

As it happened: Apple launch

As it happened: Apple launch

WHILE you were sleeping Apple CEO Tim Cook took to the stage in the US to shake up the tech industry once again. Here’s how it all went down.

LinkedIn now on iPhone email

LinkedIn now on iPhone email

TIME to get your LinkedIn profile up to date. The professional network just added a new feature that allows users to access the service through their iPhone email app.

Apple’s iPad event in a nutshell

Apple’s iPad event in a nutshell

APPLE has announced two new iPads, a MacBook computer, a MacPro desktop computer, a new operating system and new software. Here’s everything you need to know about the new products.

Apple’s future floating on Air

Apple’s future floating on Air

REVIEW: Pick up the lighter, faster, thinner iPad Air and the feeling is the reassurance of meeting a familiar face rather than the excitement of an encounter with someone new.

Tablet wars – which one should you get?

Tablet wars – which one should you get?

THE battleground has been set. It’s all out war in the tablet space. Apple, Nokia and Microsoft are releasing new tablets this week which is good news for you. But who will reign supreme?

Solar Flare

You owe your telco a huge apology

AFTER all those times you cursed your telco for dropped calls and outages, it may be the sun that was to blame for it all.  Researchers find massive solar flares are taking out entire mobile phone networks.

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