
Family unrecognisable after fitness shred

The McGillivray family ditched the takeaway dinners to embark on a dramatic lifestyle change — and the results are absolutely incredible.

How much exercise burns off a treat?

A family who lost over 38kg between them say that people no longer recognise them following their staggering weight-loss program.

The McGillivrays ditched pub visits and takeaways in favour of family gym sessions — with staggering results.

Sue, 51, Roy, 56, and sons Ben, 24, and Simon, 28, joined the gym together to embark on a whole family body transformation. They are now sporing gym-honed bodies in just six months.

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The McGillivray family lost a combined 38kg after taking up a gruelling fitness regimen
The McGillivray family lost a combined 38kg after taking up a gruelling fitness regimen

The UK family previously dined on a diet of bacon and egg butties, boozy meals out and fat-laden takeaways.

But they ditched their calorie-laden treats for healthy meals and gym sessions with Up Fitness as well as family activity outings that upped their daily step counts.

In six months Sue has lost 22.2kg, Roy 12.7kg, and Ben and Simon have lost 6kg between them as well as built muscle.

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Sue has lost 22.2kg and says that people no longer recognise her.
Sue has lost 22.2kg and says that people no longer recognise her.
Dad Roy has shed 12.7kg kilos after ditching his egg and bacon butties
Dad Roy has shed 12.7kg kilos after ditching his egg and bacon butties

Sue’s decision to lose weight came because of a history of family diabetes, and she was concerned that she would meet the same fate if she continued as she was.

She told the Mirror: “After the death of my mum, because it was related to diabetes, it was really important to get myself sorted and not go down that same track.”

And after joining the Ultimate Performance Gym in Manchester, Sue began to see results almost immediately.

Simon underwent a significant physical transformation.
Simon underwent a significant physical transformation.
Ben got seriously ripped in just nine weeks.
Ben got seriously ripped in just nine weeks.

She continued: “Being overweight made me feel that I had lost myself. I felt like a big person had eaten a small person. I started noticing results within two weeks.”

And her husband and two sons were eager to join her, taking up a gruelling exercise routine devised by trainer Anthony Paulhe.

Sue says she has lost so much weight that people now fail to recognise her.

And Ben and Simon say their mum is enjoying life to the full because of her transformation and it has “rubbed off” on the entire family.

This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission

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