Detective Florence confirmed that Mr Lynn listed his box trailer, which he said carried the bodies of the dead couple, for sale on Gumtree 10 days after the alleged murders.
On that same day, April 1, 2020, he also listed a Jayco Hawk Outback camper and an antique child's bed.
The officer was asked about a photo depicting an awning on Mr Lynn's 4WD when he drove through a camera the morning after the couple's deaths.
Then, 20 months later, the jury was shown CCTV taken outside Mr Lynn's home, on November 19 and 20, 2021.
The accused killer could be seen walking off camera, between what appeared to be his driveway and the front of his house.
In one shot, Mr Lynn was pictured carrying a long item over his shoulder.
"That's the accused with the awning," Detective Florence said, confirming the awning had been removed from the car.
Mr Lynn could then be seen walking back towards his home with a tea cup in hand.
He was arrested by police days after that footage was taken, on November 22, 2021, while camping at Arbuckle.
The jury has been given a short break.