

This was published 1 year ago

What the CEO of Lifeline eats to fuel his day

By Nicole Economos
This story is part of the March 19 Edition of Sunday Life.See all 15 stories.

Lifeline’s CEO Colin Seery, 65, shares his day on a plate.

5.20am I wake up and jog from Clovelly to Tamarama beach and back. Once home, I have a skim flat white and banana for breakfast, plus a big glass of water.

10.30am Between meetings with my Lifeline colleagues and stakeholders, I eat an apple.

12.30pm It’s lunchtime so I eat two Vegemite wraps, another banana, an apple and then have a skim flat white before a catch-up about our new product launch.

7pm Dinner is salmon cooked on the barbecue with mashed potato and salad, enjoyed out in our garden with a beer.

8pm Dessert is a wholemeal snack bar, a skim flat white and an orange.

Dr Joanna McMillan says:

Top marks for … Dinner, because it’s your only balanced meal of the day. The salmon provides your main source of protein while the potato and salad add much-needed vegetables. Your fruit intake is excellent but shouldn’t come at the expense of vegies.


If you keep eating like this you’ll … Potentially impact your sleep by having coffee so late in the evening. It takes several hours for caffeine to leave your system so you are best not to have it after mid-afternoon.

Why don’t you try … Adding plenty of salad and a protein-rich food such as lean meat, tuna, egg
or cheese to your wraps. Swap the evening coffee for a herbal tea.

Lifeline Australia is celebrating its 60th birthday in 2023. To learn more about Lifeline, or to become a volunteer, visit

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