Gupta’s woes spread to NSW as coal workers stood down
Workers at Tahmoor Coal in NSW have been stood down on full pay and production curtailed, as rumours swirl that Sanjeev Gupta’s debt worries have spread beyond Whyalla.
Workers at Tahmoor Coal in NSW have been stood down on full pay and production curtailed, as rumours swirl that Sanjeev Gupta’s debt worries have spread beyond Whyalla.
R.M. Williams is facing a legal stoush in its spiritual home of Adelaide with its former landlord taking it to court for about $200,000 in disputed rent and other costs.
Make-up ‘dupe’ phenomenon MCoBeauty has been sold, with founder Shelley Sullivan cashing out in a massive deal.
A mid-strength Shiraz for a younger audience? Tapping into emerging export markets? Australia’s wine industry is hunting solutions to steer the sector out of a crisis.
Woodside Energy says it’s too late to avoid an economically damaging gas shortfall in Victoria thanks to a decade of political opposition to the fossil fuel industry.
Sanjeev Gupta’s parting gift to South Australia should be gracefully finding a new owner for the Whyalla steelworks.
Private hospitals need a $450m leg up from the federal government to avoid an industry collapse while a sustainable model for the sector is devised, a peak lobby group says.
A $US100m debt package to help pay GFG Alliance’s creditors at Whyalla is yet to eventuate, while another company in Sanjeev Gupta’s empire has been hit by a $US53m court judgment.
Australia’s biggest glass maker is sitting on a debt pile worth more than half the company’s annual turnover, its administrators have revealed.
The famed motoring company has sold off a piece of Australian manufacturing history to a developer determined to revamp it with a $250m plan.
Australia’s only maker of architectural glass, Oceania Glass, has been placed in administration with 260 jobs on the line less than a year after warning China was dumping cheap products here.
Canada and Mexico are writing the playbook in real time over how to navigate Donald Trump’s trade threats.
One of the last vestiges of SA’s once mighty automotive sector is booking surging profits and targeting new markets, as its new leader looks to build on the ROH Wheels legacy.
BHP has awarded a $40m contract to progress the proposed expansion of its copper smelting and refinery facilities at the Olympic Dam operations in South Australia’s Far North.
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