

This was published 2 years ago

‘Knocks me out’: Moves to cool hot property market lock out first home buyers

By Clancy Yeates

Ashley Van Deyk was finding the competition with other home buyers tough enough before this week’s news of tighter lending rules.

Now the 24-year-old, who is trying to buy her first unit on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, fears she will be among those bearing the brunt of a move to put the brakes on higher-risk mortgages.

Prospective home buyer Ashley Van Deyk: “I think a 5 per cent reduction in our loan capacity, it pretty much knocks me out of one-bedroom apartments in my area.”

Prospective home buyer Ashley Van Deyk: “I think a 5 per cent reduction in our loan capacity, it pretty much knocks me out of one-bedroom apartments in my area.”Credit: Louie Douvis

To afford an apartment around the suburb of Manly Vale, where she currently lives, Van Deyk and her partner Kane Schrader have looked at borrowing the maximum amount a bank will lend them. They are also considering using a government scheme to support first home buyers with a deposit of less than 20 per cent of a property’s purchase price.

But this week, the banking regulator unveiled changes that are likely to cut home buyers’ borrowing capacity by about 5 per cent, lopping tens of thousands of dollars off the maximum amount new customers can borrow.

“I think a 5 per cent reduction in our loan capacity, it pretty much knocks me out of one-bedroom apartments in my area,” says Van Deyk, who works as a sales associate in real estate.


House prices across Australia have soared during the COVID-19 pandemic, with Sydney’s median house price rising 29 per cent over the past year to sit above $1.3 million, and Melbourne’s rising 18 per cent to $962,000 according to CoreLogic.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) on Wednesday warned of growing risks to the financial system from rising debt taken out to fund home purchases, as it announced rules requiring banks to be more cautious in assessing new mortgage customers.

Under the changes, banks must test whether new borrowers can afford their loan at an interest rate 3 percentage points higher than the current rate on their loan – something known as a “serviceability buffer.” Previously banks used a 2.5 percentage point buffer.


It is the strongest move so far from APRA to quell the risks created by a debt-fuelled housing bonanza that has seen national dwelling prices soar more than 20 per cent in the past year, according to CoreLogic data. In a further sign of the boom, CoreLogic this week said the value of Australian housing assets had swelled by a whopping $1 trillion to $9 trillion in the past five months.

A key force driving the boom has been ultra-low interest rates. The Reserve Bank last year cut official rates to just 0.1 per cent and launched a suite of “unconventional” policies that slashed rates on fixed-rate loans in a bid to drive economic growth during the pandemic, which triggered the first recession in Australia in nearly three decades.

Since the RBA started cutting official interest rates in mid-2019, the average new mortgage to buy an established house in NSW has ballooned by 36 per cent to $775,000, and in Victoria it has jumped by a third to $634,000.

Van Deyk understands the concerns about growing indebtedness, but is concerned the move will make it harder for people in her situation to afford their first home at a time when the market has a shortage of available stock.

In the Melbourne suburb of Ringwood, another prospective first home buyer, 25-year-old Cazna King, is also disheartened by the change. She and her partner are not seeking to borrow the maximum amount, so are unlikely to be directly affected by this week’s tightening. Still, she feels the changes present another challenge for first home buyers to overcome, and she doesn’t think they’ll cool the red-hot market.

“I don’t think it will make a difference,” King says. “There’s not enough places on the market and there’s more buyer interest.”

These concerns of first home buyers are a sign of the inherent tensions and limitations in using lending curbs to take some heat out of the booming housing market.

In a boom driven by owner-occupiers, there is always a risk that intervening to cool the market will affect those within this group who are stretching themselves most – many of whom are first home buyers.

Yet at the same time, the whole purpose of regulatory tightening such as this – known as “macroprudential” policy – is to put the brakes on a market showing signs of overheating. Raising interest rates - the other weapon authorities could use to slow the boom - would damage other parts of the economy, and the RBA has said it does not expect to hike rates until 2024.

