the Four Corners report when the government hasn't defended or ameliorated the behaviour of its ministers. - Neil Reckord, Armidale


PM blew chance to be the adult in the room

The Morrison government has handled relations with China extremely badly (“Chinese embassy escalates row again”, December 2). It is clear that the Prime Minister should not have responded so heatedly to the offensive tweet. What he should have done is assume the role of “adult in the room” and made clear (more in sorrow than in anger) that, because of our respect for China, its cultural history and its place in the world, we regard recent actions of some of its (junior) officials as unworthy of China’s sophistication and status as a major power. - Gale Treadgold, Lindfield

Australia has long complained of human rights abuses by China: Tibet and the Uighur issues spring to mind. And now, in the hubris of righteous indignation we assume the moral high ground when China dares criticise our abuses of human rights? Sometimes we just need to take it on the chin, show some moral courage, and importantly, the ability to own our own errant behaviours. - Geoff Eagar, Toowoon Bay

I agree with Paul Hopmeier (Letters, December 2) about humour's cultural differences. I did not think it out of order when the French magazine Charlie Hebdo used Islamic symbols the way it also targeted Christian heroes to make a satirical point. It was all in the name of free speech. The outrage sparked across many Islamic communities sounded much like we are hearing here about the recent attempt by the Chinese to make a point about Australian values. - Glenda Gartrell, Artarmon

The comparisons of the Twitter photo to the Charlie Hebdo cartoons (Letters, December 2) lack a sense of proportion. One was (tasteless and insensitive) satire. The other was a deliberate attempt to mislead, not a cartoon as political/social comment. One reaction was confected outrage by our PM. The other reaction was brutal and senseless murder. - Darryl Kite, Yarralumla (ACT)

We should not be lulled into believing our country does not use photos to give false impressions and for propaganda purposes. In 2001, asylum seekers on a boat were accused of throwing their children overboard so as to be rescued by the Australian Navy and gain asylum. Photos taken of the incident were distributed by the then Howard government during an election campaign. It wasn't until after the election did we discover no children had been thrown overboard and our government knew it. - Con Vaitsas, Ashbury

Why is it that Scott Morrison seems more fired up about China’s tweet than about the Brereton Report’s findings? - Maureen Partridge, Baulkham Hills

So at a time when our relationship with China is increasingly fraught and we urgently need to develop and maintain strong alliances around the world, I wonder if the Morrison government still thinks it was a good idea to more than double the cost of an international relations degree? Not a very strategic decision, after all, but then this is not a very strategic government. - Pauline Croxon, Undercliffe

Australia is not being bullied by China. We are being bullied by the Chinese Communist Party. - Michael Longhurst, Woolooware

Army report needs moral response

When Angus Campbell, the Chief of Defence, released the heavily redacted Brereton Report, the Prime Minister noted that neither he nor the Minister for Defence had read the full report in order to prevent politicisation of Defence’s response ("PM politicised war medals decision – now he owns the consequences", December 2). Presumably none of the people crying foul now have read the full report either. A political – rather than an ethical or moral response – will sell the nation and the overwhelming majority of our military forces short. The PM and minister need to read every word of the report to understand the actions which drove General Campbell’s acceptance of all Brereton's recommendations. General Campbell also noted that “moral authority is an element of combat power”. He is seeking to restore that authority; blind patriotism and political interference will not deliver it. - Jennifer Raines, Newtown

Scott Morrison would like us to forget that Australian Army lawyer David McBride is still facing trial on multiple charges for whistleblowing on alleged war crimes committed by some of our armed forces personnel. Let us also not forget that the ABC was raided by the Federal Police, which recommended prosecuting two journalists on charges that could have put them in prison for years for reporting on those war crimes. An increasingly autocratic Australian government has shown just how keen it has been to suppress knowledge of these crimes highlighting the urgent need for robust legislation to fully protect whistleblowers and enforce transparency from our politicians and public servants. - David Mackay, Pymble

Young people's burden

Ross Gittins ("Poorer today, live it up tomorrow", December 2) points out the ideological viewpoints in the superannuation debate and comes down on the side of “no-increase to the current 9.5 per cent contribution rate” claiming “for many middle-income workers, the more super savings they amass, the more their entitlement to a full age pension is reduced”. Under this scenario, retirees who did not save enough to finance their retirement receive a state pension paid from taxes levied on the younger working generation. This hardly seems fair. - Maurice Critchley, Kenthurst

