

This was published 3 years ago

China’s Twitter taunt an absurd act of hypocrisy

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

China is right: Australia should be ashamed of any war crimes committed (‘‘A stench of panic from Beijing’’, December 1). Through a transparent judicial process, this shameful behaviour has been exposed. I look forward to China’s transparent judicial investigations into its deliberate withholding of data at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, its murky legal system, its extra-judicial killing of political opponents, its treatment of ethnic and other minorities, its treatment of dissent, its suppression of press freedom and its use of technology to intimidate, cheat on, steal from and disrupt lawful business. Wayne Duncombe, Glebe

We knew his form yet it suited us to do business with him. We managed to get him offside and now he’s kicked sand in our face. He’s looked us in the eye and claimed each time it was an accident. We both know he’s lying yet we chose to accept his denials at ‘‘face value’’. He’s now upped the ante with the equivalent of a poke in the chest. It’s your call, Scott Morrison, and I don’t envy you. Bob Macfarlane, Mirrabooka

I must be getting old. I come from a world that can’t take Tweets seriously. When I heard about the manipulated image of an Australian soldier, I have to confess, I laughed. How have we let a smarty pants prank take on so much importance? Paul Hopmeier, Lane Cove

If Australia hadn’t been so gung-ho about our impeachable ethics as we rushed to denigrate our soldiers, telling the whole world how noble we are, we mightn’t have such a high falutin’ position from which to retreat. Rosemary O’Brien, Ashfield

When a French magazine publishes nasty cartoons and calls them satire, our government staunchly supports their right to ‘‘freedom of speech’’. When China focuses their satire on Australia there is outrage and a demand for censorship and apology. Time to take a good long look at ourselves. Lea Grant, Lyneham (ACT)

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

China’s vicious Twitter outing was brutally dishonest but has enough truth to hurt. An emphasis on our courage in revealing our war crimes would have achieved more than demanding an apology that we know will never come. Anne Garvan, Chatswood West

If Muslim radicals overreacted to Charlie Hebdo then surely the Australian government is now doing the same thing? The photo was unpleasant but should be seen as one point of view in a free society. The strength of a democracy is that it allows alternative points of view however unpleasant. What happened in Afghanistan was appalling. However, it was not state-sanctioned. The Brereton Inquiry should be celebrated for uncovering the truth. From this will come change. Barbara Kendall, Newport

I guess Peter Hartcher isn’t contemplating a holiday in China any time soon. Dick Barker, Epping


Let’s hope China doesn’t discover that the Australian government has been detaining a Sri Lankan family on Christmas Island for 1000 days when they just want to return to Biloela. Ian Harrison, Centennial Park

Minister’s new leafy outlook ignores past misdemeanors

Where was Planning Minister Rob Stokes when his government cut down Alison Road and Anzac Parade’s ancient fig trees to create a baking wasteland (‘‘Exotics in the mix for $10m shade project’’, December 1), when his government relaxed native vegetation laws in 2017, resulting in a nearly 60 per cent rise in land clearing, and when his government enabled property owners to fell trees within 10 metres of their homes? And when the Premier recently reverted to old koala protection laws until a new policy could be drafted, setting back koala protection by several years and dramatically reducing koala feed-trees? Alison Stewart, Riverview

We need our native trees everywhere for a healthy environment for all, not just in parks. We need more imagination than maples, liquidambers and plane trees, which are particularly unsuited to planting close to houses due to their large size. Our environment deserves and needs Australian trees. Rhonda Daniels, Sutherland

The trees earmarked for the urban scape and its human wildlife is a most admirable and warranted amelioration of environmental stress around the home. There’s a community of koalas in the Wedderburn-Appin district that would sorely appreciate amelioration of environmental stress simply by leaving the urban scape out of their treed home. Steve Dillon, Thirroul

The need for tens of thousands of trees, particularly in Sydney’s west, and the need to avoid heat islands, sounds like a good reason not to cut down the bush surrounding Warragamba Dam. Philip Smart, Chiswick

Two native trees that thrive in Sydney provide denser shade than most exotics and are evergreens. They are the Tuckeroo (Cupaniopsis anacardioides) and the Firewheel Tree (Stenocarpus sinuatus). Both have green glossy leaves and dense low canopies. Their natural habitat lies further north, but they are tough and handsome and they don’t generate a clean-up effort in autumn. Jerry Lattin, Narrabeen

Our planning minister has noted the vast, treeless tarmac of Sydney Airport became the centre of our record November heat wave at the weekend, and this has sent him into a tree planting frenzy. Meanwhile, in western and south western Sydney, the big infrastructure projects his government fast-tracks require the bulldozing of cool, shady and wildlife nurturing Cumberland Plain woodlands. If Sydney Airport is a heat island, the western Sydney Aerotropolis will be a heat continent. Sharyn Cullis, Oatley

Qantas cuts are just plane cruel

Organisations such as Qantas routinely proclaim that their greatest assets are their staff (‘‘Qantas to axe 2000 airport ground crew’’, December 1). So that we can distinguish between those who are on their staff and those who are not, I suggest that people providing services to Qantas customers but whose jobs have been outsourced wear a uniform identifying the company which hired and pays them. Judith Campbell, Drummoyne

