Going sane or insane we will still need gas
The federal government’s proposed gas-fired power plant is eminently sensible, unlike the rest of our energy aspirations.
The federal government’s proposed gas-fired power plant is eminently sensible, unlike the rest of our energy aspirations.
Wages growth over the year to the June quarter is going to approach 2 per cent, meaning it’s taken just one week after the budget for one of the key Treasury forecasts to blow up.
The International Energy Agency has gone completely troppo and should be retitled the International Fantasy Agency after the release of its roadmap for the world to reach Net Zero by 2050.
The Crown Resorts board has effectively embraced ‘The Big Merger’ with rival casino group Star Entertainment – but they want a higher price.
SO, the very much “inside the (Washington) beltway” chaps — non-gender specific — from the International Monetary Fund have some gratuitous advice for us “down under deplorables”, writes Terry McCrann.
MALCOLM Turnbull — and even more the “dead men (non-gender specific) walking” sitting on the backbenches behind him — has one last chance, writes Terry McCrann.
THE biggest lesson Australia can take from Donald Trump’s astonishing victory is it makes no sense to keep attacking the foundation of our entire economy, writes Terry McCrann.
THE plunge in our share market was absolutely understandable and indeed rational but also completely stupid, writes Terry McCrann.
FOR 50 years, the Reserve Bank had a clear choice — fight recession or fight inflation. Now it is far more complicated, says Terry McCrann.
THE government isn’t just changing the superannuation rules, it is completely up-ending the entire lifetime investment landscape for every Australian, writes Terry McCrann.
Two weeks ago Treasurer Scott Morrison personally rejected the bids from China and what might be called China-lite — Hong Kong — to buy control of the New South Wales power network, writes Terry McCrann.
THE Prime Minister’s bank probe plan is a combination of utter uselessness and dangerous offensiveness that only Malcolm Turnbull could possibly conceive, says Terry McCrann.
POLITICIANS’ travel and negative gearing deal is a rort that should have eneded years ago, writes Terry McCrann. So end it now.
IT’S going to be a long eight weeks of ever-escalating and ever-expanding spin and counter-spin, so let’s get the facts right on what the two sides are promising to do to superannuation, writes Terry McCrann.
Original URL: https://www.ntnews.com.au/business/terry-mccrann/page/156