
Patched Mongol bikie member Shane Mulhall sentenced further for brutal attack on dog

A patched member of the Mongols motorbike gang has returned to court for his involvement in a horrific act of violence on a defenceless animal.

Patched member of the Darwin chapter of the Mongols outlaw motorcycle gang, Shane Mulhall. Picture: Supplied/Facebook
Patched member of the Darwin chapter of the Mongols outlaw motorcycle gang, Shane Mulhall. Picture: Supplied/Facebook

A bikie who was jailed for the brutal killing of a rival gang member’s girlfriend’s dog has had a previous sentence restored as a result of the crime.

Patched Mongols member Shane Mulhall appeared in Darwin Supreme Court on Thursday for breaching an order when the offending took place.

In 2020, Mulhall was sentenced to four years, with two suspended, for supplying a commercial quantity of methamphetamine as well as charges relating to making threats and trespassing.

The attack, the court heard in August, saw Mulhall and two others drive to the home of Hells Angels sergeant-at-arms Phil O’shea’s girlfriend, Skylie Monck, to “confront” the rival gang leader.

Once there, the group called out to “Phil” and after receiving no response, “ransacked” the main bedroom and carved the letters “MFFM” into the door — an acronym for “Mongols Forever, Forever Mongols”.

One of the trio then walked to the rear patio where he approached Ms Monck’s two dogs, King and Coco, and stabbed each of them to the shoulder with a knife.

When Ms Monck returned home, she found Coco “lying dead in a pool of her own blood”, while King survived the attack but required veterinary treatment for his injuries.

Mulhall was sentenced in Darwin Local Court in August to two years jail after pleading guilty.

Patched member of the Darwin chapter of the Mongols outlaw motorcycle gang, Shane Mulhall. Picture: Supplied/Facebook
Patched member of the Darwin chapter of the Mongols outlaw motorcycle gang, Shane Mulhall. Picture: Supplied/Facebook

On Thursday, Crown Prosecutor Abi Rajkumar said the offending, which took place in August this year, was a “serious breach” of the order in place at the time Mulhall was serving a suspended sentence.

She sought full restoration of the two-year sentence Mulhall faced at the time of the attack.

“We would be seeking full restoration given the serious nature of the breach given the multiple chances Mr Mulhall has been given on suspended sentences,” she said.

“There’s a clear pattern of criminal behaviour and escalation in that behaviour.

“The offending itself is obviously very confronting and concerning.

“His violent behaviour and violent offending has continued despite numerous occasions of imprisonment.”

Defence lawyer Matthew Hubber accepted his client’s breach but argued Mulhall’s involvement in the attack was “minimal”.

“It was not light offending as far as the reoffending goes,” Mr Hubber said.

“His role in the offending was minimal compared to the others. He was caught up in the joint purpose, joint criminal enterprise common purpose nature of the offence.

“He went to the house with other people, dogs were stabbed, not by Mr Mulhall, property damage was committed, not by Mr Mulhall.

“Not to say it wasn’t serious offending.”

Mr Hubber said Mulhall, who the court heard had previously been sentenced for drug use and supply, had “managed to get on top” of his drug use until the time of the attack.

“He was doing well by all reports until this offending,” Mr Hubber said.

Mr Hubber asked Justice Stephen Southwood to allow as much of the sentence as possible to be served concurrently.

“I encourage the court not to impose a sentence that would crush the man,” he said.

Justice Southwood restored the sentence in full, with six months served cumulatively with Mulhall’s existing sentence.

“I find the breach proven,” Justice Southwood said.

“This is a case which requires there to be full restoration. The offences committed by the offender were serious.”

Mulhall was sentenced two years with a non-parole period of 15 months.

He will be released in February 2024 if he serves the full sentence.

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