

This was published 4 years ago

Volunteer firefighting is a full-time job and should be paid

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Illustration: Andrew DysonCredit:

The Prime Minister will not rush into any knee-jerk reactions regarding the fires which are devastating the country ("No change to climate change policy as PM denies coalition split", December 23). No one is suggesting volunteer fire fighters do not deserve some form of compensation for the difficult and dangerous work they are undertaking to save lives and property. No doubt there will be one or more inquiries into the fires. It would have been better to wait until the outcome of these were known. - John Hodges, Dubbo

The PM's welcome extension to a month of paid leave for federal employees fighting fires will be met by the taxpayer. In fairness, and to sustain the fire fighting effort in this emergency, the federal taxpayer should also meet the cost of extended leave granted by companies, particularly small and medium enterprises. Volunteers should not be left out-of-pocket. Again in fairness, what about the taxpayer meeting things like their travel fuel costs? - Colin Parks, Isaacs (ACT)

PM Morrison – just how many public servants do you think are involved with the RFS firefighting Monday-to-Friday? No disrespect to those volunteers from the civil service – they put as much on the line as any of us – but the truth is in the country they form a small percentage. The majority of those suffering financial loss are rural contractors, farmers, small business operators and others who form the backbone of rural communities. How about egalitarianism – a fair go? An equal benefit for all volunteers, regardless of who employees them? - Rob Aalders, Kanimbla

We are sitting on a budget surplus while the RFS volunteers, and their families, are facing financial hardship. For heaven’s sake Scott Morrison, alias Scrooge. What is the surplus for? Are election promises, long outdated by world events, more important than the welfare of our citizens? - Merran Dawson, Beecroft

The PM may wish to bear in mind that once prime ministers and premiers were not remunerated. They were assumed to have sufficient means to be members of Parliament and took on high office because they wanted to serve the country. Community-based volunteer fire-fighting units make good sense when fires are an occasional summer call-out. Volunteer fire-fighting 24/7 for weeks on end is a full-time, fatiguing, life-threatening job. Well-remunerated politicians who are generous in words of support but rule out compensating volunteer firefighters and their employers are abusing community goodwill by ruthless cost shifting. Free Firies! How good is that? - Howard Dick, Toronto

The PM says "Let's get through this first, and then let's sit down with all the relevant people". Is this code for,"I have no intention of doing any thing. I'm just waiting for the heat to die down and everyone forgets about it"? We in the Blue Mountains have long memories. - Ron Russell, Leura

We all know what Scomo got in his Christmas stocking. Sadly, as his actions in Parliament showed, a lump of coal was just what he wanted. - Bart Fielden, Lindfield

God help us if we leave big problems to Barnaby

Here we are, on Christmas Day, surrounded by a charred and drought-stricken landscape and we have Barnaby Joyce, a member of parliament and former deputy prime minister, suggesting that the answer to our problems lies with God ("Barnaby Joyce suggests God is the solution to climate change in Christmas video",, December 25). Add a Pentecostal Prime Minister who refuses to take climate change seriously, who I suspect is quite looking forward to the end times "rapture", and we have a real problem. - Rod Hughes, Epping


Barnaby Joyce says he is sick of the government being in his life. If so, why on earth did he ever become a politician? And why does he continue to be one? - Geoff Gordon, Cronulla

Let’s say, Barnaby, in the event that you get a serious illness, will you seek expert advice for treatment or will you just leave it to your “higher authority right up there in the sky?” We don’t need people of Joyce’s calibre in Parliament. We need forward-thinking, science accepting members of parliament who just may be able to turn things around for this planet. - Maureen Jones, North Rocks

Our elected leadership (of which Joyce was once a part) is proving remarkably incapable of providing any solutions. The beauty of leaving it up to God is that we claim our prayers are answered if and when nature actually produces rain. - Patrick Russell, Sanctuary Point

The head of the International Energy Agency says Australia’s climate commitments are among the worst in the world. Seemingly Michael McCormack agrees, claiming we must absolutely take more action. Scott Morrison says Australia is doing enough to combat climate change. Now Barnaby Joyce has come up with the ultimate solution, to respect God. It’s a relief to know the Coalition has all bases covered. How good are these blokes and what a load off our minds. - Graham Lum, North Rocks

Barnaby Joyce thinks that the way to combat climate change is through belief in God. But he clearly doesn't have any strength of conviction, as he was out fighting the fires last month, rather than relying on divine intervention. Has he forgotten that God helps those who help themselves? - Nick Hendel, Roseville

Barnaby Joyce has failed to nail the exact spot where his “higher authority” is in the sky. It would be helpful, so next time astronauts fly up that way they can say hi and ask for some much needed advice from close quarters. - Dimitris Langadinos, Concord West

Green Square leads the way

Lucy Turnbull is right to point out that urban renewal and increased density should not proceed without planning and investment in infrastructure ("Get renewal plans right in Parramatta, says Turnbull", December 23). But it’s wrong to suggest there’s no plan for this in Green Square.

Over a decade, the City of Sydney has developed, funded and built almost all Green Square’s necessary community infrastructure – from the library, aquatic centre and childcare, to roads, cycleways and water recycling. And we have leveraged our resources to ensure in the delivery of infrastructure that is firmly the state government’s responsibility – we provided a site free of charge for a 600-student primary school, sold land below market rate to affordable housing providers, and secured a $40 million corridor for future mass transit.