Jobs, jobs, jobs ... the federal government subsidises Qantas so it can sack 2000 workers. Corrado Tavella, Rosslyn Park (SA)

Well done, Qantas. Great Christmas spirit. Tim Schroder, Gordon

Qantas should be ashamed of itself. Recently at Coffs Harbour airport, I saw first-hand the multitude of tasks being performed by staff. The friendly staff at the small Qantas lounge then popped up at the boarding gate, and I saw another driving the bag trolley out to the plane. Surely Qantas can work something out with existing staff rather than handing them an exit pass. This platinum frequent flyer is not impressed. Michael Blissenden, Dural

Feed the watchdogs

I agree with your correspondent (Letters, December 1); funding of the Auditor-General’s office should not be subject to political whims because an effective watchdog helps uncover financial scandals in government and public agencies. Nor should the ABC be subject to such whims and budget cuts – one of its important roles is to shed light on scandals and other wrongs. As ABC chair Ita Buttrose says, there is a strong link between healthy democracies and strong public service media (‘‘ABC is vital to democracy, says Buttrose’’, November 24). Diana Wyndham, North Sydney

Courts short

The federal government claims its proposed merger of the Family Court with the Federal Circuit Court will make things ‘‘simpler’’ (‘‘Family Court merger a catastrophe’’, December 1). What it really means is ‘‘cheaper’’. This merger follows long-standing underfunding of the Family Court and the failure to replace retiring judges in a timely manner. Coupled with reduced funding to the NSW ICAC and the Auditor-Generals’ departments, the proposed bill further indicates that Coalition governments seem more intent on cutting costs than ensuring the justice and fairness of our legal system. Rob Phillips, North Epping

Jenna Price typifies and encapsulates the real malaise in the Family Court and its processes for dealing with the problems caused for men, women and children through separation and divorce. It’s the ‘‘magic pudding’’ solution: throw more judges into an already expensive process, keep it separate from the general legal mix, and relationship issues will be sorted and satisfied.
Successive inquiries and common sense have demonstrated legal processes rarely deal successfully with family relationships. A new process is required which, through education and mediation, will assist separated families sort out sensible parenting arrangements, a process which begins immediately on marriage breakdown, not months after it, as happens now. Michael Green, Newtown

What sounds best

Phonics makes complete sense for languages such as Indonesian, Korean or Italian but very little for Chinese (‘‘Phoney phonics ‘war’ fails to fathom learning truths’’, December 1). English falls somewhere in between. There is a correlation between sound and symbol in English but it is far from 100 per cent. Many letters have more than one sound and many sounds have more than one letter. This complicates learning so a hybrid system seems necessary with lots of reading. Cavan Hogue, Haymarket

Would the debate over the use of phonics to teach reading been so vehement had another word instead of ‘‘war’’ been used by the Education Minister (‘‘It’s over: phonics has won reading war’’, November 30)? I spent 20 years teaching in primary schools and learnt that one saddle size doesn’t fit all horses. A variety of methods are available and phonics is one of the best. There are plenty of wars going on in the world without education ministers and readers of the Herald creating another. Let’s all take a chill pill. Peter Skrzynecki, Eastwood

Now that the NSW Minister for Education has declared the reading wars are over, perhaps she can turn her attention to grammar, in particular sentence construction and use of singular and plural pronouns and their associated verbs. Her article would make a fine study text. Frank Paterson, Mount Annan

Quay questions

Dear Premier, please relax by asking your parents, family and friends to accompany you to Circular Quay for a ferry ride to Manly. With the gentle breezes and rolling waves all wrinkles, frowns, worries and anxieties will be eased and disappear into Sydney harbour and out to the Tasman Sea and be replaced with joy, peace, contentment and enthusiasm for living in our beautiful city of Sydney.
This is what the 1100-passenger Freshwater ferries have done for many generations, taking people past Bradleys Head then gliding into Manly Wharf, where, quickly, upstairs and downstairs passengers exit and the ferries refill for the return trip.
Please may we continue to have this pleasure in our 1980s Newcastle-BHP built ferries, which still have another 30 years’ life in them. We have lost our GPO and Bridge Street Pyrmont-sandstone historic buildings – let the ferries remain. Colleen Malone, Blue Bay

China’s loss, our gain

It is now our patriotic duty to buy a bottle of Grange, a lobster and a bucket of coal on which to cook it (‘‘Treasury to lift sales in new markets’’, December 1). Eva Elbourne, Pennant Hills

I would love to be able to buy and enjoy one of those enormous lobsters that were waiting to enter China. Not to mention the best of our wine, cherries, mangoes, stone fruit etc, which has always been exported. Can we please have a wonderful Christmas present after the rotten year we’ve had? Dorothy Gliksman, Cedar Brush Creek

I urge all Australians to drink the wine, burn the coal, BBQ the beef, use the grain and devour the lobsters that the Chinese government does not want. Let them eat cake. John Hopkins, Moss Vale

Not long ago people were cheering all the manufacturing jobs going to China so we could concentrate on what we do best which, I believe, is investing in real estate. Graeme Finn, St Peters

Sign of the times

On entering Leeton from all directions there are signs so you know that you are in Wiradjuri country (Letters, December 1). Judy McVittie, Leeton

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