Clean and Lean Summer Body Plan. Week 2: Sleep yourself slim
IN THE second week of the Clean and Lean Summer Body Plan, personal trainer to the stars James Duigan explains how to sleep and stretch your way to a leaner, stronger body.
A GOOD night's sleep is one of the key ingredients to a healthy life, and it is also an essential component of burning fat and losing weight.
Sleep is the time your body uses to recover and recharge.
One of the best feelings in the world is to wake up refreshed after a good night's rest.
Make sure you don't run yourself into the ground.
Rest and recovery are just as important as good food and exercise. So sleep well and sweet dreams.
Week 2 exercise program
Perform each exercise one after the other with 45 seconds rest between exercises. This is one circuit.
At the end of the circuit rest for one minute and repeat the circuit 2- 3 more times.
Lying Hamstring Stretch 10 repetitions each side
Hip Extension 10-12 repetitions
Single Leg Hip Extension 10 each side
The Skinny Stretch 10-15 seconds
Lying Hamstring Stretch 10 repetitions each side
Hip Extension 10-12 repetitions
Single Leg Hip Extension 10 each side
The Skinny Stretch 10-15 seconds
Lying Hamstring Stretch 10 repetitions each side
Hip Extension 10-12 repetitions
Single Leg Hip Extension 10 each side
The Skinny Stretch 10-15 seconds
Lying Hamstring Stretch 10 repetitions each side
Hip Extension 10-12 repetitions
Single Leg Hip Extension 10 each side
The Skinny Stretch 10-15 seconds
How do to each exercise
Lying Hamstring Stretch
What it does
This exercise is great for loosening up tight hamstrings. By alternating the foot position, it allows all the different areas of the muscle to be stretched.
How to do it
1. Start by lying on your back. Place your hands behind your bent knee, then slowly lift your leg ensuring that it remains straight and your toes are pointing towards your head. The other leg should remain straight and in contact with the floor at all times, to ensure your hips stay flat.
2. Once you feel a stretch in the hamstring, hold for 3-5 seconds.
3. After the first sequence is complete, slowly turn the toe out and hold for 3-5 seconds. Then turn the toe in and switch legs.
4. If you feel pain in your lower back roll a towel and place it under your lower back for support.
Hip Extension
What it does
This one is great for your bottom and lower back.
How to do it
1. Lying on back with knees bent and heels on the ground and your toes pointing up.
2. Lift your hips off the ground, not letting your bottom touch the ground on the way down.
TIP: place a Bodyism mini band around your legs just above your knees for added resistance!
Single leg hip extension
What it does
This one is also great for your bottom and lower back - a slightly more advanced version of a standard hip extension.
How to do it
Start position:
1. Lying on back with knees bent and heels on the ground and your toes pointing up.
2. Lift your hips off the ground, and hold at the top.
The movement:
2. With your hips lifted (your body should be in a straight line with the floor), raise one knee up and lower it.
3. Repeat the same thing with the other knee lifted.
The Skinny Stretch
What it does
This is a great exercise to help trim the waist and stretch your hips, bottom, thighs and back.
How to do it
1. Start off seated with the front leg bent at 90 degrees and back leg at 90 degrees.
2. Keeping your chest up, gently lean forwards, keeping a curve in your lower back.
3. You should feel a stretch in your hips and bottom.
4. Lean back and feel a stretch through the front of your thigh.
5. Raising your arm will increase the stretch and lengthen the muscle.
6. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds, then move out of the stretch and repeat for required repetitions.
Get more helpful tips from James at or buy his best-selling book Clean & Lean Diet, now available on Kindle.
Share your results from the Clean and Lean Summer Body Plan in the comments below and continue the conversation on Twitter @jamesduigan | @newscomauHQ