

Results at Melbourne’s most expensive private schools slipping

In the battle of Melbourne’s exclusive private schools, who really comes out on top? See how they stack up in our searchable database.

Caulfield Grammar’s Year 9 NAPLAN results dropped by 14 between 2017 and 2022. Picture: Luis Enrique Ascui
Caulfield Grammar’s Year 9 NAPLAN results dropped by 14 between 2017 and 2022. Picture: Luis Enrique Ascui

NAPLAN scores at some of Melbourne’s most expensive private schools are slipping, with some dropping by up to 14 points.

The Herald Sun has compiled a list of NAPLAN results from 2017 and 2022 from Victoria’s most exclusive high schools.

The figures were taken from the federal government’s MySchool website and are based on average Year 9 results.

Caulfield Grammar dropped by 14 points from 627 in 2017 to 613 in 2022 – one of the biggest decreases for a top private school in Victoria.

The school charges more than $35,000 in fees for a Year 9 student.

Elite private girl schools Lauriston, Mentone Girls’ Grammar and Loreto Mandeville Hall all dropped by around 10 points.

Independent boys’ schools Brighton Grammar, St Kevin’s College, Xavier College and Scotch College also decreased by 10, 9, 6 and 3 points respectively.

Brighton Grammar and Xavier charge just under $35,000 in tuition for a Year 9 student, Scotch charges $38,280 and St Kevin’s charges $22,300.

Oakleigh Grammar made one of the biggest improvements on NAPLAN results, jumping 27 points over the six years.

The school charges less than half of other private schools in the area – $11,580 in fees for a Year 9 student.

Tintern Grammar in Ringwood East also increased by 22 points and Camberwell Grammar School by 16.

The two top secondary school 2022 NAPLAN scorers Fintona Girls’ School and Presbyterian Ladies’ College made significant improvements, increasing by 17 and 15 points respectively.

In regional Victoria, Goulburn Valley Grammar in Shepparton declined by 13 points while Geelong Grammar School increased by 5 points.

Oakleigh Grammar principal Mark Robertson said he was “immensely proud” of the academic progress at the school.

Oakleigh Grammar made one of the biggest improvements on NAPLAN results. Picture: Supplied
Oakleigh Grammar made one of the biggest improvements on NAPLAN results. Picture: Supplied

“Analysing assessment data and developing strategies which promote growth in student academic performance has been crucial to our success,” Mr Robertson said.

“We have exceptional educators who are dedicated not only to their students, but also their profession.”

Tintern Grammar principal Brad Fry said the school does not place emphasis on individual student NAPLAN scores.

“We feel there is much more value in tracking cohort improvement in scores over the two-year intervals between testing cycles for each year group,” Mr Fry said.

“When these are looked at across a whole year level, it gives us good feedback on our teaching and the consequent student learning.”

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