Gittins neglected to mention that productivity in Australia has increased at about 1 per cent a year for the past 10 years. In that time wage growth has been negligible. This means that employers are 10 per cent better off than in 2010. On the other hand, workers have missed out completely on any benefits from their productivity increases. Surely a measly 0.5 per cent increase in superannuation will not destroy the economy. - Malcolm Freak, Armidale

Rock art on a roll

The NSW government's enthusiasm for protecting the rock art at Mt Grenfell in the state's north-west ("Land transfer to protect Indigenous artefacts", December 2) tells us two things. There is no interest from developers in building apartments above the ground and no coal or natural gas beneath. - Colin Stokes, Camperdown

Out of order

The Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court are two of Australia’s busiest courts ( “Family Court merger a catastrophe”, December 1). The pressure on those courts and their members has been unrelenting and has led to workloads which will not be able to be sustained over the long term. The scheme for “merger” of the courts, which is currently before the Commonwealth Parliament, is policy-based and the Judicial Conference of Australia (JCA) will not enter upon policy debates or the wisdom of the proposal. But, to say, as Jenna Price did in her article, that “if the bill passes, we will be exposing a generation of children, never mind their mothers and fathers, to judges who have no idea what they are doing” is both unwarranted and inflammatory. It casts an entirely unjustified shadow over all the judges of those courts. Judges are appointed to both courts with different areas of experience and expertise. The “merged” court will retain the same level of expertise in all facets of family law. - Justice Glenn Martin, President, Judicial Conference of Australia

The good fight

Sally McManus is right to point to collective action through the union movement as a key factor in getting us through the pandemic ("Use the pandemic to strengthen our safety net", December 2). It was the collective action of the shearers and wharfies in the 1890s that enabled the workers to wrest power from the pastoralists and capitalists and create the safety net we enjoy today. Sadly, gig economy workers are not unionised and are therefore powerless. If they would join up, I'm sure the unions would fight for them. - Andrew Macintosh, Cromer

McManus highlights the faultiness in Morrison’s IR unity campaign with much grace and wisdom. The worker’s arms were surrendered a long time ago and the movement only ever raises shields when the union of bosses won’t put down their arrows. It is this understanding of history and the powerful tempo of tolerance and cooperation that raises hope for the future. Untarnished thinking can raise our faces from the molasses of Morrison’s cheap speak on togetherness. - David Gunter, Sydney

Ferry short-sighted

Strong arguments have been advanced in favour of retaining Sydney’s iconic double-ender Manly ferries (Letters, December 2). When people discover that a trip on the Manly ferry is no more than a longer and (with the swell across the Heads) less comfortable ordinary ferry ride many will lose interest. The government may need a multi-million dollar tourist campaign to try and bring people back to Manly. (Although the greater prospect of mal de mer on smaller ferries bobbing across the swell may prove a little hard for many people to stomach.) The reduced ability of the smaller ferries to handle rough conditions will also increase the extent to which the government needs to shell out to charter buses for disgruntled passengers, while still having to pay the ferry operator. But, hey, who’s counting? It’s all about having a modern ferry fleet. - Doug Walker, Baulkham Hills

That's not a ferry

I have no nostalgia for that poor excuse of Manly ferry — the Freshwater class without a single piece of oiled teak. I say bring back the real Manly ferries — the South Steyne, the Dee Why, the Bellubra, the North Head (ex Barrenjoey) and the Baragoola. When they sink a Freshwater, they could raise and restore those that have gone before, bringing back the true romance of “7 miles from Sydney, and a thousand miles from care”. - Robert Hosking, Paddington

Make fonix grate again

Rather delicious irony in the debate about teaching children to read (Letters, December 2) is that the word "read" itself has inconsistent pronunciation: present tense “reed”, past tense “red”. - Al Svirskis, Mount Druitt

During those "20 years teaching in primary schools" (Letters, December 2), I imagine Peter Skrzynecki would be quite an expert on how children used phonics, especially to pronounce his name. Or did they just settle for "sir"? - Kent Mayo, Uralla

Difficult to bear

To help de-escalate tensions with the CCP, we’ve binned all our Winnie the Pooh books. - Roger Cooper, Boambee East

By the seal-side

I’d rather see Reg on the sand at Manly than Tony Abbott in his red sluggos (“Summer’s first day spells sun, sand and seal”, December 2). - Peter Miniutti, Ashbury

The digital view

Online comment from the story that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
"Will not be bullied’: citizens around the world told to buy Australian wine in stand against China"
From coljones: ‘‘Just what the world needs – a plonk-led recovery.’’

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