
Former teacher Locksley Christy pleads guilty to grooming a child under 16

In a flurry of messages, former Western Port Secondary College teacher Locksley Christy told a female student he wanted to smack her buttocks when she was bending over at school.

Western Port Secondary College in Hastings.
Western Port Secondary College in Hastings.

A former high school PE teacher is facing jail after admitting grooming a student by sending her sexually suggestive photos and messages online.

Locksley Christy, 27, at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Monday pleaded guilty to grooming a child under 16 after he struck up an inappropriate relationship with a 14-year-old student at Western Port Secondary College in Hastings.

Christy began messaging the girl after she liked one of his posts on Instagram, telling her she was “gorgeous” and he wanted to have sex with her when she turned 18.

He also sent her suggestive photos of his covered crotch and told her he wanted to smack her buttocks when was bending over at school.

The girl responded with sexually suggestive photos.

Over a four-month period the pair regularly deleted messages and blocked one another on social media to remain undetected.

After his arrest Christy told police he knew the girl was underage but she was wearing more clothes than what people wore to the beach in the photos she sent him.

He also said he didn’t think the images he sent were “openly” explicit but there were sexual overtones.

In a victim impact statement read to the court, the girl said she no longer felt safe around men, struggled to hold a job and had been diagnosed with mental health issues including depression and anxiety.

“I now have intrusive thoughts even about the males in my life ... I question all the time whether I’m safe,” she said.

“I always think they have dark thoughts about me.”

She also said she felt guilty for “ruining” Christy’s career and hurting his family.

Christy’s lawyer Jim McGarvie said his client was struggling at the time of the offending as his wife and young son battled health issues.

The lawyer also said there was no physical contact between the pair which lessened the gravity of Christy’s crimes.

A psychologist found the former teacher was an eccentric and socially awkward person who felt isolated from society.

Christy had his bail extended and will return to Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on November 28 for sentence.

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