

This was published 1 year ago

What this Cinderella star puts on her plate each day

By Nicole Economos
This story is part of the December 11 edition of Sunday Life.See all 15 stories.

Performer Silvie Paladino, 51, shares her day on a plate.

9am Wake up and have a coffee with skim milk. Second coffee follows closely after that.

10.30am Eat a banana for energy before the matinée of Cinderella.

2.15pm During the interval of the first show, I have a herbal tea.

4.30pm I always try to get protein into my dinner. Tonight is chicken with vegetables (broccolini, green beans, eggplant and mushrooms), plus a small amount of pasta.

5.30pm Long black coffee before the second show of Cinderella.

10.30pm Water crackers with some tasty cheese and hummus.

Dr Joanna McMillan says:


Top marks for … Getting a balanced meal with protein, plenty of vegies and a few carbs for energy between your shows. However, it is difficult to get all the nutrients you need with only one meal a day, plus snacks.

If you keep eating like this you’ll … Potentially lose muscle mass as most of your protein comes in one hit at the main meal. You also risk falling short on several nutrients, including iron, calcium and long-chain omega-3 fats, while not getting enough fibre for optimal gut health.

Why don’t you try … Having a more substantial breakfast, such as a bowl of muesli topped with the banana, berries and yoghurt. This would provide extra protein early in the day, as well as delivering fibre and slow-release carbs to keep you going. Opt for wholegrain instead of water crackers along with a sliced carrot and handful of tomatoes.

Silvie Paladino stars in Cinderella, playing at the Sydney Lyric Theatre until January 29, 2023.

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