
Would you give way to a saltie?

WHY did the crocodile cross the road? Darwin’s Sami-Lea Rutledge still isn’t sure, but says the 4.5m long saltie she spotted certainly took his time doing it

Cahills Crossing croc roadblock
Cahills Crossing croc roadblock

WHY did the crocodile cross the road?

Darwin’s Sami-Lea Rutledge still isn’t sure, but says the 4.5m long saltie she spotted certainly took his time doing it.

Ms Rutledge took a video of the slow-moving crocodile at Cahills Crossing in Kakadu National Park last Wednesday.

Crocodiles block vehicle at Cahills crossing in Darwin

In the video, two large salties pull themselves up on the path and slowly cross the road.

One of them stops on the road and a patient driver has to wait about five minutes for the beast to move — even after driving right up to the croc.

“You could see in the video the car was going back and forth and they wouldn’t get off the road,” Ms Rutledge said.

“It was hilarious.

“There was probably about 10 people in total just watching.”

Ms Rutledge said she shot the video from the viewing platform, and could see about seven crocodiles lazing around the crossing.


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To his credit, Ms Rutledge said when the driver finally managed to get past, he was in good spirits.

“He waved and you could see he was laughing,” she said.

“There was another car too that just waited back patiently.”

Ms Rutledge said the saltie looked totally oblivious to all the fuss.

“He was just in his own world, everyone was just happy to give way to the crocodile,” she said.

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