
Malaysia may renew hunt for mysteriously vanished Flight MH370 ‘to provide truth to next-of-kin’

Malaysia has delivered a major MH370 update, after the doomed flight vanished over the Indian Ocean a decade ago.

‘Everything has failed’: MH370 urged not to be treated as ‘closed case’

Malaysia is considering reviving the hunt for flight MH370, which vanished over the Indian Ocean a decade ago, in collaboration with a US technology firm offering a unique payment scheme.

Malaysian Transport Minister Anthony Loke disclosed that Ocean Infinity, a Texas-based marine robotics firm, has been invited to present its findings on the possible location of the missing plane under a “no find, no fee” arrangement.

Mr Loke stated during a remembrance event commemorating the 10th anniversary of the disappearance: “The government is steadfast in our resolve to locate MH370.”

“We really hope the search can find the plane and provide truth to the next-of-kin,” he said.

Mr Loke said Malaysia would talk to Australia about co-operation in resuming the search once Malaysia’s cabinet approves Ocean Infinity’s proposal.

The Boeing 777 disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014, sparking global attention.

Despite satellite data indicating a deviation from its course and a presumed crash in the southern Indian Ocean, numerous extensive searches have yielded scant clues about its fate.

Ocean Infinity, one of the firms involved in previous searches, expressed its determination to continue the quest and proposed a renewed effort last year.

Satellite images show a map of a previously planned search area for missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370. Picture: AMSA/Getty Images
Satellite images show a map of a previously planned search area for missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370. Picture: AMSA/Getty Images

KS Nathan, a member of the Voice MH370 group comprising relatives of the missing passengers, revealed that Ocean Infinity had plans to resume the search earlier but faced delays due to the delivery of new ships and equipment.

Mr Loke indicated that the government was open to financing the search if Ocean Infinity could present convincing evidence. He emphasised that cost was not a barrier and anticipated no obstacles if the proposal gains approval.

Jacquita Gomes, whose husband was a flight attendant on MH370, expressed gratitude for the potential renewed search, saying: “I’m on top of the world. We have been on a roller coaster for the last 10 years.

“If it is not found, I hope that it will continue with another search,” she added.

The Malaysian government has not disclosed the proposed fee by Ocean Infinity upon finding the plane, citing ongoing negotiations.

Inside explosive MH370 claims 10 years on

For 10 years it has been the mystery that has left the world baffled.

On March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 departed Kuala Lumpur for Beijing.

But 38 minutes into its journey, at 1.20am, it lost contact with air traffic controllers over the South China Sea, The Sun reports.

The fate of the Boeing 777 and its 239 passengers and crew remains unknown.

French investigative journalist Florence de Changy has been probing the disappearance for a decade and is the author of an explosive book into the mystery.

The fate of MH370 still remains unknown as theories mount. Picture: Supplied
The fate of MH370 still remains unknown as theories mount. Picture: Supplied

She says: “It is shocking for the families.

“The official narrative has been so strongly imposed on them that they have no choice but to stick to that and the only thing they can ask for is to keep searching.

“They worry if they start to doubt the authorities, they will start to break talks with them.”

On Saturday, in an exclusive interview, Florence challenges key parts of the official version of events.

A family member of a passenger reacts to the aircraft’s disappearance in 2014. Picture: Visual China Group/Getty Images
A family member of a passenger reacts to the aircraft’s disappearance in 2014. Picture: Visual China Group/Getty Images
Florence de Changy is convinced the debris was either planted there or is unrelated. Picture: Elizabeth Leech/The Sun
Florence de Changy is convinced the debris was either planted there or is unrelated. Picture: Elizabeth Leech/The Sun

Flight Path: Key to the mystery

The official line is the plane was tracked by radar crossing Malaysia and vanished over the Andaman Sea.

Satellite analysis was said to have shown it U-turned and likely plummeted into the Southern Indian Ocean.

A potential crash site was identified 1500 miles (2414km) south west of Australia.

