

****EMBARGO***UNTIL SUNDAY 13TH OCTOBER********* Job ID RAM0910201401. Thursday 9th October 2014. Northern Iraq. Two heavily armed Royal Australian Air Force F/A18F Super Hornets and one RAAF KC-30A Refueler flew the Australian Air Task Groups 4th combat mission over northern Iraq. The F/A18 jets were re-fueled several times by the RAAF KC-30A during their patrol in designated air space. The F/A18s were loaded with GPS-guided munitions, laser-precision guided munitions, sidewinder heat-seeking missiles, radar-seeking missiles and a 20mm cannon. Pic By Gary Ramage in the Middle East

Inside our ISIS mission base

THIS is where Australia’s Defence Forces are preparing for war in Iraq – and Super Hornet jets are fully loaded with laser-guided missiles ready to be fired.

Job ID RAM0710201401. A demonstration of what the ADF personnel will face when they enter Iraq. A person wearing a suicide vest, packed with explosive devices, dressed as a local. The idea behind the demonstration is to the show the deploying ADF personnel of how hard it is to spot a potential threat. Pic by Gary Ramage.

How to detect a suicide bomber

THIS is how Australian Defence Forces learn how to detect a suicide bomber in training – there’s a bang and a boot flies 50m skywards, and hits the ground shredded.

The crew of a Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18F Super Hornet on the taxiway prior to their first combat mission in Iraq. *** Local Caption *** Two Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) F/A-18F Super Hornets departed Australia’s main base in the Middle East to conduct their first combat mission in Iraq on Sunday, October 05, 2014. The aircraft were equipped with a 20mm cannon, GPS-guided munitions, laser-guided munitions, sidewinder heat-seeking missiles and radar-guided missiles. Supporting this mission and other Coalition aircraft was a RAAF E-7A Wedgetail Early Warning and Control aircraft and a KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport aircraft which are assigned to the Australian Air Task Group (ATG). The ATG comprises nearly 400 RAAF personnel who have deployed to the Middle East. Australia’s efforts are in response to a request for assistance by the Iraqi Government in combating ISIL terrorists.

Top Guns loaded with firepower

THESE are some of the bombs Australia has in store for the Islamic State scourge, which air force technicians have secured to our fighter jets before they strike.

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