

This was published 3 years ago

Forget the food rules: three meals a day is not the only way

By Sarah Berry

If we want to eat well, we all know what to do right? And that’s because we’ve all been fed the same lines about the necessity of three square meals, breakfast being the most important meal of the day and the need to eat upon waking if we want to jumpstart our metabolisms.

But, this bit of conventional wisdom may be due for an update and that’s because we may also have been fed a bunch of nonsense.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner are not necessary for a good diet.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner are not necessary for a good diet.

Eating as we know it - that is, three meals a day and snacks in between - is a relatively new cultural phenomenon and may not, in fact, be the best way to eat for our health. Rather we do it because that is how it has always been done.

Except that, of course, it hasn’t.

Breakfast has gone in and out of fashion over time. To hunter gatherers, who either feasted or were in famine, the idea of three meals might have seemed quaint; the ancient Romans, who typically ate only one decadent meal a day around lunchtime, might also have scoffed at the idea; during the 13th century eating breakfast was said to be one of six ways to commit the fifth deadly sin of gluttony; and throughout the middle ages it was common to eat two meals a day - a larger meal that might include meat and wine around 11am followed by a lighter meal at dusk.

Among those who popularised breakfast was Queen Elizabeth, with her morning meal of oat cakes and ale, but really, it was the Industrial Revolution that transformed the way we eat.

Regular work hours, punctuated by short breaks to eat pushed the main meal from lunch to dinner and people suddenly had the gadgets and access to cheaper food to be able to make themselves a luxury meal like breakfast.

Then came the likes of John Kellogg, who was trying not to be wasteful when he accidentally developed cornflakes in 1894 by pressing the stale leftovers of cooked maize through a roller before baking them. He immediately saw an opportunity and, proselytising moralist and religious zealot that he was, began promoting his plain, grain cereals as a health reform that might cure indigestion, but also - he hoped - might prevent masturbation.

Almost 130 years later, with the help of an increasingly sophisticated advertising and food marketing industry along with the availability of cheap, junk foods, many of us remain converts.


Nearly nine in 10 Australians dutifully eat their breakfast and are split pretty evenly between cereal and “non-cereal” camps. Nearly nine in 10 also regularly snack between their other main meals.

But do we need three meals to be healthy? The short answer is no.

Our metabolism won’t shut up shop if we don’t eat as soon as we wake up, it is not the most important meal of the day and there is no inherent biological need to have three meals a day (or the recent trend of six smaller ones).

Breakfast is neither good or bad, according to Dr Stephanie Partridge, an accredited practising dietitian and senior research fellow at the University of Sydney.

“There’s no clear evidence that eating breakfast will jumpstart our metabolism,” she says.

The caveat is that we are better off eating breakfast if skipping it means we are so ravenous by 11am that we gorge on junk.

The conflicting evidence about eating breakfast, including that some people seem to manage their weight and health better when they eat it while others don’t, simply tells us that “maybe people are just different”, says accredited practising dietitian Dr Joanna McMillan, who is a fan of time-restricted eating but who also adjusts her diet depending on her activity levels and schedule.

“There’s no clear evidence that eating breakfast will jumpstart our metabolism.”

Dr Stephanie Partridge, senior research fellow at the University of Sydney

Public health nutritionist Dr Rosemary Stanton says there is evidence eating breakfast improves concentration levels in late morning, especially in children, and points out that it "usually" takes about five hours to digest a meal but agrees that generally speaking, when and how often a person eats depends on the individual.

“Some people are just not hungry in the morning. If this is not due to eating too much the night before, the person may have the kind of metabolism that doesn’t require stoking first thing,” says Stanton, who enjoys muesli with yoghurt and fruit every day for breakfast. “I think each person should listen to their true hunger signals (the gut rumbling kind) and eat accordingly.”

Approaches like intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating (TRE) are fast becoming mainstream and hark back to the way humans evolved, having periods of feasting and fasting.

“There is evidence around shifting from three meals a day and adapting,” says Dr Partridge of intermittent fasting and TRE. “But, if you’re going to stop eating at 5pm and fast but your family still enjoys dinner how’s that going to fit in with your life?”

The different patterns of our circadian rhythm, or chronotype, also affect when we are hungry. So long as we mostly eat in daylight hours, allowing a couple of hours to digest before bedtime, when our body clock shifts into rest and repair mode, and eat quality food, we can eat to the different peaks and troughs of our hunger.

A person’s activity levels, sleep and where a woman is in her menstrual cycle are all other factors that influence hunger and energy requirements. These can change on a daily or weekly basis. No one approach is perfect for everyone just as no one approach is necessarily perfect for any one person all of the time.

We shouldn’t be bound by strict times, McMillan adds, reminding that our metabolism is not static but responsive to what we eat and how we move. “One of the problems with setting up too many rules is the minute you put these defined boundaries in place, you’re then allowing your diet to be dictated by external cues rather than internal cues. You have to be flexible.”

Partridge, who encourages people to speak with their GP or an accredited dietitian before making drastic changes, agrees.


“There don’t have to be any specific rules around this, it just has to work with the person’s lifestyle, their social life and their current health status,” she says. “Even more so now with COVID, given everyone’s schedules are changing depending if you’re working from home. People’s meals have to adapt to those changing schedules.

“COVID has demonstrated we can work in different ways. I think it’s also demonstrated we can eat in different ways.”

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