The search there was the most expensive in aviation history.

Yet, apart from disputed pieces of debris, there was no trace of the plane.

MH370 flight path and last known contact. Picture: The Sun
MH370 flight path and last known contact. Picture: The Sun

Florence found evidence from Vietnamese air traffic control and intelligence sources that suggest the plane met its fate at around 2.45am north of Vietnam – two minutes after a mayday saying the cabin was disintegrating.

She said: “I am surer than ever there was no crash in the Southern Indian Ocean.

“The plane continued to fly until 2.40am.”

Debris: Was it planned?

Investigators said the first debris found, on July 29, 2015, was a section from the right wing called a flaperon. It was on a beach on Reunion Island, a French territory near Mauritius, around 3500 miles (5632km) from Malaysia.

But Florence said: “There are good reasons not to believe it is from MH370.

“First, they never even established the provenance of the flaperon. This is shocking.

“Secondly, they said the flaperon suffered two consecutive shocks, which does not fit a crash in the ocean.

A piece of debris identified from missing Malaysia Airlines plane MH370 was found on the French Indian Ocean island of La Reunion. Picture: AFP/Yannick Pitou
A piece of debris identified from missing Malaysia Airlines plane MH370 was found on the French Indian Ocean island of La Reunion. Picture: AFP/Yannick Pitou

“Also, that piece of broken composite material is not meant to float.

“But in the fiercest ocean on the planet it must have travelled up to ten miles a day in a straight line over 500 days to reach Reunion.

“Plus, it lost its ID plate, which is an enormous red flag. I am certain it was planted or is unrelated.”

The Captain: Suspect or innocent?

Suspicion initially fell on captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 52, who was branded a troubled man with a chaotic love life. The Malaysian Prime Minister at the time even hinted Zaharie may be behind a murder-suicide plot.

But Florence says: “An important aspect I think is that the captain is innocent.

YouTube tribute of Malaysian Airlines pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah posted by his family. Picture: Supplied
YouTube tribute of Malaysian Airlines pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah posted by his family. Picture: Supplied

“He has been at the centre of many accusations and smear campaigns.

“I have spoken to people who knew him and saw confidential police reports about him and I am convinced he was a good man and had nothing to do with the fate of the plane.”

Cargo: Was it a cover?

According to the cargo manifest, 4.5 tons of fresh mangosteens, a tropical fruit, were on board, as well as 2.5 tons of small electrical items. But Florence said: “The mangosteens made no sense. It was not the right season, it was a ridiculous amount.

“Then I found they were on every MH370 flight for the next month.

“The largest hub for illegal trade between Africa and China is Kuala Lumpur airport.

“Mangosteens could be a cover for all sorts of things, including rhino horns or elephant tusks.”

Malaysia Transport Minister Anthony Loke (centre) holds a piece of debris believed to be from Malaysian Airlines flight MH370. Picture: Mohd Rasfan/AFP
Malaysia Transport Minister Anthony Loke (centre) holds a piece of debris believed to be from Malaysian Airlines flight MH370. Picture: Mohd Rasfan/AFP
Sir Tim Clark President said the flight’s disappearance raised suspicion. Picture: Supplied
Sir Tim Clark President said the flight’s disappearance raised suspicion. Picture: Supplied

She said of the electrical items: “The official report said this cargo was not X-rayed. This is a big problem.”

Florence thinks the load could have forced an emergency landing, adding: “I believe there was a cargo confiscation operation. If you’re surrounded by military planes, you follow orders.”

Air chief: Was expert silenced?

At the time of the tragedy, Sir Tim Clark, the British president of Emirates airline, said almost every other missing flight in history had been “at least five or ten per cent traceable” and that MH370’s disappearance raised “a degree of suspicion”.

Florence claimed the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, which led the initial search, asked him to stop commenting.

She said: “He had the largest fleet of those planes and said he did not believe they had lost one. Months later he was silenced.”

Sir Tim said in an interview she was right about him being silenced.

— with The Sun and the New York Post

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