

This was published 1 year ago

What this chef eats for breakfast: ‘Peanut butter and jam porridge’

By Nicole Economos
This story is part of the June 18 Edition of Sunday Life.See all 12 stories.

Dan Churchill is the culinary director of Chris Hemsworth’s app, Centr. The 33-year-old shares his day on a plate.

5.20am I have a black coffee and hit the gym. Afterwards, I have peanut butter and jam porridge.

10.30am A green-berry smoothie with oat milk, and three scrambled eggs with avocado on toast.

1.30pm A good grain bowl with a variety of legumes, nuts and tofu.

4pm My favourite snack at the moment is peanut butter and dates.

7pm Dinner is brown rice with sweet potatoes, roasted vegetables, balsamic tahini and roasted chicken.

8pm My go-to dessert is yoghurt with honey and fresh berries.

Dr Joanna McMillan says:


Top marks for … A nutritionally dense day of eating. You nail it for fibre, with a good variety of wholegrains, legumes, vegetables, fruit and nuts, plus plenty of protein from both plant and
animal sources, nicely spaced across the day.

If you keep eating like this you’ll … Nourish your body in a delicious way. Just be sure to vary your foods across the week to ensure diversity and the right balance of vitamins, minerals and the numerous phytochemicals (from plants) and zoochemicals (from animals) that our bodies need for optimal health.

Why don’t you try … Including fish, especially oily fish, 2-3 times a week for long-chain omega-3 fats, plus molluscs, such as mussels or oysters for a zinc hit. Ensure your oat milk is calcium fortified if you prefer to avoid dairy milk.

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