Airports are a chronic disease waiting to happen, unless we demand healthier options
IF THERE’S one place you shouldn’t eat if you want to lose weight, it’s the airport. Apparently, they’re a ‘chronic disease waiting to happen’.
AIRPORTS are a chronic disease waiting to happen.
The first part of a holiday can be more stressful than your standard day at work. Culling your luggage so its only slightly over limit, racing to the airport with sweaty palms while cussing the whole way. You’re praying that the silly hat you’re wearing takes the check-in staff’s eyes away from the excess luggage sign lighting up. You look for something half healthy to eat and end up scoffing a club sandwich with enough bread to feed a lake full of ducks.
Our holidays start with such pace but as soon as we land we usually notice something has slowed down. Its not moving at all … It’s called you digestive system. Your bowels have put the break on after a mixture of crap food at the airport, excess sugar and salt in the plane food you ate out of boredom and the fact you have sat for the last however many hours.
If you want to hit the ground running and get the most out of your holiday here are 5 tips that may just save your holiday, and your life!
1. Hydrate
Aim to drink 1 litre of water per 25kg of body weight per day as standard practice. When flying you can easily add another litre. Do your best to avoid excess salt and preservatives you find in most prepackaged foods either on or before your flight.
2. Pack your own snacks
I find the best thing to nibble on and keep me going satisfied is a natural seed and nut mix (not salted). Maybe throw a few raisins and some carob in there but don’t overload on sugar. A few pieces of fruit, carrot/celery sticks with hummus along with a few bits of dark chocolate (70%) should do the trick.
3. Pick the right food at the airport
Most is pre-packaged or pre-prepared. Airport food is generally ‘fast food’ so unfortunately most people either slap a tiny bit of something slightly nutritious between 2 slabs of bowel clogging bread, or better still, they deep fry it some hydrogenated oil.
Try and stick to some sort of protein (fish/meat/poultry/tofu) the size of your palm, salad or veg enough to fill to open hands and 3 fingers worth of healthy fats. You really get enough carbs from your salad and veg. Lets face it, you’re not going to be running a marathon on the plane. You will feel so much better when not clogged up with excess carbs and the passengers will thank you for it too.
4. Walk around!
Airports are massive. Use them and clock up a few laps if you have time to kill. You’ll have plenty of time on your bum on the plane. Packing your carry on lightly or having 4 wheels can be a lifesaver as you don’t feel like you’re dragging your life behind you through the airport. Also, avoid the travelators. There’s always someone who stops on them anyway so they inevitably slow you down and you miss out on getting your legs moving.
5. Make sure you visit the bathroom before you fly
Does this really need any explanation?
I wish everyone safe and happy travels as I sit in the airport after the 24 hour delay of my flight. I’ve just graduated to an expert in the field … ha!
Dr Tim Robards is a Chiropractor and exercise scientist (B. Med. Sc, M. Chiro) and regular columnist. His observations and research into what people really need to live a healthy life and thrive in their environment has lead him to develop The Robards Method. You can follow Tim on Instagram and Twitter.