

This was published 3 years ago


We need to use the pandemic to confront the weakness in our safety net

By Sally McManus

Getting through the pandemic is testament to Australia’s enduring social contract that many of us thought may have been broken.

Deep in our national storytelling and embedded in many of our national institutions is Australia’s commitment to collectivism – that when any of us stumble, the rest of us will be there to help them back up. That no one will be left behind.

Melbourne during lockdown.

Melbourne during lockdown.Credit: Getty Images

At the start of the pandemic, when the PM said “we are all in this together” he put that social contract back at the centre of our politics. But government telling us that we are “all in this together” does not, on its own, work. The people must believe it, and see it, for it to be true.

To beat COVID-19, governments asked that we put individual needs aside to protect others, to protect strangers, to protect the whole. And Australians did.

Back in March, as the crisis was unfolding, US journalist Anand Giridharadas tweeted: “Coronavirus makes clear what has been true all along. Your health is as safe as that of the worst insured, worst cared for person in your society. It will be decided by the height of the floor not the height of the ceiling.”

Closer to home, asked about the outcome of the US election, the CEO of the Business Council of Australia, Jennifer Westacott, took a moment to remark on the differences between our two countries:


“I want to make this point … no one should ever underestimate the importance of the Australian way of life in terms of a strong growing economy and a strong social safety net. Note to national self, don’t let go of those core things – a strong and growing economy and a decent social safety net for people.”

Australia’s social contract – a decent safety net, collective minimums that lift the height of the floor – Medicare, rights and protections in Awards – these are our national treasures. It is what got us through this pandemic, and what we need to look to in the rebuilding.


It is what makes us who we are as a nation, and it should be guarded jealously.

We know our institutions held up during this crisis – but we must not forget the people who got us through.

Cleaners, healthcare workers, transport workers, supermarket and warehouse workers. It was the workers in our post offices, electricity and water workers keeping the lights on and the water flowing.

Supermarket workers who absorbed the fear of the community when fights broke out, turned up to work when there was so much that was unknown about the virus. They turned up because they knew that they were needed, that the community was depending on them.

Brave, calm and on minimum wages.

And our health workers, who were watching closely what was happening in Italy – with intensive care units full and health workers getting the virus, and many dying.

They knew what they were facing and yet they kept calmly planning, preparing and turning up for work.

Our healthcare workers didn't stop working during lockdown.

Our healthcare workers didn't stop working during lockdown.Credit: Penny Stephens

They are absolute heroes, who deserve parades in their honour, and the keys to our cities.

When the crisis hit, union reps around the country worked with their employers to make the necessary changes to see through shutdowns and adjust to the new COVID reality – to make workplaces safe, fairly manage reduced hours and rapidly transition to working from home.

And nationally, we fought for, and won, pandemic leave and a wage subsidy in the form of JobKeeper.

In 2020, the role of unions has been central not only to our members and workers, but to the national interest.

It is another marked difference from the United States. Here, unions still play a strong role in protecting minimum standards, bargaining to improve workers' lives and advocating for working people to government.


When the government issued the invitation for business and unions to have national talks about the future of IR laws, the Prime Minister asked both sides to put down their weapons.

The truth is unions haven’t been carrying weapons – we have been holding a shield for the last few decades, trying to protect the laws and institutions that deliver fairness and dignity to workers. We were happy to be involved in talks.

Now we await the government’s new legislation on industrial relations with this warning – working people have already sacrificed the most, with 1 million unemployed, and 1.4 million underemployed, many workers having exhausted all their sick leave, annual leave and long service leave, and 3.3 million who have raided their retirement savings.

The government must not use the pandemic to take things backwards for working people. To do so would attack the very social institutions and safety nets that has got us through.

We should rather use this pandemic to confront the weakness in our safety net – the fact we have far too many jobs that are casual and insecure, with no security and few rights.


This is an issue our generation can and must fix.

Together, governments, employers and unions should set a target to halve the number of insecure jobs over the next decade. This is completely achievable if we work together as we did during the pandemic.

Setting a target and measuring our progress on insecure work should be one of the critical data points that we use to gauge the economic health of the nation.

Let us learn the lesson of Australia’s COVID response – by working together we are better. Leaving some people behind, holds us all back.

Sally McManus is secretary of the Australian Council of Trade Unions. This is an extract of a speech she is delivering on Wednesday at the National Press Club.

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