Scallop ceviche
Choose scallops in their shells, which make perfect saucers for serving.
16 scallops
the juice of 13 limes
3 shallots or a medium red onion
2 finely chopped ripe tomatoes
3 or more chopped chillies
a bunch of roughly chopped coriander
4 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper
Slice each scallop into 2 or 3 discs. Slice each disc into 4 or 5 strips and place in a bowl. Add the juice of 10 limes and mix well. Refrigerate for an hour.
Meanwhile, finely chop shallots and put into a bowl. Add chopped tomatoes, chillies and coriander.
After the scallops have marinated, strain the lime juice and discard. Add the scallop strips to the rest of the ingredients and dress the lot with the juice of 3 fresh limes, the olive oil, salt and pepper.
Toss well, place in the scallop shell or in iceberg lettuce leaves and serve.
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