
Family who lost three children on MH17 get question through to the White House

FOUR years after their three children were killed by a Russian missile, these grieving parents have questioned how the culprits will be held to account.

Julie Bishop calls on US to not excuse Russia's bad behaviour

THE bereaved parents of Otis, Evie and Mo Maslin, who were killed when a Russian missile hit the Malaysian Airlines plane they were on, have questioned US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on how the country will be held accountable.

Speaking at a press conference at the conclusion of the annual Australia-US Ministerial (AUSMIN) talks, Mr Pompeo offered his condolences to Perth parents Anthony Maslin and Rin Norris.

Seven News reporter Ashlee Mullany used her question to speak for the heartbroken parents, reminding him of the “irrefutable facts” surrounding the MH17 explosion.

Mullany reminded Mr Pompeo that the Perth couple’s three children were “murdered on flight MH17 along with their grandfather along with 294 other innocent people”.

Of the 294 people killed when MH17 was shot down over Ukraine by a Russian missile, 38 Australians were killed.

Rin and Anthony lost their three children Otis (8), Evie (10), and Mo (12) when MH17 was shot down in 2014.
Rin and Anthony lost their three children Otis (8), Evie (10), and Mo (12) when MH17 was shot down in 2014.

“This is a question on their behalf, in their words: ‘That the plane was hit by a Russian missile has been proven to be an irrefutable fact’,” Mullany said.

“That this killed our three beautiful children and their grandfather, and destroyed our life and many other lives is an irrefutable fact.”

When Mullany asked the Secretary of State “will the United States, our friend and ally, help Australia hold Russia to account”, a stone-faced Mr Pompeo immediately offered his condolences.

“It is indeed a tragedy. The United States has already been a great partner for the Netherlands and Australia in trying to identify who shot down this plane,” he said. “We need the Russians to continue to be held to account for that.”

The apparent-improved relationship between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin has worried the families still mourning those they lost on MH17.

Despite that, Mr Pompeo said the victims’ families will continue to have support from America.

“We take this matter seriously and we committed over these last two days as we have for the last months to continue to support every effort through the joint investigative team to hold the perpetrators of this heinous activity accountable.

“You have America’s support in that and will continue to do so.”

Earlier this month, Mr Maslin took to Facebook with a scathing post, condemning President Trump for refusing to hold President Putin to account.

Posting about the “irrefutable facts” surrounding the MH17 downing, Mr Maslin slammed the US President for “arse kissing”.

“That the man whose arse you’ve just been kissing did this, and continues to lie about it, is an irrefutable fact.”

Mr Maslin said that it’s “not anger that I feel towards the two of you, its something much, much worse. It’s pity”.

“You have no empathy for your fellow man, and you clearly have no idea what love is. So you have nothing.”

It’s been more than four years since MH17 was shot out of the sky with Australia’s foreign minister Julie Bishop vowing to continue to seek justice for the families.

“We remain resolute in pursuing accountability and seeking justice for the victims and their loved ones,” she said.

Ms Bishop, who recently met with the Australian Federal Police for a briefing on the investigation, said more than 450 AFP have been involved since the tragedy.

The flight was on its way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur when pro-Russian rebels fighting Ukrainians brought it down near Donetsk on July 17, 2014, using Russian weaponry.

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