As a result, most experts think this is only the beginning of the regulator’s attempts to intervene in the housing market.

Banks have generally backed the move, and APRA says the changes are likely to have a larger effect on investors than owner-occupiers because investors tend to be more leveraged.

At an individual level, however, the new rules will affect anyone who is seeking to borrow to their limit – whether they are a first home buyer, an investor or someone who is refinancing.

RateCity’s research director Sally Tindall says the new rules are likely to send many buyers scrambling to figure out how much their bank will lend them. “The changes are designed to protect people from taking on risky levels of debt, however, it will hurt first home buyers who typically have smaller incomes and deposits,” Tindall says.

Banks have until the end of the month to change their assessment rates in line with APRA’s demands, and the industry will be closely watching what effect the changes have on property sales and new lending.

When APRA clamped down on lending to property investors and interest-only borrowers in late 2014 and 2017, it had big implications for the market, as banks responded by jacking up interest rates for these groups of customers.

Will this intervention also have far-reaching impacts on a market that was already showing some signs of slowing in recent months? Or will more action be needed?

APRA said the impact would be “modest”, and has stressed it is not trying to dictate house prices. But house prices are inextricably linked to housing debt, and bankers believe APRA is trying to engineer something of a gentle slowdown.

The dilemma APRA and the Reserve Bank face, however, is that a sharp fall in prices could quickly harm consumer confidence and damage the high-employing construction sector.

Property groups this week pleaded with APRA to tread carefully, and closely assess the impact of its changes before taking further action.

The Housing Industry Association warned the increase in interest rate buffers would make it even harder for first home buyers to enter the market, and pointed out banks’ bad loans were unusually low, suggesting households were managing their debts.

Velocity Trade analyst Brett Le Mesurier says rising fixed interest rates have already caused house price growth to slow in recent months, and the regulator’s “minor” intervention will add to this trend. He does not expect further action from APRA will be needed to dampen the market.

“I suspect the market is already starting to cool - I think it will just help,” Le Mesurier says.

In a note titled “Baby steps,” Macquarie analysts say there is a chance APRA’s intervention could have the desired effect, if it weakened buyer confidence and the pace of price growth.

For the most part, however, analysts and even some bankers suggest tougher measures would be needed down the track.

CBA chief executive Matt Comyn, who last month said he was “increasingly concerned” about rising house prices and housing debt, said APRA’s changes should take some heat out of the market, but signalled more tightening may be coming.

“We will implement the changes this month and expect that it may be necessary to consider additional steps as lockdowns end and consumer confidence increases,” Comyn said this week.

“House prices could well fall. Would that be a disaster? Everyone said around the royal commission we would see an absolute disaster when house prices fell. Did we see a disaster then?”

Jeffries analyst Brian Johnson

APRA’s changes are unlikely to have much effect on credit growth or bank profits, analysts say, even though the intervention caused bank share prices to dip, with Commonwealth Bank shares losing 2 per cent on Wednesday. But APRA’s move has sparked predictions that any further tightening could have a bigger impact on the mortgage and housing markets.

Jefferies analyst Brian Johnson says the measures announced this week are not a big change in themselves, but they are an indication of further curbs on the horizon. “This is the beginning of it,” he says.

Specifically, he is tipping future restrictions on new lending to customers borrowing a high multiple of their income, and restrictions on lending at high loan-to-value ratios. Figures last month showed more than one in five new loans were going to customers borrowing more than six times their income - a proportion that Johnson describes as “crazy high”.


Over the longer term, he says the cumulative effect of this week’s change and others to come could be to cause house prices to fall. But given the huge run-up property prices to date, and previous experience with housing dips such as the price falls of 2017 and 2018, he suggests a future fall in prices would not be a major problem.

“House prices could well fall. Would that be a disaster? Everyone said around the royal commission we would see an absolute disaster when house prices fell. Did we see a disaster then?” he says.

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