
Tramaine Dukes joins flood relief project to break down social barriers

Families evacuated from Halls Creek a month ago have returned home thanks to the ADF’s flood relief efforts. Here’s why one officer found the experience rewarding.

Operation Flood Assist 23-1 repatriates Indigenous communities

One of the first Indigenous liaison officers to join a large-scale natural disaster relief effort said she would never forget the smiles of those she helped.

NT-based Royal Australian Air Force Flight Lieutenant Tramaine Dukes helped repatriate Indigenous communities who were displaced by the Kimberley region’s recent floods.

Flight Lieutenant Dukes said many of the residents were often weary of “uniforms heading into towns” and her role was to break down barriers.

“Vital in times of crisis,” she said.

Royal Australian Air Force Indigenous Liaison Officer Flight Lieutenant Tremaine Dukes has been working with Indigenous communities in the Kimberley Region as part of Operation Flood Assist 2023-1. Picture: Kate Czerny
Royal Australian Air Force Indigenous Liaison Officer Flight Lieutenant Tremaine Dukes has been working with Indigenous communities in the Kimberley Region as part of Operation Flood Assist 2023-1. Picture: Kate Czerny

Flight Lieutenant Dukes said the most rewarding aspect of Operation Flood Assist 23-1 was meeting the “amazing people of Fitzroy Crossing“.

“Building those relationships by sitting under the tree on the oval and yarning, listening to their stories and being amazed at their resilience and high spirits will stay with me.

“When the floods have gone and the people and town are back on their feet we can reflect on their heart-warming welcome given to Defence.

“After a month dealing with disaster we have all made friends, we are all family.”

Flight Lieutenant Dukes said many of the displaced families had lived in their respective communities for generations.

She said some community members had never left their home “until now”.

“I’ll never forget the smiles on faces when I was sharing a flight to Halls Creek nor the circumstances that brought us together,” she said.

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