
Celebrities join The Dad’s Alliance, a new parenting campaign for Aussie fathers

A national campaign backed by several high-profile dads is urging the government to fund more paternity leave, cheaper childcare and perinatal support for fathers.

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For Brunswick dad Simeon Buckley, 12 weeks of paid paternity leave would enable him to care for his three-year-old son while helping his wife adjust to life with their soon-to-arrive newborn baby.

The passionate father’s second child is due “any day now” and while he’s excited for the journey ahead, in another six weeks he is expected to return to work.

Mr Buckley said he was fortunate to receive two weeks paternity leave from the government and an additional four weeks from his employer for his second child, but said this “wasn’t enough”.

“That bond a parent develops with a child is really important and you have to be present,” Mr Buckley said.

“Supporting your partner in those first few months after the birth to settle in the home and the routines, it’s really critical.”

Simeon Buckley said more paternity leave could help him look after his three-year-old son Otso while his wife takes care of their soon-to-arrive newborn. Picture: Josie Hayden
Simeon Buckley said more paternity leave could help him look after his three-year-old son Otso while his wife takes care of their soon-to-arrive newborn. Picture: Josie Hayden

The 35-year-old took a year off work to help raise his son Otso and to provide his wife with the opportunity to return to work, noting it was the “best year of (his) life”.

Mr Buckley said he felt very privileged to have had the opportunity to spend more time with his son – an experience he said more fathers should be entitled to.

It’s for reasons like this, the Minderoo Foundation’s Thrive by Five campaign teamed up with a group of high-profile fathers to launch The Dad’s Alliance.

Red Wiggle Simon Pryce, Melbourne Football Club forward Tom MacDonald and Bluey voice actor David McCormack are among several celebrity dads calling on the government for reforms to parental entitlements to give more fathers the opportunity to get involved in their child’s life like Mr Buckley.

Organisations such as the Fathering Project, Movember and Playgroup Victoria are also backing the cause which demanded 12 weeks of federally-funded paid paternal or non-birthing parents’ leave – that won’t affect maternity leave – and a national strategy to support fathers to become active parents.

Red Wiggle Simon Pryce – who is a father to three-year-old son Asher – is backing the Dad’s Alliance. Photo: Tim Pascoe
Red Wiggle Simon Pryce – who is a father to three-year-old son Asher – is backing the Dad’s Alliance. Photo: Tim Pascoe

Thrive by five director and father-of-two Jay Weatherill said children are best set up for success when they’re exposed to “enduring and warm family connections”, both at home and through early learning.

“Dads want to be a part of this, and support their kids to thrive,” he said.

“Current systems enforce a narrative that this responsibility lies with mothers. But this message is mistaken and it needs to change.”

For state, territory and federal governments to understand the needs of fathers, the group established its Dad’s Alliance Action Plan – a five-point plan that outlines key pillars where fathers need support.

In addition to the 12 weeks paid paternity leave, the action plan called on the government to entice more men to work as teachers by offering more education opportunities and attractive pay packages.

It also called for a national strategy to support parents to take an equal share of parenting, more affordable and accessible childcare and investment in tailored perinatal education support during the first five years of a child’s life.

Comedian Hamish Blake is one celebrity dad who is backing the Minderoo Foundation's The Dad's Alliance. Picture: Supplied
Comedian Hamish Blake is one celebrity dad who is backing the Minderoo Foundation's The Dad's Alliance. Picture: Supplied
#IndigenousDads advocate Joel Bayliss is also a member of The Dad’s Alliance. Picture: Supplied
#IndigenousDads advocate Joel Bayliss is also a member of The Dad’s Alliance. Picture: Supplied

Red Wiggle and first-time dad Simon Pryce is one famous Aussie father who joined The Dad’s Alliance in hope of achieving cheaper childcare and expenses associated with parenting for other families.

“The pressures of living are enough without everything else on top of it – you’ve got that moment of grace, where you can just sit back and breathe and enjoy that time together as a family,” he said.

Melbourne Football Club’s Tom MacDonald is also part of the group after having two toddlers.

“I’m pleased to support this initiative for better policy, to give all fathers more time and guidance connecting early with their child and delivering accessible early learning care for all Aussie kids,” he said.

Mr Buckley welcomed the action plan and said it not only benefits fathers and their children, but promotes female empowerment for mothers.

“(My family) spent a year in Finland and if you go to the park midweek during business hours, the majority of people in the park were dads because they’re empowered to take time off work to be with their children,” he said.

“You don’t see that here in Australia.”

The Dad’s Alliance hopes to change that.

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