It would have been better if other levels of government had entered into an infrastructure compact with us before the renewal began, but I hope a consequence of the Greater Sydney Commission’s announcement will be that other areas will benefit from increased collaboration and infrastructure delivery as our city grows. - Clover Moore, lord mayor of Sydney

Remove these fossils

Great to see Clive Hamilton ("We'll keep on fighting but the cost is crippling", December 24) doing what he does best, “joining the dots” on climate change, suggesting that denialists confront the facts and have the courage to join their fellow citizens in our Extinction Rebellion. We urgently need the leadership of the federal parliamentary cross benchers supported by Liberal, Labor and National “rebels” to move a no confidence motion in the Morrison government if it continues to refuse to phase out the fossil fuel industry as soon as possible. - David Bell, Orange

Three's company

Regarding Julia Baird’s interesting, thought provoking reflection about women writing the Christmas story ("A Christmas tale, as told by women", December 24). The story of the wise visitors from the East is told only in Matthew’s gospel and it is mute on the number of wise men/women who visit Jesus in a house (no mention of a stable in Matthew). The gospel account simply records “some” wise men. The three has been assumed because of the three gifts. - Philip Fitzgerald, Lapstone

While I appreciated Julia Baird’s efforts to challenge the cultural assumptions that might be built into our understanding of the events surrounding Jesus’ birth, I fear that she risks doing exactly the same thing, just from the other side. For example, she argues that had women written the gospel accounts, there would have been a lot more written about the physical details of Jesus’ birth. This ignores the coverage of Good Friday in all four gospels. While all four writers spend significant time covering the events of that day, regarding the crucifixion itself they all just say: “and they crucified him”.

I think it would be safer to say that Matthew and Luke presumed that their readers would be familiar with what was involved in both birth and crucifixion and preferred to spend their time focusing on things they considered more important.
Roger Gallagher, Merrylands

Royals lend a hand

The Queen, Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince George were supporting the Royal British Legion Charity (Letters, December 24). Ninety of the puddings will be made to be distributed, as 2020 is the 90th year of the charity. I suggest people take more care before deriding a photo taken to draw attention to this worthy cause. - Deanna Dimond, Terrigal

Latin lives on

While Caringbah High is to be applauded for having introduced Latin in its curriculum ("Renaissance or revival, NSW Latin studies reach a fork in road", December 24), I am stupefied by North Sydney Boys High decision to cease teaching it. As a retired Latin teacher, I have fielded all the regular criticisms which include: what is the use of learning a dead language, what use is it in my chosen career?

Latin lives in English and in many other languages. In his book The Shortest History of Europe (2009), John Hirst commented that if Latin is a dead language, "it has an unusually active corpse".

What school students need in their formation is a subject to make them think. Thinking helps in all vocations. In translating a Latin text, you are effectively problem solving. It is sad to see NSBH taking the moribund path of a "nunc dimmitis" rather than a pro-active "carpe diem" for the sake of its students. - Pastor de Lasala, Seaforth

North Sydney Boys' High School, one of 35 Sydney secondary schools with Latin in 2019, will surely regret its decision to abandon this HSC subject with the highest percentage of students with merits. The article gives deeper reasons for Latin's value – including the opinion of top-of-state student from St George Girls' High School. One of our sons, who won the Sydney University medal in Mandarin, also attributed his success to Latin, since it taught him about grammar and hard work, both of which were crucial to a systematic mastery of another worthwhile but difficult language. - Elizabeth Jones, Kirribilli

Love in short supply

Sydney Anglican Archbishop Glenn Davies says “I’m not here to say the government should do this or that or whatever, that is not my job” ("Church leaders pressure PM to act on climate", December 24). But he sure has expressed his opinions loudly and clearly as to what he expects from the government on issues such as same sex marriage, the rights of LGBT people, and changes to the religious freedom bill in order to give his church the right to discriminate even further than they currently do. So much for Christian love at this time of year when so many people are doing it so tough. - Sue Armstrong, Pyrmont

Extra payments wasted

The problem with Neil Omerod’s suggestion (Letters, December 24) to think of increased insurance premiums as a carbon tax is that none of the extra payments will end up contributing to reducing carbon emissions. More likely they’ll end up as profits to large companies, some of which will then get paid to individuals via franking credits or offshore entities. - Mark Tietjen, Redfern

Return of the space cowboy argument

Star Wars is actually a branch of science fiction known as Space Opera, exemplified by the legendary E. E. "Doc" Smith (Letters, December 23 and 24).

However, as one who considers himself a devotee of the genre, I'm surprised that your correspondent uses the misnomer sci fi, which is hated by science fiction fans. SF is the preferred terminology. - James McKinnon, Canyonleigh

Leave the water restrictions running

My thoughts for a better 2020, and possibly the future: maintain the restricted use of water, keep to the left side of the footpath, head up and smile, mobile in pocket for emergency use only, be aware there are other people around, learn your grammar. These are sufficient to begin with. - Pauline Taylor, Ryde

Why not check out an alternative approach?

A couple of your letter writers recently have responded negatively about checkout operators who enquire after health or other matters. They are conforming to company policy. Rather than add to their misery I look them in the face, smile, answer positively and ask after their day. Works wonders for me. They smile back every time. - Christine Hackwood, North Lakes

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