‘I’ll slit your f***ing throat’: Parent threatens child in classroom
A parent has been filmed threatening to slit a 12-year-old’s throat at a private school in Adelaide’s northeastern suburbs, with police now investigating the shocking incident.
A parent has been filmed threatening to slit a 12-year-old’s throat at a private school in Adelaide’s northeastern suburbs, with police now investigating the shocking incident.
Police Commissioner Grant Stevens has announced a new youth and street gangs taskforce, as well as major boost in numbers to combat DV incidents, shoplifting, and cybercrime.
Parents have reacted to a violent incident at a troubled northern suburbs school, with a 15-year-old boy being questioned by police.
Australia’s only maker of architectural glass, Oceania Glass, has been placed in administration with 260 jobs on the line less than a year after warning China was dumping cheap products here.
Year 12 student Amy Wallace advocated for increased understanding of the benefits of AI in the classroom in her application for Teen parliament 2025. Apply here.
Bad public housing tenants will be hit with a new anti-social behaviour crackdown as the state’s biggest landlord moves to clean up taxpayer-funded homes.
A dramatic series of events unfolded at a service station in Adelaide’s west on Tuesday morning, with a driver reported for running over a man and a friend of the victim later arrested. Watch the footage.
The new Women’s and Children’s Hospital project finally has a new boss, with a stacked interstate resume, after the director quit last year.
Premier Peter Malinauskas says the government has “grave concern” about the financial challenges facing GFG Alliance in Whyalla and its ability to fund the steelworks’ future.
The Lord Mayor says surprise roadworks in Whitmore Square came without any warning and the council now has to pay staff to find all the damage….
A defenceless mum attacked in the doorway of her home by a former bikie says the violent thug could have killed her if he’d taken one more kick.
Adelaide’s Izzi Batt-Doyle has claimed her second Australian record within a year, beating Kerryn McCann’s half marathon record set more than 25 years ago.
The Lord Mayor has slammed South Australia’s main electricity distributor over works in the CBD, and the “swimming pool” sized hole it has left.
A much-loved Barossa Valley cellar door will close and another in McLaren Vale will follow as rising business costs and reduced consumer spending cripple the state’s wine sector.
Original URL: https://www.ntnews.com.au/news/south-australia