
Deadline: Hollywood star trashed posh Toorak rental

One Hollywood star was lucky to exit Melbourne with his public profile intact after leaving a grotesque trail of destruction in a posh Toorak rental.

One Hollywood star was lucky to get out of Melbourne with his reputation.
One Hollywood star was lucky to get out of Melbourne with his reputation.

Andrew Rule and Mark Buttler with their weekly dose of scallywag scuttlebutt.

Dirty deeds, not dirt cheap

We’ve seen a lot lately about celebrities doing untold damage to their images.

It brought to mind the case of a big Hollywood star who came to film in Melbourne years ago and left a lasting impression, but managed to nick off out of town with his public profile intact.

He was put up in a huge house with eye-watering rental costs in one of the poshest streets in Toorak.

The alarm bells should have been sounding as soon as he covered the windows with black plastic.

A later inspection by real estate agents found beds fouled with human waste and soiled undies in a bin in the kitchen.

No wonder the critics call our antihero “wildly flamboyant” and say he is attracted to grotesque characters.

Needless to add, there were extensive indications of drug consumption during his stay south of the Yarra. He probably calls it method acting.

Pamela Rose Jenkin faced charges of murder in 1993 but was later acquitted.
Pamela Rose Jenkin faced charges of murder in 1993 but was later acquitted.

It’s good night, nurse

It’s a case of ashes to ashes and dust to dust for the nurse described by the unforgiving people of Charters Towers in Queensland as “the angel of death”.

Her name was Pamela Rose Jenkin and she has just been laid to rest in the same cemetery where, many believe, she consigned quite a few of her patients a little quicker than nature, or the law, intended.

What appeared to be an unusual pattern of deaths came to a head in March 1990, when a whistleblower blew the Acme Thunderer and Nurse Jenkin was arrested and charged with the murder of a terminally-ill patient who had been in her care at Charters Towers Hospital.

Two months later, a body was exhumed in the local cemetery and Nurse was charged with that death as well, but that charge was dropped for lack of evidence. Four other bodies were eventually exhumed but charges were not successfully prosecuted. In the end, “the angel of death” walked.

Locals remained bitterly divided over the case, much as Hobart locals are over the rights and wrongs of the conviction of Sue Neill-Fraser for the presumed murder of her partner Bob Chappell in 2009.

Pamela Rose Jenkin outside court.
Pamela Rose Jenkin outside court.

One problem for Nurse Jenkin was that the whistleblower, Kathleen Chandler, wasn’t just any old gossipy tattletale. She was variously the wife, daughter-in-law and mother of three Queensland Police officers and when she put two and two together and got six grave suspicions, people in uniform took notice.

Deadline is not aware which particular drug Nurse Jenkin allegedly used to overdose terminally ill patients, but the betting is it was an opioid in the morphine family. Therefore we can call her Sister Morphine.

After 32 years, there are still those who swear Sister Morphine got away with murder. There are those who say she had no case to answer at all.

In the middle are those who think she was just doing her bit to help suffering, terminally-ill people die with dignity.

Sister Morphine got to 73 years of age, and was a mother, grandmother and great grandmother when she joined her patients in the dead centre of Charters Towers last month.

Dog eat dog: Mongols v mongrels

As internal Mongol bikie warfare heats up, one faction is claiming that some others are “running with dogs.”

That’s their way of alleging that some club members or their associates are fraternising with prosecution witnesses.

While that claim has not been verified, Deadline was happy to take the tip and invest a couple of shekels on Outlaw Ethics at Richmond greyhounds last week, on the basis that the dog was running with other dogs.

Sadly, Outlaw Ethics ran second.

There must be an omen in there somewhere but it didn’t do another bikie type much good.

Former Bandido Ricky Chapman’s lucky streak ran out last week when he died after “a medical episode” at Rio Tinto’s port at Cape Lambert in the Pilbara in northern WA.

Former Bandido Ricky Chapman died last week. Picture: Adam Head
Former Bandido Ricky Chapman died last week. Picture: Adam Head

Chapman was the heavily tattooed man wounded by a bullet when he made the tactical error of sitting behind former Rebels boss Nick Martin on the night the latter was killed by a sniper at the Perth Motorplex in late 2020.

The alleged sniper, of course, turned out not to be a member of Mensa but a gun-happy ex-Army geezer apparently so fond of the alleged murder weapon that he kept around the house in suburban Perth, where it was waiting for delighted homicide detectives to find it.

This time around, there were no suspicious circumstances.

An ambulance was called for Chapman just after 10pm last Wednesday night but he was dead on arrival.

It is possible that not all bodybuilding supplements are good for internal organs.

From bronze to gold

This one is straight from the Deadline myth-or-fact archives.

A source with a long memory suggests a top AFL footballer once “bronzed-up” in the Geelong police station cells where he had been lodged in a most untidy condition.

Bronzing-up, as explained by the respected Urban Dictionary, is the act of smearing one’s body with excrement, usually as an act of protest or hostility while in custody.

Thankfully, our man went on to a long and fruitful career in other colours. Mum’s the word about his identity — but that’s not a clue. It’s definitely not Mummy.

Maybe that’s why some people called him the Suntan Kid.

Most people would treasure a Mercedes — not this rocket scientist from Newport.
Most people would treasure a Mercedes — not this rocket scientist from Newport.

A bad case of the Benz

A Mercedes Benz was once a vehicle to be treasured. Not nowadays, it seems.

A young Newport rocket scientist took his late-model Merc for a spin at a Tullamarine “burnout” meeting with a crew of fellow petrolheads a little while ago.

Einstein junior thrashed the car so hard that it eventually blew up and caught fire.

To add insult to idiocy, he was later arrested as part of an investigation by the hoon-busting operation Achilles.

The 22-year-old will face Melbourne Magistrates’ Court next month on charges of reckless conduct endangering serious injury, dangerous driving, careless driving, improper use of a motor vehicle, causing unnecessary noise and smoke, failing to carry a probationary licence, failing to display P-plates and committing an indictable offence while on bail.

All signs of a genius at work.

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