Early EducationAn early learning provider is tackling growing waitlists and helping parents who work on weekends by offering free Saturday kinder sessions.
Full ListEarly EducationNew kindergartens will be built at 20 primary and secondary schools across Victoria in a move to scrap the dreaded double drop off. See where.
EducationDoes your kid’s childcare centre meet national quality standards? More than 230 facilities across the state fail to do so. Search our comprehensive database to see how every centre rates.
INTERACTIVEEducationParents are paying hefty fees and registering for daycare before their children are even born, but experts say there are better ways to avoid the queue. See where childcare is in high demand.
EXCLUSIVEEarly EducationThe federal government’s Early Years Learning Framework has been criticised for “indoctrinating infants and toddlers to radical social justice theory”.
FULL LISTEarly EducationParents are choosing to pay tens of thousands of dollars a year to send their children to private kinders instead of free government ones. See what Victoria’s most exclusive kinders are costing parents.
Early EducationChildren’s brain development and imagination can greatly benefit from interactive games with their parents, new research by two Victorian universities has found.
ExclusiveEarly EducationA peak community body has warned added pressure will be put on the state’s childcare sector if the government doesn’t supply more funding to occasional care services.
Early EducationDevastated parents are desperately rushing to find alternative arrangements for their children after Prahran Place Occasional Childcare announced it was closing.
Your SayNationalRelief is on the way for Aussie parents with changes planned to childcare fees and paid parental leave. See how they affect you.