

This was published 3 years ago

The $500 billion money wave keeping mortgages cheap

By Clancy Yeates

As lockdowns inflict a growing financial toll on many households and businesses, there have been calls for the Reserve Bank of Australia to do more to support the economy.

But official interest rates are already at a record low of 0.1 per cent, so what more can the central bank realistically do? Print more money, of course.

The RBA’s $5 billion a week in bond buying is helping to keep financial conditions loose, and going to $4 billion a week next month won’t really change that.

The RBA’s $5 billion a week in bond buying is helping to keep financial conditions loose, and going to $4 billion a week next month won’t really change that.Credit: Louie Douvis

That is effectively what the RBA has been doing since November, when it started buying many billions of dollars worth of government bonds. So, the recent debate has been more about whether the bank should be creating even more money than it already is.

However, it’s fair to question how printing more cash would really help those people struggling through lockdowns.

So, how is the real economy meant to benefit from the RBA hoovering up government bonds? And will they need to ramp up these financial market programs in response to the latest COVID-19 outbreaks?

The RBA’s bond-buying, or “quantitative easing” (QE) to use the technical term, is a type of unconventional policy that central banks around the world use when they run out of interest-rate ammunition and cannot cut them any further.

In theory, QE should help to support businesses and consumers via changes in the financial markets and the banking system, which has found itself awash with hundreds of billions of dollars in new money, or liquidity.

Every time the RBA buys a government bond, it pays the seller – usually a bank – in electronic money, which the banks keep in special accounts lodged with the RBA. These accounts, known as exchange settlement accounts, currently pay the banks zero interest.

“It’s like a storage locker where they put the cash,” explains Andrew Murray, chief executive of Curve Securities.


The amount of cash in those lockers has been swelling dramatically in recent months to more than $370 billion, partly because of QE and partly because banks have drawn down on a separate near $200 billion in low-cost funding through an emergency COVID-19 induced RBA scheme that ended in June.

Curve’s analysis suggests surplus exchange settlement account balances could well hit $500 billion.

‘[Quantitive Easing] encourages the banks to be less stingy in their [loan] approval processes.’

Andrew Murray, chief executive of Curve Securities

So, what happens to all that cash once it goes into the banking system?

Even if just one bank lends money to a customer, the money pops up elsewhere in the banking system when the borrower uses the funds.

It leads to a situation where the banks, as a whole, have much more liquidity than they need and have far more incentive to compete – particularly for mortgages – to lend the money out at low interest rates, or with looser credit conditions attached.

“It encourages them to be less stingy in their approval processes,” says Murray.

On top of this, there are several other ways in which more QE could support the economy.

For one, it helps to lower the yields on government bonds, which are how governments borrow money to finance deficits. Lower bond yields also tend to drag down many other borrowing costs, such as interest rates on fixed-rate home loans.

As we are seeing in the property market and the sharemarket, lower borrowing costs also tend to lift asset prices – boosting the confidence of consumers, who feel richer.


And QE is also aimed at making the Aussie dollar lower, making it less attractive to foreigners.

To summarise: the RBA’s $5 billion a week in bond-buying helps to keep interest rates low for borrowers, and feeds into looser financial conditions across the economy.

The cental bank’s plan is to reduce its bond-buying to $4 billion a week from next month. This would be a fairly small move in the overall scheme of things. It wouldn’t change the fact that borrowing money looks likely to remain cheap for quite a while yet.

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